Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 11th March, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 130 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 05 February 2024.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 February were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendment: Minute 26 should read Clare Road not Blair Road.



Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


None received.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart)


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972




Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any


The Chairman advised members that they could ask questions throughout the meeting as matters arose.


Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee

The following recommendations were made by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 14th February:


Local Economic Strategy & Action Plan




(A) that an appendix to the full strategy and action plan be produced to show all the different sectors to the economy in North Norfolk and when available information be provided in the document that sets out the value of each sector to the local economy, and


(B) the strategy part is extracted from the full document into a shorter summary form that could be more quickly read.






Local Economic Strategy & Action Plan


(A) that an appendix to the full strategy and action plan be produced to show all the different sectors to the economy in North Norfolk and when available information be provided in the document that sets out the value of each sector to the local economy, and


(B) the strategy part is extracted from the full document into a shorter summary form that could be more quickly read.



The following recommendations were made by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 14th February:


Local Economic Strategy & Action Plan:


(A) that an appendix to the full strategy and action plan be produced to show all the different sectors to the economy in North Norfolk and when available information be provided in the document that sets out the value of each sector to the local economy, and

(B) the strategy part is extracted from the full document into a shorter summary form that could be more quickly read.


Cllr P Heinrich, Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth, said that there had been a full debate on the strategy and he was happy to accept the recommendations.




To accept the above recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.





Local Economic Strategy & Action Plan


(A) that an appendix to the full strategy and action plan be produced to show all the different sectors to the economy in North Norfolk and when available information be provided in the document that sets out the value of each sector to the local economy, and


(B) the strategy part is extracted from the full document into a shorter summary form that could be more quickly read.



Budget Monitoring P10 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Executive Summary

This report provides an update on the Council’s financial performance and projected outturn for 2023/24 for the revenue account, capital programme and reserves  statement as at the end of January2024.


As at 31 January 2024, the General Fund projected deficitis

£0.986m for the full year 2023/24. This is after adjusting for all known variations and full year forecasting by service managers.

Options considered

This is an update report on the Council’s financial position and so no other options were considered.


Cabinet Member Section 151 officer Budget Managers


It is recommended that Cabinet:


1)    Note the contents of the report and the current forecast year endposition.

2)    Note the actions to take some short term borrowing and to call back some of the investments that are in our pooledfunds.

3)    Approve the use of the Economic Regeneration Reserve as required as proposed in paragraph2.25.

4)    Approve the use of £0.2m of the Treasury Management reserve to cover the overspend as proposed in paragraph2.42.

5)    Note that officers will work together to take action to reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit at the for2023/24.

Reasons for recommendations

To update members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council.

Background papers

\\fs\Accounts\Budget Monitoring\BUDGET MONITORING\2023-24\Period 10\Report and Appendices\Draft Budget Monitoring P10 2023-24 .doc

Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Tina Stankley,


Links to key documents:

Corporate Plan:

Budgets set to support the Corporate Plan objectives.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

Budget process in line with MTFS

Council Policies & Strategies

Service Budgets set in line with the council policies and strategies.




Text Box: Corporate Governance:

Is this a key decision


Has the public interest

test been applied

Not an exempt item

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter




Additional documents:





1)    Approve the use of the Economic Regeneration Reserve as required as proposed in paragraph2.25.

2)    Approve the use of £0.2m of the Treasury Management reserve to cover the overspend as proposed in paragraph2.42.


Reason for the decision:

To update members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council


Cllr L Shires, Portfolio Holder for Finance, introduced this item. She began by explaining that the forecast gap had widened slightly due to an overspend on temporary accommodation, adding that the reasons for this were set out in section 2.34 of the report and saying that the Council had no choice but to react as it had a legal duty regarding homelessness. She referred to pages 21 – 22, where interest and the potential for borrowing was set out. She reminded members that borrowing was needed for the purchase of waste vehicles but the Council was now in a position where it may be needed to support with cashflow, caused by council tax precept collection. She then asked the DFR to speak about plans to address the deficit going forward. The DFR said that any borrowing would be short-term until interest rates came down. Regarding the current financial position, she said that there had been some windfall income of £135k relating to a VAT issue from 2009 and this would be used to offset the deficit.


