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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 4th November. |
Public Questions and Statements To receive questions and statements from the public, if any. |
Items of Urgent Business To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart) |
Members' Questions To receive oral questions from Members, if any |
Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee The Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2024 recommended the following:
Visitor Information Centre
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that Cabinet consider:
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed support for the proposed steps to close the gaps within the MTFS.
It also made the following recommendations to Cabinet:
Budget Monitoring
O&S noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position and recommended that:
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports Cabinet seeking approval from Full Council in respect of the following:
3.) to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1 4.) to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income. 5.) to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2 6.) to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3 7) to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4 8) to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the ... view the full agenda text for item 7. Decision:
Recommendations from Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party The Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party at the meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2024 recommended to Cabinet:
Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy
I. The Action Plan and Governance arrangements are endorsed, subject to caveats, with additional requests made to the Norfolk Strategic Framework that other stakeholders (such as Norfolk County Council) and those that have wider environmental interests across the County are actively engaged with and, where appropriate, invited to attend board meetings. Final Wording to be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder and Chairman of Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party.
II. Nominate appropriate Member to sit on the GIRAMS board. The Working Party endorsed Cllr Victoria Holliday as its preferred nominee.
Planning In Health Protocol
I. The revised Planning for Health Protocol be used when preparing Local Plans and determining planning applications. Decision: RECOMMENDATIONS FROM PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY
Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy I. The Action Plan and Governance arrangements are endorsed, subject to caveats, with additional requests made to the Norfolk Strategic Framework that other stakeholders (such as Norfolk County Council) and those that have wider environmental interests across the County are actively engaged with and, where appropriate, invited to attend board meetings. Final Wording to be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder and Chairman of Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party. II. Nominate appropriate Member to sit on the GIRAMS board. The Working Party endorsed Cllr Victoria Holliday as its preferred nominee.
Planning In Health Protocol I. The revised Planning for Health Protocol be used when preparing Local Plans and determining planning applications. |
Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender
Cabinet approveed: · To surrender the Council’s lease of the public toilet at Hickling Staithe · Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree terms and associated costs relating to the lease surrender.
Housing Allocations Scheme Proposals 2024
Decision: Housing Allocations Scheme proposals 2024
Cabinet: · Agreed the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A · Gave delegated authority to officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Peoples’ Services, for the implementation of the revised allocation scheme over the next 18-months within allocated service budgets. |
Delegated Decisions (September to December 2024)
Additional documents: Decision: Delegated Decisions (September to December 2024)
Cabinet received and noted the report and the register of decisions taken under delegated powers. |
Visitor Information Service
Decision: Visitor Information Centre
This item was deferred to the Cabinet meeting on Monday 20 January 2025 |
Budget Monitoring P6 2024/2025
Decision: BUDGET MONITORING P6 2024/25
Cabinet: 1. Noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position. 2. Noted that officers will work together to take action to reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25.
Cabinet seek approval from full Council: 3. to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1 4. to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income. 5. to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2 6. to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3 7. to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4 8. to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the Development Plan reserve. as detailed in paragraph 5.4.5 |
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2029 Decision: MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY 2025-2029
Cabinet noted the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2029 |
Fees & Charges 2025/26
Additional documents: Decision: Fees & Charges 2025/26
Cabinet agreed and recommended to full Council
· The fees and charges from 1 April 2025 as included in Appendix A. · That delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Directors/Assistant Director to agree the fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required (outlined within the report).
Exclusion of Press and Public To pass the following resolution: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I ofSchedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |
Private Business - Exempt Appendices - Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender & Tourist Information Centre Additional documents: