Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Monday, 18th May, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Remote meeting

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 204 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 2nd March and 30th March 2020.

Additional documents:


Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest


Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any


Overview & Scrutiny Matters

To consider any matters referred to the Cabinet by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for reconsideration by the Cabinet in accordance within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules


Recommendations from Cabinet Working Parties pdf icon PDF 190 KB

The following recommendation was made at the meeting of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party on 16th March 2020:


RESOLVED unanimously to recommend to Cabinet:


1. That the changes proposed to the list of Small Growth Villages be endorsed.


2. That the revised approach and policy wording be endorsed, subject to policies SD2 and SD3 (small growth villages criterion) being amended to reflect the additional consideration of substantial infrastructure / service improvements as a requirement for support, and that responsibility for drafting such an approach, including finalising the associated policies, be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager.






1.That the changes proposed to the list of Small Growth Villages be endorsed.


2.That the revised approach and policy wording be endorsed, subject to policiesSD2 and SD3 (small growth villages criterion) being amended to reflect theadditional consideration of substantial infrastructure / service improvements asa requirement for support, and that responsibility for drafting such an approach,including finalising the associated policies, be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager.




Local Plan - Project Update - Timeline pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Summary:                      This report provides a short update around the Local Plan timeline.


    Recommendations:      That the revised time line for the Local Development Scheme is published.


Cabinet Member(s)

Ward(s) affected

All Members

All Wards

Contact Officer;

Iain Withington Planning Policy team leader / Acting Policy Manager 01263 516034,



Additional documents:




That the revised timeline for the Local Development Scheme is published



North Norfolk District Council Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic pdf icon PDF 348 KB


























Options considered:

This report details North Norfolk District Council’s response to the Coronavirus Pandemic at a strategic, local and organisational level. This includes:-


·         establishing a dedicated COVID helpline and email address operated over extended Customer Service hours including weekends and Bank Holidays since 30th March;

·         making contact with over 2000 local residents who are “shielding” under Government advice and providing support to over 1200 other people who are self-isolating and who have requested support from the Council with shopping and prescription deliveries;

·         operation of 10 Local Co-ordination Centres through which support has been provided to vulnerable people through voluntary community networks and Councilstaff

·         administering the distribution of the Council Tax Hardship fund to 3424households

·         the administration of £26million of Small Business Rate Reliefs and £45million of Small Business Grants on behalf of the Government.


The report also outlines preparations being made by the Council for the Recovery phase of this globalincident.


The report details the Council’s actions in responding to the Coronavirus pandemic during the Response phase and the preparations being made for the Recovery phase. Options considered are outlined in the report.


The report details the actions taken by the District Council in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and  of the preparations being made to support local communities and businesses “recover” from this unprecedented globalevent.


Cabinet is asked to note and comment on the Council’s response to the Coronavirus Pandemic; and


note and comment upon the preparations being made for Recovery – to include:-


·                the short-term actions proposed in respect of:-


·    opening up the Council’s services and facilities;























Reasons for Recommendations:

·    transition for the stepping down of the Community SupportProgramme;

·    planning the return of staff to their main roles from working at home and redeployment into other roles;

·    re-establishing formal meetings of the Counciland

·    critically considering the implications of lockdown and phased lifting of social distancing restrictions, possibly over a number of months, on local businesses, particularly tourism businesses which face having a severely curtailed summer season.


·      the longer term need to review the Council’s Medium-Term Financial strategy in light of the changing financial situation of the Council and as a result undertake a review of the Council’s proposed programme of activity as previously detailed in the Corporate Plan and Delivery Plan.


To inform corporate learning from experiencegained

through the Response phase and inform decisions moving forward through the Recovery phase



Cabinet Member(s)


Cllr Sarah Butikofer, Leader of the Council

Ward(s) affected All

Contact Officer, telephone number and email:


Steve Blatch, Chief Executive

Email:- 01263 516232




COVID 19 Financial Implications pdf icon PDF 1 MB



























Options considered:

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic represents a monumental challenge for the District Council which will inevitably have a significant impact on the Council’s resources and budget during 2020-21 and future years.


This report provides an overview of the current assessment of the emerging financial impact of COVID-19 which will have a profound impact on the organisation’s ability to achieve planned budget savings and income for 2020-21 onwards. It also considers the COVID-19 funding provided to date from government and the extent to which this will support the current financial pressures.


An update is also provided in relation to the support provided to local businesses through the Small Business Grant scheme and the various additional business rate reliefs announced.


The Council is proactively responding to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain the delivery of vital front line services whilst at the same time freeing up capacity to help, support and protect vulnerable people, supporting businesses and ensuring the safety of all of our staff whilst delivering this vital work.  


This report sets out the initial high level forecasts relating to the COVID-19 pandemic but at this stage there are no specific alternative options considered.




