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No. | Item |
Apologies were received from Committee Member, Cllr A Varley, and from the local Member for Holt Ward, Cllr G Perry-Warnes.
SUBSTITUTES Minutes: None arranged.
To approve as a correct record the Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 18th November 2021. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS (a) To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.
(b) To consider any objections received to applications which the Head of Planning was authorised to determine at a previous meeting. Minutes: None received.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. Members are requested to refer to the attached guidance and flowchart. Minutes: Cllr A Fitch-Tillett declared an interest with relation to Agenda Item 8, Planning Application PF/21/2263. As the local ward Member for Northrepps, Cllr A Fitch-Tillett had indicated her support for application and advised she would abstain from voting on this matter.
Minutes: The DMTL introduced the report to Members and reiterated the officer’s recommendation for refusal of the application located within AONB for reasons outlined in the report. The DMTL noted the revised response from Norfolk County Council (NCC) Highways Department, from no objection to objection, which had been received retrospective to the publication of the Agenda Pack. NCC Highways cited concerns that access via Craft Lane would be inadequate to serve the proposed development by reason of its poor alignment, restricted width, lack of passing provision, restricted visibility at adjacent road junctions and lack of pedestrian facilities.
Public Speakers
Alistair Mackay – Chairman, Northrepps Parish Council Jeremy Youngman (Supporting) Amber Slater (Supporting)
Questions and Discussion
i. The Local Member – Cllr A Fitch-Tillett affirmed her support for the application. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett referenced two letters, the first from NNDC dated 5 April 1982 permitting development for camping at Shrublands Farm. The second, a letter of support from the licensee of the Foundry Arms in Northrepps, commending the investment and diversification of businesses to attract tourists in the backdrop of financial difficulties associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett stated that discussion should focus on the application only, and questioned the references made to adjacent land also owned by the applicant. The local Member commented that Craft Lane, whilst narrow, was in use as part of the Bus Route to North Walsham and that the applicant was prepared to install a footpath on land they owned to connect with footpaths owned by County Council in centre of Northrepps village. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett noted her understanding that the application was a change from camping, which had been permitted for 30 years, to site of glamping pods rather than a new development. Cllr A Fitch-Tillett stated that diversification was vital for the farming community, and referred to DEFRA’s recommendation for farms to diversify, in part, due to the phased withdrawal of EU Basic Payment Scheme subsidies.
ii. Cllr G Mancini-Boyle stated his support for the application in that he did not believe that the inclusion for 4 glamping pods to be a substantial change to the site. Additionally, that farmers should be applauded for diversification of business and in helping to grow the economy during difficult financial times.
iii. Cllr P Heinrich noted concerns that maintaining access for Campsite Licence (CL) albeit with restrictions to campervans and caravans, in addition to possible use of the adjacent site located to the north, created potential for intensification of use. He added that the glamping pods would also serve as permanent structures within the AONB.
iv. Cllr R Kershaw asserted his support the diversification of farming as recommended by DEFRA, and noted the difficulties within the hospitality sector during Covid-19 pandemic. Cllr R Kershaw spoke in favour of the application and noted that he was familiar with the site which was located within a hollow. He added that the instillation of glamping pods would reduce volume of caravans using Craft Lane, would not contribute to light ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
Minutes: The SPO introduced the report to members and reiterated recommendation for refusal with respect to NCC Highways objection located on P.22 of the Agenda Pack.
Public Speakers Stephen Roberts (Supporting)
Questions and Discussion
(a) New Appeals (b) Inquiries and Hearings – Progress (c) Written Representations Appeals – In Hand (d) Appeal Decisions (e) Court Cases – Progress and Results Minutes:
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary:-
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |