Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Monday, 8th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices. View directions

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 13th May 2024.


Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart)


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972


Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any


Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee

To consider any recommendations referred to the Cabinet by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration by the Cabinet in accordance within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.


There are no recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee to Cabinet.


Recommendations from Governance, Risk & Audit Committee

At the meeting of the Governance, Risk & Audit Committee on 26th March 2024, the following recommendations were made to Cabinet:


1.     Anti Money Laundering Policy


That Cabinet approve the anti-money laundering policy.


2.     Counter-fraud, Corruption and Bribery Policy


That Cabinet approve the Counter Fraud, Corruption and Bribery policy, as amended.



Reporting progress implementing Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023-24 pdf icon PDF 426 KB

Executive Summary

The Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023-24 is being implemented as planned

Options considered


Not relevant.



The lead officer for each action in the Plan has been asked for their assessment of progress, identify issues and propose action they will take to address those issues.




Cabinet is recommended to note this report.

Reasons for recommendations


The Action Plan 2023-24 is being implemented as planned.

Background papers


Corporate Plan 2023-27

Corporate Plan Annual Action Plan 2024-25



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Tim Adams

Contact Officer

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive



Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

This report is primarily concerned with ensuring the Corporate Plan 2023-27 Action Plan 2023/24 is being implemented as planned.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

Ensuring the Action Plan 2023/24 is implemented as planned will help to ensure the MTFS is also achieved.

Council Policies & Strategies

Corporate Plan 2023-27



Additional documents:


Outturn Report 2023 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 967 KB

Executive Summary

This report presents the provisional outturn position for the 2023/24 financial year for revenue, capital and reserves.


Section 2 provides a summary of the key points with the subsequent sections providing more details around the reasons for the year end outturn position for both revenue and capital.


The report also includes recommendations that provide funding for ongoing commitments and future projects.


Options considered.


None - This is a factual report of the financial year end position for 2023/24.



None – This is a factual report of the financial year end position for 2023/24.




Members are asked to consider the report and recommend the following to full Council:


a)  The provisional outturn position for the General Fund revenue account for 2023/24 (as shown in Appendix A);

b)  The transfers to and from reserves as detailed within the report (and Appendix C) along with the corresponding updates to the 2024/25 budget;

c) The deficit of £0.937m relating to service overspends be funded from the General Reserve (£0.737m) and the Treasury Management Reserve (£0.200m);

d) The balance on the General Reserve of £2.148m

d)  The surplus of £2.1m relating to retained business rates be transferred to the Business Rates Reserve;

e) The financing of the 2023/24 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D.

f) The updated capital programme for 2024/25 to 2026/27 and scheme financing as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E;

g) The roll-forward requests as shown in paragraph 5.5.

h) Approval of additional funding to cover capital project overspends of £0.429k as detailed in paragraph 6.7.

Reasons for recommendations


To provide a draft outturn position for the General Fund, Capital Accounts and Reserves which will form the basis to produce statutory accounts for 2023/24. Also to provide a draft opening position for the financial year 2024/25.


Background papers


Budget report, Budget Monitoring reports, NNDR3 return



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Tina Stankley

Director of Resources

01263 516439


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Financial Sustainability and Growth

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The outturn position will have an impact on the Reserve Balances, which will become the updated 2024/25 opening balances for the MTFS

Council Policies & Strategies



Additional documents:





a)  The provisional outturn position for the General Fund revenue account for 2023/24 (as shown in Appendix A);

b)  The transfers to and from reserves as detailed within the report (and Appendix C) along with the corresponding updates to the 2024/25 budget;

c) The deficit of £0.937m relating to service overspends be funded from the General Reserve (£0.737m) and the Treasury Management Reserve (£0.200m);

d) The balance on the General Reserve of £2.148m

d)  The surplus of £2.1m relating to retained business rates be transferred to the Business Rates Reserve;

e) The financing of the 2023/24 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D.

f) The updated capital programme for 2024/25 to 2026/27 and scheme financing as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E;

g) The roll-forward requests as shown in paragraph 5.5.


h) Approval of additional funding to cover capital project overspends of £0.429k as detailed in paragraph 6.7.


Reason for the recommendations:


To provide a draft outturn position for the General Fund, Capital Accounts and Reserves which will form the basis to produce statutory accounts for 2023/24. Also to provide a draft opening position for the financial year 2024/25.


Treasury Outturn Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 217 KB

Executive Summary

This report sets out the Treasury Management activities undertaken during 2023/24 compared with the Treasury Management Strategy for the year.


Options Considered


For the Council to comply with the CIPFA Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities (Prudential Code) and CIPFA Treasury Management in the Public Services Code of Practice an outturn report must be presented to Members to inform them of the outcome of the Treasury Management activity for the year. Therefore, no other option has been considered.



