Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 5th February, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices. View directions

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 08 January 2024.


The minutes of the meeting of Cabinet held on 8th January 2024 were agreed as a correct record.


Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


None received.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart)


None received.


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972




Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any


The Chairman advised members that they could ask questions as matters arose.


Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee

The following recommendations were made to Cabinet by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 24th January 2024:


Agenda Item 9: Draft Revenue Budget 2024/25




A) Council’s budget monitoring to include the expected level income streams within the Council budget should be reported in future to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and


(B) the Director of Resources be requested to produce at the start of the new financial year a timetable that sets out the key events as the budget is developed throughout the year such as which committee meetings it will be reported to and periods of public consultation.


Agenda item 11: Corporate Peer Review Draft Action Plan


(A) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agrees that the Peer Review Action Plan be presented to Cabinet for agreement and adoption.

(B) a report be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following the Local Government’s Association revisit to the Council on the progress that had been on the changes proposed within the Action Plan.




RESOLVED to support the following recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee:


Agenda Item 9: Draft Revenue Budget 2024/25


A) Council’s budget monitoring to include the expected level income streams within the Council budget should be reported in future to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and


(B) the Director of Resources be requested to produce at the start of the new financial year a timetable that sets out the key events as the budget is developed throughout the year such as which committee meetings it will be reported to and periods of public consultation.


Agenda item 11: Corporate Peer Review Draft Action Plan


(A) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agrees that the Peer Review Action Plan be presented to Cabinet for agreement and adoption.

(B) a report be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following the Local Government’s Association revisit to the Council on the progress that had been on the changes proposed within the Action Plan.



The Chairman said that Cabinet accepted the recommendations made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 24th January.


RESOLVED to support the following recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee:


Agenda Item 9: Draft Revenue Budget 2024/25


A) Council’s budget monitoring to include the expected level income streams within the Council budget should be reported in future to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and


(B) the Director of Resources be requested to produce at the start of the new financial year a timetable that sets out the key events as the budget is developed throughout the year such as which committee meetings it will be reported to and periods of public consultation.


Agenda item 11: Corporate Peer Review Draft Action Plan

(A) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agrees that the Peer Review Action Plan be presented to Cabinet for agreement and adoption.

(B) a report be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee following the Local Government’s Association revisit to the Council on the progress that had been on the changes proposed within the Action Plan.



Recommendations from Licensing Committee pdf icon PDF 221 KB

The following recommendation was made by the Licensing Committee (Regulatory) to Cabinet at the meeting on Monday 22nd January:


To recommend that Cabinet agrees to increase the current Hackney Carriage fare charges by 15%, subject to successful statutory consultation.


Please note that the appendices to the report can be accessed via the Licensing Committee Agenda for 22nd January.





To AGREE to increase the current Hackney Carriage fare charges by 15%, subject to successful statutory consultation.




The Chairman said that the Licensing Committee (Regulatory) had made a recommendation to Cabinet regarding an increase in Hackney Carriage fare charges. Hackney Carriage Fares (maximum chargeable) are set by the District Council under a provision made in Local Government Misc. Provision Act 1976. The Council had

been requested by the taxi trade to review these maximum fares. Consultation had taken place with representatives from the North Norfolk taxi trade. Further public consultation, via the local press would occur if the recommendations were accepted.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr P Heinrich and




To AGREE to increase the current Hackney Carriage fare charges by 15%, subject to successful statutory consultation.




Draft Revenue Budget 2024-2025 pdf icon PDF 759 KB

Executive Summary

This report presents the latest iteration of the budget for 2024/25. It is intended to present the position as we currently know it and it will need to be updated as more information becomes available e.g. the impact of the final  Local Government Finance Settlement for 2024/25.

Options considered.


No other options have been considered as it is a requirement to calculate “the expenditure which the authority estimates it will incur in the forthcoming year in performing its functions” and then subtract “the sums which it estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund”. This is required to set a balanced budget before 11 March 2024.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee have reviewed the content and have made recommendations to Cabinet for its consideration. This is the only consultation that has taken place prior to this paper being presented to Cabinet. Consultation with other stakeholders is planned to take place, e.g. Council Taxpayers and Business Rates payers, the results of which will be incorporated into the report being presented to full Council on 21 Feb 2024.




That Cabinet consider any recommendations made by Overview and Scrutiny.

