Committee structure

Full Council

Full Council


North Norfolk District Council holds Full Council Meetings in the evenings. The meetings, held in the Cromer Council Offices are open to the public and start at 6pm. This is a meeting of all 40 councillors and considers policy matters that affects the wider District and approves the annual Budget and Council Tax. It is also the political arena for elected members and an opportunity to debate motions and opposition business.


The meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


If you wish to speak at this meeting, please email by 5pm on the Monday before the meeting with a copy of your statement.


Employment & Appeals Committee


The Employment & Appeals Committee deals with matters concerning the appointment, discipline and grievances of Chief Officers. It reports direct to Full Council. Due to the nature of the matters considered by this committee, its meetings are held in private and are not open to the public.




Executive (Cabinet)

The Cabinet is an executive committee of senior councillors from the majority group. Cabinet makes decisions on matters across the range of Council activities. It is where preliminary debates about budget and policy matters are had and key decisions are taken. The Cabinet meets monthly on Mondays at 10am.


If you wish to speak at this meeting, please email by 10am on the Thursday before the meeting with a copy of your statement. If you are unable to attend in person, the Chairman can read out your question or statement.


Committee meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel which can be accessed here:






The Overview & Scrutiny Committee acts as a ‘check and balance’ to Cabinet. It looks in detail at the Council's efficiency, economy and effectiveness, to ensure the Council continuously improves the work it does. The Scrutiny Committee can also undertake detailed investigations into the way services are provided and managed, and how taxpayers' money is spent.


Meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


If you wish to speak at this meeting, please email by 10am on the Monday before the meeting with a copy of your statement. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, the Chairman can read out your statement on your behalf.





The Licensing Committees consists of 15 elected Members. The 15 Member main Committees are responsible for policy issues regarding licensing. Licensing Sub-Committees consider licensing applications that are controversial or where members of the public have objected to the granting of a licence. Licensing Sub-Committees are formed of a panel of 3 Committee Members.

If you wish to speak at a meeting of either of the Licensing Committee’s, please email by 5pm on the Thursday before the meeting with a copy of your statement.  Alternatively, the Chairman can read out your statement.



The main Committee meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


The Development Committee is responsible for deciding planning and listed building applications, and matters relating to tree, hedgerow and conservation. A total of 14 councillors sit on the Development Committee.


Public Speaking: If you wish to speak on applications you must register by 9 am on the Tuesday before the meeting by telephoning Customer Services on 01263 513811 or by emailing


Please read the information on the procedure for public speaking at Development Committee -


The meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


Anyone may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and report on the meeting. You must inform the Chairman if you wish to do so and must not disrupt the meeting. If you are a member of the public and you wish to speak, please be aware that you may be filmed or photographed.


Presentations: If you wish to view the Officers’ presentations for the applications being considered by the Committee, please go to the Library (on the side bar of the Committee page) and then ‘presentations’.



The meeting of the Governance, Risk & Audit Committee scheduled for 9th June has been cancelled due to the upcoming election. The next meeting will be held on 9th July.


The Governance Risk and Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Council's governance structure, independently reviewing the council's financial and risk management and for ensuring internal controls are adequate for council services.


The meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


If you wish to speak at this meeting, please email by 2pm on the Friday before the meeting with a copy of your statement. If you cannot attend the meeting in person, the Chairman can read out your statement.




The Standards Committee exists to ensure that Councillors maintain a high standard of conduct, and to arrange training to help them do so. The Committee will investigate reports of breaches of standards, and take action if necessary.


The meetings are live-streamed on the Council’s e-democracy YouTube channel:


If you wish to speak at this meeting, please email by 5pm on the Friday before the meeting with a copy of your statement. If you wish to attend the meeting in person, please notify us as soon as possible so we can ensure compliance with social distancing requirements. Alternatively, the Chairman can read out your statement.



Public Forums

The Council hosts a number of public forums including the Coastal Forum, North Norfolk Youth Council, Domestic Abuse Forum, and the Town & Parish Council Engagement Forum. Details and contact information of each forum can be found here. 


NNDC Town & Parish Council Engagement Forum


This Forum meets quarterly via Zoom and is aimed at improving and facilitating constructive discussion between NNDC and its 121 parishes. All clerks and parish councillors are encouraged to attend. Updates will be provided on matters of interest relating to the District Council – particularly where they impact or involve the parishes. Cabinet members and senior officers regularly attend to provide information on their portfolios and service areas. Suggestions for agenda items are welcomed.