Link Treasury Services have provided the economic information in Appendix A of this report.




That Cabinet reviews and recommends the outturn position to full Council for approval.


Reasons for recommendations


The Treasury Management activity for the year requires approval by full Council for the Council to comply with the CIPFA Treasury Management and Prudential Codes.


Background papers


This report refers to the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 which was approved by Members on 22 February 2023.




Wards affected



Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires


Contact Officer

James Moore – Technical Accountant -




Links to key documents:

Corporate Plan:         

This report shows the Council’s current Treasury position and compares it with the cost of delivering its Capital Programme (CFR – Capital Financing Requirement). This shows the Council’s current ability to finance its current Capital Programme.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

The treasury management activity during the year has been undertaken to ensure that the Council sufficient access to liquid funds that it is requires to maintain its cashflow. Management of the Council’s cash, investments and borrowing underpins the delivery of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.

This report provides details of the Council’s Investment and Borrowing position and Capital Financing Requirement position, which together show the net debt position of the Council as at the end of the 2023/24 financial year.

Council Policies & Strategies

This report refers to the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24 which was approved by Members on 22 February 2023.



Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

This report is available to the public.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

This is an annual report on the Council’s current Treasury position.



Additional documents:





To recommend the outturn position to Full Council for approval, subject to amendment following clarification of figures in Table 1 and Table 2 (Appendix A).


Reason for the recommendation:

The Treasury Management activity for the year requires approval by full Council for the Council to comply with the CIPFA Treasury Management and Prudential Codes.



Debt Recovery 2023 - 2024 pdf icon PDF 205 KB

Executive Summary

This is an annual report detailing the council’s collection performance and debt management arrangements for 2023/24. It includes:

§  A summary of debts written off in each debt area showing the reasons for write-off and values.

§  Collection performance for Council Tax and Non- Domestic Rates.

§  Level of arrears outstanding

§  Level of provision for bad and doubtful debts


Options considered.


To leave the write-off limits as they currently are allowing team leaders to write-off up to £4k or to increase these to a higher figure.



We are pleased to reach this year’s collection performance targets for council tax & Non-Domestic (Business) Rates whilst also working hard to reduce avoidance and fraud which with the cost-of-living crisis is a difficult time to for enforcement.




That Cabinet recommend to full Council that it:


  1. approves the annual report which details the Council’s write-offs, in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection.


  1. approves the suggested change to the delegated authority as shown in appendix 2 for write offs (increase team leaders’ authorisation levels from £4k to £5k which is line with other authorisations).


Reasons for recommendations


The recommendations ensure the Council makes best use of its staff resources and manages its finances to ensure best value for money.

Background papers


Corporate Debt Management and Recovery Policy -Appendix 1; Debt Write Off Policy - Appendix 2 and Enforcement Agent Code of Practice and Enforcement Agent Instructions - Appendix 3.



Wards affected

All wards

Cabinet member(s)

Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Sean Knight

Revenues Manger


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

A Strong, Responsible, & Accountable Council.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

Maximises Income of revenues.


Council Policies & Strategies

Corporate Debt Management and Recovery Policy and Debt Write Off Policy


Additional documents:





To recommend to Full Council to


  1. approve the annual report which details the Council’s write-offs, in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection.


  1. approve the suggested change to the delegated authority as shown in appendix 2 for write offs (increase team leaders’ authorisation levels from £4k to £5k which is line with other authorisations).


Reason for the recommendations:

The recommendations ensure the Council makes best use of its staff resources and manages its finances to ensure best value for money.


Housing Benefit Debt Recovery Report - 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 pdf icon PDF 724 KB

Executive Summary



This report provides an update on Housing Benefit debt recovery detailing the council’s collection performance and debt management arrangements for 2023 – 24.


Previously this information was part of the Revenues Corporate Debt Recovery report. However, it is now being presented as a standalone item. This allows the Benefits Team to demonstrate it takes ownership of, and is accountable for its performance, and it can also demonstrate service improvements.


The report includes a:


§  A summary of the work undertaken by the team.

§  Housing Benefit Debt Recoveries performance.

§  A summary of overpayment levels and recovery type.

§  Known risks to performance.


Options Considered

To continue with the write-off limits at their current levels.

To continue to recover outstanding debt within the current legislative guidelines.



No consultation required as this is a statutory requirement.



To approve the annual report giving details of Housing Benefit Overpayment debt recovery in accordance with the Council’s Debt Recovery Policy, Write-Off Policy, and Housing Benefit Overpayment Recovery Policy.


Reasons for recommendations

Recommendation is to approve the annual report in relation to Housing Benefit Overpayment recovery and to approve the continued use of legislated recovery methods to ensure income maximisation for the council.