That Cabinet consider the list of proposed savings, the use of reserves and the setting of a savings target and decide on the combination to include in the Budget for 2024/25 so that a balanced budget can be recommended to full Council.

That Cabinet agree to use of any additional funding announced as part of the final Local Government Settlement announcement to replace the use of reserves.

That Cabinet decide which proposed new capital bids should be recommended to full Council for inclusion in the Capital Programme.


Reasons for recommendations


To enable the Council to set a balanced budget.

Background papers


2023/24 Budget report presented to full Council on 22 February 2023.

2024/25 Budget Report presented to Cabinet on 8 January 2024



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Tina Stankley

Director of Resources and s151 Officer


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Strong Responsible & Accountable Council.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The setting of a balanced budget for 2024/25 provides the base position for reviewing the following years of the Medium-Term Finance Plan.

Council Policies & Strategies

Budget Setting & Medium-Term Finance Strategy.



Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied


Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter



Additional documents:





1.    To consider the list of proposed savings, the use of reserves and the settings of a savings target and decide on the combination to include in the Budget for 2024/25 so that a balanced budget can be recommended to Full Council

2.    To agree to the use of any additional funding announced as part of the final Local Government Settlement to re[place the use of reserves.

3.    To decide which proposed new capital bids should be recommended to Full Council for inclusion in the Capital programme.


Reason for the decision:

To enable the Council to set a balanced budget.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr L Shires, introduced this item. She referred to Appendix F, Capital Bids and said that this was not the final list and would be assessed prior to the start of the next financial year.


The DFR said that the final Local Government Financial Settlement (LGFS) announcement was still awaited. A 1% estimated increase in funding was included in the projections and the report to Full Council would include the final figure.


Cllr C Cushing referred to page 23 and £250k of savings yet to be identified. He asked for more information on this and if the Portfolio Holder could provide an update on the progress being made with these additional savings, when members would know what they were and whether they would be impacted by the anticipated 1% allocated by the LGFS. Cllr Shires replied that they would not be impacted by the 1%, she said that the £250k savings included lots of good proposals from officers which warranted further investigation and once these had been fully assessed, she was confident that the additional savings could be found. The Chairman added that there were implications and consequences for some of the proposed savings that needed to be fully explored. He added that the pressures on local government were unprecedented, particularly with the impact of inflation and temporary housing costs.


Cllr N Dixon sought clarification as to whether the recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (agenda item 7) had been accepted by Cabinet. The Chairman confirmed that they had.


It was proposed by Cllr L Shires, seconded by Cllr T Adams and




1.     To consider the list of proposed savings, the use of reserves and the settings of a savings target and decide on the combination to include in the Budget for 2024/25 so that a balanced budget can be recommended to Full Council

2.     To agree to the use of any additional funding announced as part of the final Local Government Settlement to re[place the use of reserves.

3.     To decide which proposed new capital bids should be recommended to Full Council for inclusion in the Capital programme.


Reason for the decision:

To enable the Council to set a balanced budget.


Treasury Management Strategy 2024 - 2025 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Executive Summary

This report sets out the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for the year 2024/25. It sets out details of the Council’s Treasury Management activities and presents a strategy for the prudent investment of the Council’s resources. It also sets out the Council’s approach to the deployment of capital resources in meeting the Council’s overall aims and objectives.  


Options considered


No other options considered. It is a requirement that the Treasury Management Strategy report must be approved by full Council each year in advance of the new financial year to ensure the Council is compliant with the CIPFA Treasury Management, CIPFA Prudential Codes and guidance issued by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC).



Cabinet Member

Section 151 Officer


This report has been prepared with the assistance of Link Treasury Services, the Council’s Treasury Management advisors.




To recommend to full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 is approved.


Reasons for recommendations


Approval by Full Council demonstrates compliance with the Prudential Codes to ensure;


·         A flexible investment strategy enabling the Council to respond to changing market conditions.

·         Ensure compliance with CIPFA and DHLUC guidance.

·         Confirming capital resources available for delivery of the Council’s capital programme.


It is a requirement that any proposed changes to the prudential indicators are approved by Full Council.


Background papers


The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24.


CIPFA Prudential Code (Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).


CIPFA Prudential Code (Capital Finance in Local Authorities: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

James Moore


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

This report is required to ensure that the Council can demonstrate it is in a sound financial position and able to deliver the projects in the Capital Programme which support the Corporate Plan Objectives. 

