Issue - meetings

Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-26

Meeting: 20/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 10.)

10. Council Tax Support Scheme 2025-26 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Council Tax Support Scheme: Final scheme for working age people for 2025/26


Executive Summary

NNDC operates a scheme which reduces the council tax bills of eligible working age people on low incomes known as the Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme. NNDC is free to decide the rules for its own CTS schemes for working-age people in our area, taking into account certain government requirements. There are national regulations for a CTS Scheme for customers who have reached pension age. This report only refers to NNDC’s CTS Scheme for working-age people.


NNDC’s CTS Scheme is reviewed annually, and the rules can only be amended from the start of a financial year. The initial stages of the setting the Council’s 2025/26 budget identified a £1.8m deficit.


Services were asked to consider where savings could be realised, and the annual review of the CTS scheme presented an opportunity to potentially achieve some savings. A working party was formed to review proposals to the CTS scheme for 2025/26. 


The working party came up with a revised scheme and agreed to go to consult the public about the proposed changes. The public consultation ran from 24th October 2024 to 24th November 2024. A total of 96 responses were received and the results are summarised at Appendix D.


No further changes are proposed to the draft scheme following the consultation.

Options considered


The working party were presented with the proposed changes to the CTS scheme.


The draft scheme is largely a continuation of the 2024/25 CTS scheme for working-age people. The proposed changes align the scheme with Universal Credit, to simplify the process of claiming, and to bring efficiencies in the administration of these CTS claims.


A summary of the scheme rules is included in the report to the working party and is included at D.


The CTS Scheme rules will also continue to reflect any relevant welfare benefit changes made to the working-age Housing Benefit scheme or Pension Age CTS scheme.


The CTS regulations state that the Council must consult our major preceptors, then draft a CTS Scheme to go to public consultation.


Norfolk County Council (NCC) and Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) were consulted. NCC have confirmed they agree with the proposed changes.  We did not receive a response from the PCC.


The public consultation ran for four weeks from 24th October 2024 to 24th November 2024. A total of 96 surveys were completed, an increase of 80% compared to the consultation run in 2021.


The full results of the survey, including all the comments, are included in the CTS Consultation Evaluation which is shown at Appendix E. This report should be read in conjunction with the evaluation.


The responses show that most people agreed with the proposed changes.



Cabinet is asked to note the consultation responses and to recommend to full Council that the CTS scheme for 2025/26 is implemented as the final working-age CTS Scheme for 2025/26. This must be agreed by full  ...  view the full agenda text for item 10.

Additional documents:



RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council:


That the proposed Council Tax Support scheme (CTS) for 2025/26 is implemented as the final working-age CTS Scheme for 2025/26.


Reason for the decision:


To ensure a CTS scheme for working-age people for 2025/26 is agreed by full Council by 19th February 2025