Issue - meetings

Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender

Meeting: 02/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9.)

9. Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender pdf icon PDF 427 KB

Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender

Executive Summary

The Council's lease of the Hickling public toilets is currently due to end in 2071, with the Council being liable for operational costs at this property until the end of the lease.


The proposed mutual surrender of the lease relinquishes the Council's rights and liabilities granted by the lease along with its operational costs for the duration of the lease term.


It is understood that the Landlord intends to continue the operation of the facilities for use by the public following the surrender of the lease.


It is recommended that the Cabinet approve the lease surrender for the Hickling public toilets and delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to negotiate the terms of the surrender.


Options considered


The following options have been considered:


  1. Surrendering the Council’s lease of the public toilet facilities – Recommended.


  1. Continuing operation of the public toilet facilities – Not Recommended.


  1. Closing the public toilet facilities but not surrendering the lease – Not Recommended.




Alun Lane - Corporate Health & Safety Officer

Russell Tanner - Assets and Property Programme Manager

Landlord - Norfolk Wildlife Trust




Resolution for Cabinet to approve:


  • To surrender the Council’s lease of the public toilet at Hickling Staithe


  • Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree terms and associated costs relating to the lease surrender.


Reasons for recommendations


  • To reduce the Councils financial and property management liabilities.


Background papers




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services

Contact Officer

Milo Creasey – Trainee Estates Surveyor


Renata Garfoot - Asset Strategy Manager






Cabinet approveed:

·       To surrender the Council’s lease of the public toilet at Hickling Staithe

·       Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree terms and associated costs relating to the lease surrender.