Cllr W Fredericks thanked officers for their hard work. She said that it was important to continue to lobby central government and it had been successful in part, as representatives from Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) were coming to visit the district on Wednesday, following extensive pressure. They would be in attendance for several hours to learn about the unique housing-related challenges presented in North Norfolk, due to its demographic and the pressure placed by second homes. She said that she would continue to lobby hard for support when she met with them on Wednesday.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr L Shires and



1)    Note the contents of the report and the current forecast year endposition.

2)    Note the actions to take some short term borrowing and to call back some of the investments that are in our pooledfunds.

3)    Approve the use of the Economic Regeneration Reserve as required as proposed in paragraph2.25.

4)    Approve the use of £0.2m of the Treasury Management reserve to cover the overspend as proposed in paragraph2.42.

5)    Note that officers will work together to take action to reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit at the for2023/24.

Reason for the decision:

To update members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council.




Reporting progress implementing Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023-24 - to end of Quarter 3 - 31st December 2023 pdf icon PDF 204 KB

Executive Summary

The Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023-24 is being implemented as planned.

Options considered


Not relevant.



The lead officer for each action in the Plan has been asked for their assessment of progress, identify issues and propose action they will take to address those issues.




Cabinet is recommended to note this report.

Reasons for recommendations


The Action Plan 2023-24 is being implemented as planned

Background papers


Corporate Plan 2023-27



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Tim Adams

Contact Officer

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive



Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

This report is concerned with ensuring the Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023/24 is being implemented as planned.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

Ensuring the Action Plan 2023/24 is implemented as planned will ensure the MTFS is also achieved.

Council Policies & Strategies

Corporate Plan 2023-27


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Not applicable. Item is not exempt.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

Corporate Plan 2023-27 and Action Plan 2023-24 approved by Full Council on 17 July 2023.

Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2024-25 approved by Cabinet 6 November 2023




Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced this item. He explained that only one action had been flagged as being unable to be completed during 2023/2024: ‘Working with partners to agree an investment in local housing initiatives, funded through the second homes council tax premium’. This had been delayed due to the legislation that allowed it not coming into effect until 2025. He said that in the meantime, discussions with neighbouring District Councils and Norfolk County Council about the retention of second homes council tax income were ongoing and a report would be coming back with draft proposals.


He then highlighted the following key areas of the report – regarding the Local Plan Examination, the Council was now awaiting feedback. Coastwise drop-in events had been very successful so far. Huge success had been achieved in bringing a banking hub to Holt and the completion of the Cedars Building in North Walsham.

Cllr C Ringer, Portfolio Holder for Waste Management, said that regarding Action No.2 – ‘Develop a response to the waste and resources strategy’, although it was highlighted as green, that was due to the work that had been undertaken by the Council, which was on target.  The one risk associated with this was central government’s insufficient allocation of funds to roll out the food waste collection programme, which was taking longer than the Council would like.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr C Ringer and



To note the report.



Local Economic Strategy & Action Plan pdf icon PDF 183 KB

Executive Summary

‘Investing in Our Local Economy & Infrastructure’ is an important strand of NNDC’s Corporate Plan. The draft Economic Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2027) sets out the approach and actions the Council will undertake to support delivering against this objective and supporting the growth of the local economy over the next four years.

Options considered


There are no options for consideration. The Strategy is recognised as a Key Action for delivery in 2023/24 within the Corporate Plan.


The Strategy has been informed by a range of sources and consultations. This has included engagements with businesses, workshops undertaken with the North Norfolk Local Partnership Group (which discussed local challenges and helped inform the focus of the UK Shared Prosperity & Rural England Prosperity Funds), a workshop in October 2023 with Council Members/Officers to discuss local economic challenges, and a presentation to the Corporate Leadership Team. Moreover, the findings of the Strategy and some of the key delivery actions were further shared and ‘tested’ at a business engagement event in January, which also served as a workshop to discuss key issues that would inform the forthcoming Norfolk-wide Economic Strategy that is presently being developed by Norfolk County Council. Furthermore, the Strategy was given ‘pre-scrutiny’ at the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 14 February 2024 and the advice from this, including a request for a supplementary ‘executive summary’ version of the Strategy, has been noted and will be produced in due course.



It is recommended that:


Cabinet endorse the Economic Strategy & Action Plan and recommend to Full Council its formal adoption.