This report provides an overview of the current assessment of the emerging financial impact which will have a profound impact on our ability to achieve savings and income for 2020/21. In addition, it helps to set the context for the Council’s MTFS and budget planning process for 2021/22, which will be reported to Cabinet later in the year.


The Council faces an unprecedented financial and public health crisis. It will be essential to continue to engage with Government, MPs and other stakeholders to campaign for adequate and sustainable funding for the District so that we can continue to deliver vital services to residents, businesses and visitors.


The current pandemic demands very different ways of working and will require review and consideration of current and future priorities. Looking beyond the immediate impacts, the overall level of uncertainty means the financial environment remains extremely challenging for the foreseeable future. The assumptions upon which both the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and the 2020/21 budget are based have now been significantly undermined by the current crisis and will necessitate a fundamental review of the budget position given the current funding pressures.


The current projected budget position (c£1m deficit 2020/21) is constantly changing and therefore the high level projections contained within this report must be seen in this context and could be subject to significant change depending on further announcements over the coming months.


























































Reasons for



It is recommended that Cabinet note:


1.            The current package of financial support being provided to the Council by the government to support its response to COVID-19;


2.            Continues to lobby central government for further additional financial support;


3.            The forecast cost and income pressures being faced by the Council and the extent to which they exceed the available government funding and therefore the requirement for any deficit  ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.


It is recommended that Cabinet note:


1.            The current package of financial support being provided to the Council by the government to support its response to COVID-19;


2.            Continues to lobby central government for further additional financial support;


3.            The forecast cost and income pressures being faced by the Council and the extent to which they exceed the available government funding and therefore the requirement for any deficit to be funded from other Council resources;


4.            The various caveats and risks associated with the current forecasts;


5.            The proposals in respect of updating the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and the financial planning framework for the 2021/22 budget;


6.            The proposals for a fundamental review of the capital programme to ensure that the schemes still reflect the Council’s changing priorities and to ensure that the Council can still afford them given the rapidly changing financial landscape;


7.            The proposal for a further financial update to come forward to Cabinet in July, by which time there will hopefully be more clarity regarding any continuing restrictions to include;


·                Opportunities for re-prioritising and re-focusing currently approved 2020/21 budgets;

·                Opportunities for savings, efficiencies and income generation this year;

·                A review of the current reserves position with recommendations for re-allocation where appropriate and;


8.            The progress to date in respect of the application of the various new business rates reliefs announced along with progress towards the government funded Small Business Grant programme which local authorities are being asked to administer (Appendix D).


To make Members aware of the current COVID-19 position in respect of the Council’s budget and resource position for 2020/21 and indeed future years.


Officer Delegated Decisions (March to May 2020) pdf icon PDF 136 KB






Options considered:

This report details the key decisions taken by Senior Officers under delegated powers from 1st March to 1st May 2020.



Not applicable.








Reasons for



To receive and note the report and the register of officer decisions taken under delegated powers.



The Constitution: Chapter 6, Part 5, sections 5.1 and 5.2. details the exercise of any power or function of the Council where waiting until a meeting of Council or a committee would disadvantage the Council. The Constitution requires that any exercise of such powers should be reported to the next meeting of Council, Cabinet or working party (as appropriate)



(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)



Delegated decision forms – as completed by the relevant officer






Cabinet Member(s)



Ward(s) affected


Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Emma Denny, Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516010



Additional documents:






Reasons for



To receive and note the report and the register of officer decisions taken under delegated powers.



The Constitution: Chapter 6, Part 5, sections 5.1 and 5.2. details the exercise of any power or function of the Council where waiting until a meeting of Council or a committee would disadvantage the Council. The Constitution requires that any exercise of such powers should be reported to the next meeting of Council, Cabinet or working party (as appropriate)








Options considered:

This report identifies a further suitable property to be purchased by NNDC for use as temporary accommodation for homeless households.


Do not purchase this unit but instead invest the budget.




The Council has a duty to provide temporary accommodation for homeless households. The Council purchases much of this accommodation from the private sector with a significant net cost to the Council. Purchase of this property will provide a quality, flexible home for temporary accommodation and there is budget provision available to purchase such homes.







Reasons for



That Cabinet agrees to the purchase of the identified property (subject to an independent valuation and survey) using the budget provision.



To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.




Budget report to Full Council - 22 February 2017

Purchase of two properties for use as Temporary Accommodation for homeless households – Cabinet  2 March 2020



Cabinet Member(s):

Cllr Andrew Brown


Ward(s) affected:

North Walsham West

Contact Officer: Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager, Tel: 01263 516027, email


Additional documents:







Reasons for



To agree to the purchase of the identified property (subject to an independent valuation and survey) using the budget provision.



To provide authority for expenditure over £100,000.



Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I ofSchedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Private Business