10. Housing Allocations Scheme Proposals 2024 PDF 565 KB
Housing Allocations Scheme proposals 2024
Executive Summary |
NNDC is responsible for assessing and addressing housing need in the District. The Council’s Allocation Schemes sets out the rules, criteria and procedures that determine how we allocate affordable homes to households in North Norfolk. The current Allocations Scheme has broadly been in place for over 14 years and now requires review to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that there is a consistent and fair approach for our Registered Provider (RP) partners to letting homes to meet the greatest housing needs. Following consultation with partner RPs a draft new Allocations Scheme was produced. Customers and other stakeholders were consulted on the draft new policy and their views are included in this report. Implementing any major changes to our allocations policy would require significant IT changes and work for the Housing Options team. An implementation plan will need to be developed to introduce the new policy in the most cost effective and least disruptive way possible. |
Options considered
The Allocations Scheme is a statutory policy of the Council which must be relevant and effective, not providing an up-to-date Allocations Scheme in line with current legislation is not an option Options for implementation of any new Allocations Scheme will need to consider the impact on staff, budgets and customers to ensure effective delivery of change |
Consultation(s) |
RP partners Customers of “Your Choice Your Home” Partner organisations / advice agencies NNDC Councillors Town & Parish Councils Staff across housing / housing related teams |
It is recommended that Cabinet:
Reasons for recommendations
To ensure the Council has an effective Allocations Scheme in place – a statutory policy of the Council |
Background papers
Report to Cabinet 15th April 2024 - Housing Allocations Policy 2024 |
Wards affected |
Districtwide |
Cabinet member(s) |
Cllr Fredericks, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Peoples’ Services |
Contact Officer |
Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager, nicky.debbage@north-norfolk.gov.uk |
Housing Allocations Scheme proposals 2024
· Agreed the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A
· Gave delegated authority to officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Peoples’ Services, for the implementation of the revised allocation scheme over the next 18-months within allocated service budgets.