Background papers

Housing Benefit Overpayment Policy (Appendix 1)

Corporate Debt Management and Recovery Policy

Debt Write Off Policy

Enforcement Agent Code of Practice

Enforcement Agent Instructions

(Please refer to the Corporate Debt Recovery Report appendices for copies).


Wards Affected



Wendy Fredericks


Contact Officer

Trudi Grant, Benefits Manager (01263 516262)









Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         


Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                   

This report is linked to the Corporate Plan under A Strong, Responsible and Accountable Council.


We will ensure the Council maintains a financially sound position, seeking to make best use of its staff resources, effective partnership working and maximising the opportunities of external funding and income.

Council Policies & Strategies

Corporate Debt Management and Recovery Policy, and Debt Write Off Policy


Additional documents:



RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council:


To approve the annual report giving details of Housing Benefit Overpayment debt recovery in accordance with the Council’s Debt Recovery Policy, Write-Off Policy, and Housing Benefit Overpayment Recovery Policy.


Reason for the recommendation:


Recommendation is to approve the annual report in relation to Housing Benefit Overpayment recovery and to approve the continued use of legislated recovery methods to ensure income maximisation for the council.



Rocket House, Cromer - Proposed new Long Term Lease agreement pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Executive Summary

The RNLI is a tenant at the Rocket House, Cromer, from where it has operated the Henry Blogg Museum. The organisation gave notice to the Council of its intention to vacate the premises in July 2024.

To enable the RNLI to remain in occupation over the peak summer visitor period, a short-term temporary lease until 31 October 2024, was agreed  Thereafter the Council has agreed a programme of major works at the Rocket House to address the damp issues which it is proposed be completed over the winter and spring period, with the refurbished property being available for re-occupation from the summer of 2025.

This report considers the terms under which a new long-term lease between the Council and RNLI might be agreed allowing the charity to re-occupy space on the ground and first floors of the Rocket House for the Henry Blogg Museum once the programme of works to the building are complete.



Options considered


Following previous Cabinet decisions, refurbishment works to address the long-term damp issues at the property are to be undertaken  during the forthcoming winter and spring period, extending the life of the Rocket House building.

In terms of the future lease of space on the ground and first floors of the Rocket House building the following options have been considered:-


1. To obtain a market valuation and commence negotiations for a new long-term lease with the RNLI – recommended.


2. To advertise the vacant ground and part of the first floor demise on the open market to demonstrate best value – not recommended. 



Local Members




It is recommended that Cabinet: 

1.     Delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager (ASM) to arrange for an independent rental valuation of the space previously occupied by the RNLI so as to inform future negotiations for the long-term lease of these parts of the Rocket House building. 

2.     Request that the ASM undertakes additional enquiries as to the social, economic or environmental factors, as detailed in the General Disposal Consent Order 2003, prior to agreeing a new long-term lease with the RNLI.

3.     Delegate authority to the ASM to enter into negotiations for the long-term lease of the premises

4.     To prepare a further report to Cabinet once negotiations with the RNLI are finalised to:

·       Ensure Cabinet are satisfied that one or more of the General Disposals Consent Order 2003 criteria is met,

·       Inform the outcome of negotiations as to rent proposed,

·       Inform of the proposed lease Heads of Terms

Reasons for recommendations


To provide an opportunity to the RNLI tenant, subject due governance and successful negotiation, to return to the building, under a long-term lease following completion of repairs.



Background papers





Wards affected

Cromer Town and Suffield Park

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr L Shires, Cllr H Blathwayt, Cllr A Varley, Cllr L Withington

Contact Officer

Renata Garfoot  Asset Strategy Manager.







1.     Delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager (ASM) to arrange for an independent rental valuation of the space previously occupied by the RNLI so as to inform future negotiations for the long-term lease of these parts of the Rocket House building. 

2.     Request that the ASM undertakes additional enquiries as to the social, economic or environmental factors, as detailed in the General Disposal Consent Order 2003, prior to agreeing a new long-term lease with the RNLI.

3.     Delegate authority to the ASM to enter into negotiations for the long-term lease of the premises

4.     To prepare a further report to Cabinet once negotiations with the RNLI are finalised to:

·       Ensure Cabinet are satisfied that one or more of the General Disposals Consent Order 2003 criteria is met,

·       Inform the outcome of negotiations as to rent proposed,

·       Inform of the proposed lease Heads of Terms


Reason for the recommendations:


To provide an opportunity to the RNLI tenant, subject due governance and successful negotiation, to return to the building, under a long-term lease following completion of repairs.





Leases for the Fakenham Leisure and Sports Hub Project pdf icon PDF 189 KB

Executive Summary

To deliver the Fakenham Leisure and Sports Hub project legal agreements are required to secure the land and transfer the Leisure Centre Operators rights and obligations to the new facilities.


