Issue - meetings

Options regarding a property

Meeting: 07/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 14.)

14. Options regarding a property pdf icon PDF 124 KB





Options considered:

To consider all options regarding a property owned by the Council.



Two further key options were considered:

1)    A freehold disposal, however this would have resulted in a lost opportunity to provide temporary accommodation locally.

2)    Further development of the property, however this had risks around planning and financial viability.




This proposal would help to deliver the objective of “Local Homes for Local Need” and the council’s statutory duty to provide accommodation for homeless households.


A small financial yield would be generated from retaining the property, refurbishing and letting it as temporary accommodation alongside on going savings by not placing families in to more costly accommodation and meet its housing obligations.


Officers recommended that a capital budget and allocation of existing funding to be provided to delivery this proposal.











Reasons for



It is recommended that Cabinet:

1)    Support the proposal to retain and refurbish the property

2)    To utilise the property for temporary accommodation

3)    To allocate the funding as described in the exempt Appendix for the project


To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.



Cabinet Member(s)

Councillor Greg Hayman and Councillor Andrew Brown

Ward(s) affected


Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Renata Garfoot Asset Strategy Manager, Tel: 01263 516086


Additional documents:





1)    To support the proposal to retain and refurbish the property

2)    To utilise the property for temporary accommodation

3)    To allocate the funding as described in the exempt Appendix for the project


Reasons for the decision:


To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000