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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3rd January 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd January were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Public Questions and Statements To receive questions and statements from the public, if any. Minutes: None received. |
Items of Urgent Business To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 |
Declarations of Interest PDF 721 KB Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart) Minutes: None received. |
Members' Questions To receive oral questions from Members, if any Minutes: The Chairman advised members that they could ask questions as matters arose. |
Recommendations from Cabinet Working Parties Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party – 16th January / 30th January 2023
Please note that the Working Party meeting was adjourned due to technical issues. The Cabinet member for Planning (and Chairman of the Working Party) will update members verbally at the Cabinet meeting.
Local Plan Submission: Proposed Modifications (Site Allocations)
Decision: Decision RESOLVED
Local Plan Submission: Proposed Modifications (Site Allocations)
Minutes: Cllr A Brown, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Chairman of the Working Party introduced this item. He explained that the focus was on site allocations and there was a robust debate concentrating on the development in North Walsham and although the recommendation was accepted, he said he wished to propose the following amendment (in italics) to Recommendation 2:
‘To delegate minor amendments (with the exception of the North Walsham Scheme) in the finalisation of the submission version and schedules and associated documents, to the Planning Policy Manager in conjunction with the Planning Policy Team Leader and the Portfolio Holder’
Cllr Brown said that Members did not agree that the North Walsham scheme could be considered to have any minor amendments. It was a flagship scheme for the District and it was imperative that the infrastructure to support it was carefully considered and was not a minor matter. The amendment was seconded by Cllr E Seward.
It was proposed by Cllr A Brown, seconded by Cllr E Seward and
Local Plan Submission: Proposed Modifications (Site Allocations)
Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee PDF 102 KB The following recommendations were made to Cabinet by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 25th January:
1. To recommend to Cabinet that financial modelling of inflationary costs of up to 5% for staff and fees be included in the report to identify potential risks.
2. To recommend to Cabinet that, in recognition of the increasing risks of deficits arising, robust savings and income generation contingency plans need to be developed soonest in FY 23/24 to ensure that financial risks can be adequately mitigated for 2024-25 and onwards
Minutes: The Chairman invited Cllr N Dixon, Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee to speak. Cllr Dixon said that the Committee had made two recommendations to Cabinet at the meeting held on 25th January. Both related to the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS):
1. To recommend to Cabinet that financial modelling of inflationary costs of up to 5% for staff and fees be included in the report to identify potential risks.
2. To recommend to Cabinet that, in recognition of the increasing risks of deficits arising, robust savings and income generation contingency plans need to be developed soonest in FY 23/24 to ensure that financial risks can be adequately mitigated for 2024-25 and onwards
He explained that the Committee had been concerned that the modelling of inflationary costs for staff was too low at 2% and recommended that this should be increased to 5%. Regarding the second recommendation, he said that there had been consensus that the gaps in coming years were concerning and this should be looked at carefully as soon as possible. He added that the Portfolio Holder had already acknowledged his own concerns about this.
Cllr Seward replied that the 5% increase for staff costs was now included in the report. He added that the Director for Resources had already agreed to start work early on addressing the deficit in future years.
Delegated Decisions - September 2022 onwards PDF 124 KB
LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)
Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Emma Denny, Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516010
Additional documents: Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager explained that this was a statutory report to inform Members of any delegated decisions taken by officers. It would go to the next meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and then go on to the Council’s website. She added that there were fewer decisions to report as emergency powers were no longer being used now that the pandemic had effectively ended.
To receive and note the report and the register of officer decisions taken under delegated powers.
Capital Strategy 2023 - 2024 PDF 258 KB
LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information, and which are not published elsewhere)
Decision: Decision RESOLVED
To recommend to Full Council That the Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2023 – 2024 are approved
Reason for the recommendation: Approval by Council demonstrates compliance with the Codes and provides a framework within which to consider capital investment decisions. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr Seward, informed members that this report had been considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr E Seward, seconded by Cllr T Adams and
To recommend to Full Council That the Capital Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2023 – 2024 are approved
Reason for the recommendation: Approval by Council demonstrates compliance with the Codes and provides a framework within which to consider capital investment decisions. |
Investment Strategy 2023 - 2024 PDF 165 KB
Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Tina Stankley,
Decision: Decision RESOLVED
To recommend to Full Council that the Investment Strategy 2023 – 2024 is approved
Reason for the recommendation:
The Strategy provides the Council with a flexible investment strategy enabling it to respond to changing market conditions.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr Seward, informed members that this report had been considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr E Seward, seconded by Cllr T Adams and
To recommend to Full Council that the Investment Strategy 2023 – 2024 is approved
Reason for the recommendation:
The Strategy provides the Council with a flexible investment strategy enabling it to respond to changing market conditions.
Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023 - 2024 PDF 628 KB
Contact Officer, and email: Tina Stankley, Decision: Decision RESOLVED
To recommend to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023 – 2024 is approved.
Reason for the decision:
The Strategy provides the Council with a flexible investment strategy enabling it to respond to changing market conditions and ensures the Council complies with CIPFA guidance. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr Seward, informed members that this report had been considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. He added that with interest rates rising, there was no intention to engage with any borrowing, including short term borrowing in the next year.
To recommend to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023 – 2024 is approved.