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

This report supports the MTFS in confirming adequate financing is in place for the Council to operate its regular functions alongside delivering the Council’s Capital Programme.

Council Policies & Strategies



Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Not an exempt item.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter



Additional documents:





To recommend to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 is approved.


Reason for the decision:


Approval by Full Council demonstrates compliance with the Prudential Codes to ensure;


·         A flexible investment strategy enabling the Council to respond to changing market conditions.

·         Ensure compliance with CIPFA and DHLUC guidance.

·         Confirming capital resources available for delivery of the Council’s capital programme.


It is a requirement that any proposed changes to the prudential indicators are approved by Full Council.



The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Cllr Shires introduced this item. She said that it was coming through to Cabinet later than anticipated, due to Overview & Scrutiny Committee requesting training for members before scrutinising it. She said that this had now taken place and Overview & Scrutiny Committee had recommended its approval.


It was proposed by Cllr L Shires, seconded by Cllr T Adams and



To recommend to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25 is approved.


Reason for the decision:


Approval by Full Council demonstrates compliance with the Prudential Codes to ensure;


·       A flexible investment strategy enabling the Council to respond to changing market conditions.

·       Ensure compliance with CIPFA and DHLUC guidance.

·       Confirming capital resources available for delivery of the Council’s capital programme.


It is a requirement that any proposed changes to the prudential indicators are approved by Full Council.




Executive Summary

The District Council is required to develop an Action Plan in response to recommendations made through the recent Corporate Peer Challenge of the authority.  This draft Action Plan seeks to meet this requirement.


Options considered


This report and the Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan details the Council’s proposed response to recommendations made within the Peer Challenge Report.  Development of the draft Action Plan has involved consideration of potential options / actions in response to the recommendations made.



Preparation of the draft Action Plan in response to the recommendations made in the Corporate Peer Challenge report has involved consultation with Corporate Leadership Team, Management Team and the Leader of the Council.


This report and the draft Action Plan has been presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment as an item of pre-scrutiny business before presentation of the Action Plan for agreement by Cabinet





Cabinet is invited to comment on the draft Action Plan and then agree for adoption.


Reasons for recommendations


To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved and to support the Council is its future development, learning and continuous improvement.


Background papers


LGA Corporate Peer Challenge report conducted 12th – 15th September 2023



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Tim Adams, Leader of the Council

Contact Officer

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive


Tel:- 01263 516232


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

Theme:- A Strong, Responsible & Accountable Council


Objective:- We will ensure the Council maintains a financially sound position, seeking to make best use of its assets and staff resources, effective partnership working and maximising the opportunities of external funding and income.




We will:-


1.            Produce an Action Plan in response to the recommendations made by the recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge by end December 2023 and thereafter deliver the Action Plan objectives over the period to June 2025.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

There are a number of comments made within the Corporate Peer Challenge which seek to support and strengthen the Council’s MTFS and strategic financial position given the changing context of local government finances and, as appropriate, these are responded to through the Action Plan

Council Policies & Strategies

All – the Corporate Peer Challenge process promotes sector-led improvement and is intended to support the Council in its objectives in the provision of quality services which meet the needs of the district’s residents, communities, businesses and visitors and of our ambitions around continuous improvement


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Yes – there is no private or confidential information to be considered by this report.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter




Additional documents:





To agree to adopt the NNDC Corporate Peer Challenge Draft Action Plan.


Reason for the decision:

To ensure that the objectives of the Council are achieved and to support the Council in its future development, learning and continuous improvement.


The Chairman said that officers and members had been pleased with the recent LGA Corporate Peer Review. The report provided a response to the recommendations set out in the Peer Review, with proposed actions.  He added that it had been presented to Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration.


Cllr N Dixon reiterated the recommendation from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee – ‘that a report be submitted to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee following the LGA’s revisit to the Council on the progress that had been made on the changes proposed within the Action Plan’.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr W Fredericks and




To agree to adopt the NNDC Corporate Peer Challenge Draft Action Plan.


Reason for the decision:

To ensure that the objectives of the Council are achieved and to support the Council in its future development, learning and continuous improvement.


Cabbell Park, Cromer pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Executive Summary

Cabbell Park is situated on Mill Road in Cromer and was previously the home of Cromer Town Football Club.