Reasons for recommendations


Adoption by the Council will serve to illustrate the importance and value that NNDC places on its role in helping to create a vibrant, healthy and sustainable local economy. 

Background papers


2023 – 2027 Corporate Plan

Supporting documents available



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth

Contact Officer

Stuart Quick, Economic Growth Manager,


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

Investing in Our Local Economy & Infrastructure

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The contents of this report do not directly impact upon the MTFS. Activities within the Strategy are predominantly funded through external funding, leveraged match funding from partners and normal business.

Council Policies & Strategies



Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Not an exempt item

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter




Additional documents:





To endorse the Economic Strategy & Action Plan and recommend to Full Council its formal adoption.


Reason for the decision


Adoption by the Council will serve to illustrate the importance and value that NNDC places on its role in helping to create a vibrant, healthy and sustainable local economy. 



The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Growth, Cllr Heinrich, introduced this item. He began by thanking officers for all their hard work. He said that page 65 of the report set out the range of consultations and discussions that had taken place and this ensured that it was a strategy that worked with the Council’s partners to support the best economic development and growth. Cllr Heinrich said that he supported the recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Chairman said that the case studies in the document highlighted key successes. He asked for a timescale for the production of an Executive Summary.


It was proposed by Cllr P Heinrich, seconded by Cllr H Blathwayt and



To endorse the Economic Strategy & Action Plan and recommend to Full Council its formal adoption.


Reason for the recommendation:

Adoption by the Council will serve to illustrate the importance and value that NNDC places on its role in helping to create a vibrant, healthy and sustainable local economy.




Former Shannocks Hotel Site, Sheringham pdf icon PDF 340 KB

Executive Summary

The final decision as to whether to progress to conclude the Compulsory Purchase of the former ‘Shannocks’ building now needs to be made. The report considers the issues and options and advocates that Councillors decide the way forward.


Options considered


The report sets out two main options – with a series of ‘sub-options’. The two main options are:


(i)            (i) To continue with the Compulsory Purchase Process and serve the General Vesting Document; or,


(ii)           (ii) To withdraw from the process and leave the property in the hands of the current owners.



The Council’s legal services team have been involved throughout this work.




This is a Cabinet decision, and the recommendation is likely to be (subject to the outcome of discussion with the owners prior to Cabinet) to authorise the Director for Place and Climate Change to make the final decision (in consultation with specified others).


Reasons for recommendations


To provide a clear position for discussions with the current owners and to thereafter enable Officers to conclude matters.


Background papers


December 2022 Cabinet report – attached as Appendix 1.


Valuation report October 2022


Planning Applications:


§  RV/21/2885 approved in March 2022

§  PF/18/1603 approved in October 2018; and,

§  PF/17/0192 approved in October 2017.




Wards affected

Sheringham North


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Russell Williams - Assistant Director: Planning





Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

See Section 4.1 of the report.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

Yes – costs of the CPO are allowed for within the Capital Programme

Council Policies & Strategies

Medium Term Financial Strategy (Capital Programme)


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

Yes – the report is effectively divided into two parts – with as much as practically possible in the ‘Public’ part of the Agenda – and - an Appendix (3) in the ‘Closed’ Part of the Agenda.

Information in Appendix 3 involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part 1 of schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972.

This paragraph relates to:


Para 3.  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons:


The information is commercially sensitive, relating to commercial options being considered by the authority. Releasing this information would be likely to have a prejudicial impact upon third parties as well as the Council in obtaining best value.


Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

Cabinet: 5th December 2022

Cabinet: 4th November 2019








1.    To continue with the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process and authorise the Director for Place & Climate Change to complete the service of the General Vesting Document relating to the former Shannocks Hotel site, Sheringham.

2.    To bring back a report to Cabinet, outlining the options for future use of the site.


Reason for the decision:

To provide a clear position for discussions with the current owners and to thereafter enable officers to conclude matters.



Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Information in this appendix involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part 1 of schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972.


This paragraph relates to:


Para 3.  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons:


The information is commercially sensitive, relating to commercial options being considered by the authority. Releasing this information would be likely to have a prejudicial impact upon third parties as well as the Council in obtaining best value.




Private Business