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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 9th September 2024. |
Public Questions and Statements To receive questions and statements from the public, if any. |
Declarations of Interest PDF 721 KB Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart) |
Items of Urgent Business To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 |
Members' Questions To receive oral questions from Members, if any |
Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee PDF 485 KB The following recommendations to Cabinet were agreed by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on 20th September:
1. Homelessness Task & Finish Group (chaired by Cllr Dr V Holliday)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee RESOLVED to support the following recommendations to Cabinet:
that the Council
(A) To prevent homelessness expands its homelessness service prevention work to undertake such work at an earlier stage along with multi agency support, on an invest to save basis, to seek to reduce the number of people going into temporary accommodation and the costs of that to the council that should include
2. increasing its communication work which should include Parish and Town Councils and should also provide support to Councillors to enable them to help signpost those people who need housing help
3. increasing the range of interventions to help people especially on benefit support and with financial viability assessments
Explores how it uses partner, charity, and voluntary organisations to create a series of outreach hubs and front-line services in North Norfolk for homelessness to create a network of advice and support including appropriate partner organisation(s)
Considers the viability of a support match scheme to match younger residents who need accommodation into a home with an older resident(s) that needs assistance in a similar way to the scheme in Cornwall SupportmatchHomeshare - Cornwall Council
2. As a medium-term solution looks at setting up an investment partnership to provide affordable local housing for local people at social, discount and market rent. We would recommend the model used by Cambridge City Council and Gravesham Borough Council who set an investment partnership with the Hill Group on a 50:50 basis
3. Explores the use of Solo Haus one bed housing where additional temporary accommodation for single people is required
(E) Increase affordable house building/supply 1. Undertakes an audit of shop fronts away from primary retail areas and empty units above and behind shops to assess their potential for conversion to residential usage or renting out rooms
2. An affordable housing conference be set up to encourage Parish and Town councils to create neighbourhood plans that include allocations for community led development for local people and encourages community land trusts to come forward with affordable schemes in rural exception sites
4. Responds to the Government consultation on changes to the National Planning ... view the full agenda text for item 7. Decision: Decsion RESOLVED to approve
RESOLVED to approve the following:
(A) To prevent homelessness expands its homelessness service prevention work to undertake such work at an earlier stage along with multi agency support, on an invest to save basis, to seek to reduce the number of people going into temporary accommodation and the costs of that to the council that should include 1. increasing the awareness and risks of homelessness in the local communities, on the value of prevention for homelessness and that early intervention requires people to ask for help before it becomes too late 2. increasing its communication work which should include Parish and Town Councils and should also provide support to Councillors to enable them to help signpost those people who need housing help 3. increasing the range of interventions to help people especially on benefit support and with financial viability assessments
(B) Managing homelessness Explores how it uses partner, charity, and voluntary organisations to create a series of outreach hubs and front-line services in North Norfolk for homelessness to create a network of advice and support including appropriate partner organisation(s) (C) Housing allocation Considers the viability of a support match scheme to match younger residents who need accommodation into a home with an older resident(s) that needs assistance in a similar way to the scheme in Cornwall Supportmatch Homeshare - Cornwall Council (D) Increase housing supply 1. Continues to encourage its Councillors to work within their local communities to seek to find additional plots of land that can be used for new affordable housing schemes 2. As a medium-term solution looks at setting up an investment partnership to provide affordable local housing for local people at social, discount and market rent. We would recommend the model used by Cambridge City Council and Gravesham Borough Council who set an investment partnership with the Hill Group on a 50:50 basis 3. Explores the use of Solo Haus one bed housing where additional temporary accommodation for single people is required (E) Increase affordable house building/supply 1. Undertakes an audit of shop fronts away from primary retail areas and empty units above and behind shops to assess their potential for conversion to residential usage or renting out rooms 2. An affordable housing conference be set up to encourage Parish and Town councils to create neighbourhood plans that include allocations for community led development for local people and encourages community land trusts to come forward with affordable schemes in rural exception sites
3. Continues to seek from Norfolk County Council a minimum 50% return of the extra Council tax that will be received from the new extra second homes premium and that the money the Council receives is ringfenced for affordable housing
4. Responds to the Government consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework on the definition of affordability
5. Explores the potential to use Better Society Capital/National Homelessness Property fund 2 funding for 3-to-4-bedroom properties National Homelessness Property fund ... view the full decision text for item 7. |
Sheringham Enabling Land PDF 695 KB
Additional documents: Decision: The Chairman said that he was aware that a member of the public had requested to speak on this item, however, a statement had not been submitted in advance of the Decision RESOLVED: · To grant a further extension to the legal agreement as outlined in the exempt appendix, and alongside this, · For Officers to explore demand for the site as outlined in the exempt appendix.
Reason for the decision: To generate a capital receipt.
meeting, as required by the constitution. The Monitoring Officer advised that due to exempt information being included as an appendix to the report, she did not feel that it would be appropriate for a public question/statement to proceed without her having had sight of it first. The Chairman thanked her for the advice and suggested that the meeting moved into private session so that all of the information relating to this item could be considered fully. It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr L Shires and RESOLVED To pass the following resolution: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” Once the discussion had concluded, Cabinet reconvened. It was proposed by Cllr L Shires, Portfolio Holder for Finance, seconded by Cllr T Adams and RESOLVED: · To grant a further extension to the legal agreement as outlined in the exempt appendix, and alongside this, · For Officers to explore demand for the site as outlined in the exempt appendix.
Reason for the decision: To generate a capital receipt.
Exclusion of Press and Public To pass the following resolution:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |
Private Business - Sheringham Enabling Land Exempt Appendix The following item of business is exempt – ‘Sheringham Enabling Land – Appendix B’ for the following reasons:
Information in this appendix involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part 1 of schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972. This paragraph relates to:
Para 3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons:
The information is commercially sensitive, relating to commercial options being considered by the authority. Releasing this information would be likely to have a prejudicial impact upon third parties as well as the Council in obtaining best value.