Ownership of Cabbell Park was taken on by NNDC in 2015, with a section at the front of the site sold to make way for a new medical practice. The capital sum from this sale (approx. £360k) is held for the purpose of providing/improving football facilities in the town.


Cromer Youth Football Club (CYFC) have for many years been seeking a home for their club. Since the late 80s they have been playing matches at various satellite sites across the district, including Fearns Field, Northrepps, Southrepps, Bodham, East Runton and more.


A project is currently underway to build a 3G football facility on the adjacent Academy/Sports Centre site, for which the youth football club are a partner club.


It is proposed that Cabbell Park could become the home of CYFC.


Options considered


  1. The necessary improvements are made, and additional facilities added, to Cabbell Park to enable CYFC to lease the ground and have a home for all of their football operations. The car parking area would be leased to the NHS from 6am-6pm Monday to Friday.
  2. Do not follow option one and investigate further options for the site.



This proposal has been loosely discussed with CYFC, Norfolk FA, The Local Member and senior officers prior to the report being brought forward.




  1. That Cabinet supports in principle the necessary improvements and provision of additional facilities to Cabbell Park to enable Cromer Youth Football Club to lease the ground and have a home for all of their football operations.
  2. Officers are instructed to undertake further work to develop the scope of improvements, design of additional facilities and appropriate permissions and costings and present these in a paper to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.


Reasons for recommendations


This is the first time in 30 years that a tangible option exists to provide a home for CYFC, a solution which will also maximise the use of Cabbell Park. A permanent home in Cromer for the club would enable them to grow and secure football in the town for a number of years to come. Football clubs for many are the heart of the community and this is an opportunity to bring this back to the town.


Background papers





Wards affected

Cromer Town & Suffield Park

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Liz Withington

Contact Officer

Colin Brown, Leisure and Locality Services Manager


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

Developing our Communities

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The proposal as a whole could generate a small amount of additional income

Council Policies & Strategies

List here which existing council policies and strategies the proposals are linked to


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied


Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter







  1. To support in principle the necessary improvements and provision of additional facilities to Cabbell Park to enable Cromer Youth Football Club to lease the ground and have a home for all of their football operations.
  2. To instruct officers to undertake further work to develop the scope of improvements, design of additional facilities and appropriate permissions and costings and present these in a paper to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.


Reason for the decision:


This is the first time in 30 years that a tangible option exists to provide a home for CYFC, a solution which will also maximise the use of Cabbell Park. A permanent home in Cromer for the club would enable them to grow and secure football in the town for a number of years to come. Football clubs for many are the heart of the community and this is an opportunity to bring this back to the town.



The Chairman introduced this item. He explained that ownership of Cabbell Park (previously home to Cromer Town Football Club) was taken on by NNDC in 2015, with a section at the front of the site sold to make way for a new medical practice. The capital sum from that sale was held for the purpose of providing football facilities in the town. For many years Cromer Youth Football Club (CYFC) had been seeking a home. A project was currently underway to build a 3G football facility on the adjacent Academy / Sport Centre site, for which CYFC were a partner club. It was therefore proposed that Cabbell Park could become the home of CYFC.


The Chairman said that there may be some concerns from residents regarding the impact on parking on Blair Road and Mill Road and the hospital. The Assistant Director for Environment & Leisure Services said that the development of Cabbell Park would not impact on parking at the hospital. The lease that they had signed was between 6am and 6pm and it was not envisaged that it would be dual use at all. The Chairman agreed that this would be of comfort to residents.


Cllr L Shires referred to section 5.2 of the report which stated that the actual cost of the works was not yet known. She said that this report was very much about the intent to undertake the work but that officers had been asked to provide costs in advance of any work commencing.


It was proposed by Cllr L Withington, seconded by Cllr W Fredericks and




  1. To support in principle the necessary improvements and provision of additional facilities to Cabbell Park to enable Cromer Youth Football Club to lease the ground and have a home for all of their football operations.
  2. To instruct officers to undertake further work to develop the scope of improvements, design of additional facilities and appropriate permissions and costings and present these in a paper to a future Cabinet meeting for consideration.


Reason for the decision:


This is the first time in 30 years that a tangible option exists to provide a home for CYFC, a solution which will also maximise the use of Cabbell Park. A permanent home in Cromer for the club would enable them to grow and secure football in the town for a number of years to come. Football clubs for many are the heart of the community and this is an opportunity to bring this back to the town.