Reason for the decision:
The Strategy provides the Council with a flexible investment strategy enabling it to respond to changing market conditions and ensures the Council complies with CIPFA guidance. |
Fees & Charges 2023 - 2024 PDF 122 KB
LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)
Additional documents: Decision: Decision RESOLVED
To agree and recommend to Full Council: a. The fees and charges from 1 April 2023 as included in AppendixA. b. That Delegated Authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the PortfolioHolder for Finance and relevant Heads of Service, to agree those fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required, as outlined within the report c. That there be added to Appendix A, a provision to permit the Holt Market to operate with a single Street Market fee at such amount delegated to the Director for Communities until such time as the Street Trading Policy is approved.
Reasons for the recommendations
To approve the fees and charges as set out in the report that will have been used to support the 2023/24 budget process. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr Seward, introduced this item. He explained that this report was coming back to Cabinet, following a decision to withdraw it at the Full Council meeting on 20th December, to allow additional time to explore any possible increases to fees and charges to maximise income. He said that the revised report included an increase to garden bin charges.
The Leader then spoke about an amendment to enable the provision of the Holt Market fees to be more in line with the emerging Street Trading Policy. As it currently stood, each individual stall holder had to pay a fee and this was not facilitating the holding of the market in a cost-effective way. He therefore proposed that a temporary change was made to the fees for Holt, until the Street Trading Policy was in place. Cllr Cushing asked for more detail. The Chairman replied that an appropriate charging framework was not in place yet for specialist local markets such as the one in Holt. It was proposed that there was a single fee for the whole event rather than a charge to individual stall holders.
Cllr J Rest referred to Fakenham market, which was run by the Town Council under a charter. The Chairman replied that this was the case and attempts had been made to see if Holt was a charter town but so far no evidence for this had been found. It was proposed by Cllr E Seward, seconded by Cllr T Adams and
To agree and recommend to Full Council: a. The fees and charges from 1 April 2023 as included in AppendixA. b. That Delegated Authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the PortfolioHolder for Finance and relevant Heads of Service, to agree those fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required, as outlined within the report c. That there be added to Appendix A, a provision to permit the Holt Market to operate with a single Street Market fee at such amount delegated to the Director for Communities until such time as the Street Trading Policy is approved.
Reasons for the recommendations
To approve the fees and charges as set out in the report that will have been used to support the 2023/24 budget process. |
LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)
Additional documents:
Decision: Decision RESOLVED
To agree and where necessary recommend to Full Council: 1) The 2023/24 revenue budget as outlined at appendix A; 2) The demand on the Collection Fund for 2023/24, subject to any amendments as a result of final precepts still to be received be: a. £6,879,503 for District purposes b. £2,800,000 (exact figure not yet available and subject to confirmation of the final precepts) for Parish/Town Precepts; 3) The statement of and movement on the reserves as detailed at appendix D; 4) The updated Capital Programme and financing for 2022/23 to 2026/27 as detailed at Appendix C; 5) The capital bids contained within Appendix C1, with delegated authority given to the Section 151 Officer in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Finance to decide on the most appropriate means of funding; 6) That Members note the current financial projections for the period to 2026/27 as shown in Appendix A; 7) That Members note the results of the consultation as shown in Appendix F.
Reason for the recommendation:
To recommend a balanced budget for 2023/24 for approval by Full Council.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, Cllr Seward, introduced this item. It had been considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and he thanked them for their comments and recommendations.
He went onto say that when he spoke at the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting, he reminded members of his prediction a year ago about ‘gathering storm clouds’, adding that there had been a huge change in the financial situation between the setting of the Budget last February and now. At the time of setting the Budget last year, inflation was predicted to be between 2-3%. It was currently above 10%. This had led to an increase in capital costs, with most materials now costing more than double than a year ago. Consequently, there was often only one expression of interest when the Council went out to tender for projects.
Cllr Seward referred members to section 3.10 of the report which set out in more detail the impact of inflationary pressures on certain areas of expenditure, totalling £2.947m (13.7%)
He said that the Council had limited options to raise income. In terms of council tax, any increase was limited to 1.99%. In addition, there had been no increase in the amount of business rates retention and in fact, due to the way that grants had been provided during Covid, the Council was having to take money from reserves in order just to maintain income. Regarding Government support, although the Council welcomed the 3% guarantee for inflation but legacy payments on the New Homes Bonus had been lost, so the result was an overall increase £135k. Consequently, the rate of inflation and the impact on the Council’s costs were not being compensated for. This meant that the Council had to start making some savings and these were set out at sections 3.8 and 3.9 of the report. There was some additional income that could be generated on commercial waste charges and on planning advice fees. There was also anticipated growth in car parking income.
Cllr Seward said in spite of all the financial challenges, the Council was able to maintain its services and there were currently no proposed cuts.
Regarding any increase to council tax, Cllr Seward made reference to the request made at Full Council in October, to consider a freeze. He said that regardless of the approach taken by NNDC, the County Council was proposing an increase of 4.99% (between £50 and £150 depending in the band) and the Police Authority had already agreed an increase of £14.94 for Band D council tax payers. He explained that the maximum increase that NNDC could make was £5, making it one of the lowest council tax precepts amongst District Councils in the country. Almost 70% of properties in North Norfolk were below Band D, so it would be less than £5.00.
Cllr Seward then spoke about the Medium Term Financial Strategy and forecasts for future years. He said that the Council had a balance budget for 2023/2024 and reserves of over £15m ... view the full minutes text for item 117. |
Exclusion of Press and Public To pass the following resolution: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I ofSchedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |
Private Business |