Proposed disposal of Highfield Road Car park for Affordable Housing pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Executive Summary

This report sets out a proposal to dispose of the NNDC owned car park at Highfield Road, Fakenham to Flagship Housing for the development of affordable housing.



Options considered


-        Retain site as a car park

-        Exchange site for Fakenham Town Council owned land elsewhere in Fakenham  



Fakenham Town Council

District Councillors for Lancaster South & North

Portfolio Holder for Housing and Peoples’ Services

Estates and Property Services




It is recommended that Cabinet:

-       Agree that Highfield Road is surplus to requirements

-       That NNDC enter into an option agreement with Flagship Housing (subject to Planning Permission) for sale of the Highfield Road car park to be developed for affordable housing.

-    That demolition of the existing toilet block on the site is undertaken as soon as is possible


Reasons for recommendations


The development of the Highfield Car park offers the opportunity to make better use of an under-used car park, to deliver badly needed affordable homes, to generate a capital receipt and to reduce the current revenue liabilities at the site.


Background papers





Wards affected

Lancaster South

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Fredericks, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Peoples’ Services

Contact Officer

Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager,


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Meeting our Housing Need.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

New affordable homes will help the council tackle housing need and potentially reduce the cost of temporary accommodation for homeless households the Council has a duty to accommodate

Council Policies & Strategies

NNDC Housing Strategy 2021-2025




Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Appendix A is exempt as it contains commercial information that may prejudice future asset sales

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter



Please note that there is an exempt appendix to this item, which will follow shortly





-       To agree that Highfield Road is surplus to requirements

-       That NNDC enter into an option agreement with Flagship Housing (subject to Planning Permission) for sale of the Highfield Road car park to be developed for affordable housing.

-      That demolition of the existing toilet block on the site is undertaken as soon as is possible


Reason for the decision:


The development of the Highfield Car park offers the opportunity to make better use of an under-used car park, to deliver badly needed affordable homes, to generate a capital receipt and to reduce the current revenue liabilities at the site.



The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr W Fredericks, introduced this item. He explained that the report set out a proposal to dispose of the NNDC owned car park at Highfield Road, Fakenham to Flagship Housing for the development of affordable homes. She welcomed the support of local members.


Cllr L Vickers, member for Lancaster South, sought reassurance that the affordable homes that would be built would be restricted to people who had a link with Fakenham or the surrounding villages. Cllr Fredericks replied that affordable housing was allocated on the basis of greatest need across the District. She added that there were other housing schemes underway in Fakenham and these included affordable housing, so there would be more homes available than just those on the Highfield Road site.


Cllr C Cushing sought further clarification regarding the actual area that was being sold and whether the residential parking to the side of the plot included any spaces for public use. He said it would be helpful for members to have a map of the site.

The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager confirmed that the area to the left of the car park, to the rear of Church Lane, was excluded from sale.


Cllr Cushing how quickly the sale would proceed. Cllr Fredericks replied that the sale process would be very quick but that the development of the site could be held up by nutrient neutrality. The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager added that the toilet block on the site would be demolished as soon as possible to limit any vandalism and then a legal agreement would be entered into with Flagship Housing based on an option to purchase subject to planning permission. Although nutrient neutrality (NN) could impact on the construction of the housing, it was hoped that the challenges presented by NN were close to being resolved.


Cllr Cushing referred to the demolition of the toilet block and whether there was a risk that the sale could proceed but the site would be empty for a considerable length of time. He asked whether the car park would close once the site was sold. The Chairman confirmed that this was the intention but that access for residents’ parking would continue. Cllr Cushing asked for more detail around the reasons for closing the toilets. He said that he wasn’t aware of any anti-social behaviour on the site at all. The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Cllr Shires, replied that once the decision had been taken to dispose of the site, the facilities on there would no longer belong to the Council and there was a requirement to clear the area. Cllr Cushing expressed concern that the site may remain empty for a considerable time and this may cause alarm with residents. He then sought confirmation regarding the price that Flagship was paying. The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager confirmed that the price offered by Flagship was indicative and the value of the land would be determined by planning permission and the number of units that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:


“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


The appendix to the report [Agenda item 13] is to be treated as exempt for the following reason: Information in this appendix involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part 1 of schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972.


This paragraph relates to:

Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons:


The document contains information relating to the business affairs of the Council and other external parties and contains commercially confidential information.


Private Business