This report outlines the legal agreements required to deliver the project and seeks approval to enter into those legal agreements.



Options considered.


No alternative options were considered as the legal agreements are required to deliver the Fakenham Leisure and Sports Hub project.



Steve Hems - Director for Communities (Project Lead)

Octavia Holman - Solicitor, Eastlaw

Erika Temple - Corporate Programme and Project Manager




It is recommended to Cabinet to provide approval to:


·               Surrender of the lease for the existing leisure centre site to enable the new lease to be entered into.


·               Enter into a new 99-year Lease with Fakenham Town Council for the site, which is required to develop the proposed extended leisure centre and 3G all-weather pitch.


·               Surrender the current sub-lease to Leisure Centre Operator for the existing Leisure centre.


·               Enter into a new Lease with Leisure Centre Operator for the redeveloped leisure centre for the duration of their leisure contact.


·               Enter into short term legal agreements with the Leisure Centre Operator to allow them to continue occupation of existing leisure centre during the redevelopment works.


·               Delegate approval to the Asset Strategy Manger to agree the exact terms of the above legal agreements.


Reasons for recommendations


To facilitate the delivery of the Fakenham Leisure and Sports Hub project, approved at Full Council on the 20th of December 2023


Background papers


Report to Full Council – 27th July 2022

Report to Full Council –20th December 2023




Wards affected

Fakenham wards (Lancaster North and South); and wards

in the west of the district including Briston, Priory, Stibbard,

Stody, The Raynhams, Walsingham; Wells with Holkham.

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr, L Shires

Contact Officer

Milo Creasey – Trainee Estates Surveyor


Renata Garfoot - Asset Strategy Manger








It is recommended to Cabinet to provide approval to:


·               Surrender of the lease for the existing leisure centre site to enable the new lease to be entered into.


·               Enter into a new 99-year Lease with Fakenham Town Council for the site, which is required to develop the proposed extended leisure centre and 3G all-weather pitch.


·               Surrender the current sub-lease to Leisure Centre Operator for the existing Leisure centre.


·               Enter into a new Lease with Leisure Centre Operator for the redeveloped leisure centre for the duration of their leisure contact.


·               Enter into short term legal agreements with the Leisure Centre Operator to allow them to continue occupation of existing leisure centre during the redevelopment works.


·               Delegate approval to the Asset Strategy Manger to agree the exact terms of the above legal agreements.


Reason for the recommendations:


To facilitate the delivery of the Fakenham Leisure and Sports Hub project, approved at Full Council on the 20th of December 2023



North Walsham Football Club Lease pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Executive Summary

Cabinet previously agreed on 5th July 2021 a lease renewal for 21 years, to the existing tenants, The Trustees of North Walsham Football Club. 

In order to secure funding for a 3G pitch and improvements a longer lease of 25 years is required. 



Options considered.


Options previously outlined in 5th July 2021 Cabinet report.



Leisure and Locality Services Manager

Local Members




It is recommended that Cabinet:

  • Agree to a 25-year lease as outlined in the exempt appendix.

Reasons for recommendations


In order for the existing tenant to secure funding for improved facilities at the North Walsham Football Club.


Background papers





Wards affected

North Walsham

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr, L Shires, Cllr L Withington

Contact Officer

Renata Garfoot.  Asset Strategy Manager.



Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Developing our communities

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The proposed new rent is increased generating additional income to the Council during the lease term. 

Council Policies & Strategies

Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2022



Additional documents:





To agree to a 25-year lease as outlined in the exempt appendix.




Property Cromer Promenade - Rent Review pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Executive Summary


There is a rent review provision within the lease for a property on Cromer promenade which allows the Council to increase the rent to market value.


Officers have carried out a market assessment to determine the open market rent of the property as set out in the exempt appendix. The proposed rental level is therefore considered to achieve best value.



Options considered.



  • Keep rent the same.


  • Increase rent review to market value.





Cllr. Lucy Shires – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services

Cllr. Tim Adams – (Local member)

Cllr Jill Boyle – (Local member)




Cabinet Resolution required.

  • To approve the proposed rental increase outlined in the exempt appendix.
  • To delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to sign the rent review memorandum.



Reasons for recommendations


To support the Council’s Corporate Plan objective in managing the Council finances and contracts robustly.


To comply with the Council obligation under the Section 123 of the Local Government Act to achieve best value.


Background papers





Wards affected

Cromer Town

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Lucy Shires – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services

Contact Officer

Milo Creasey, Estates Surveyor Trainee

Renata Garfoot, Asset Strategy Manager








To approve the proposed rental increase outlined in the exempt appendix.

To delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to sign the rent review memorandum.


Reason for the recommendation:


To support the Council’s Corporate Plan objective in managing the Council finances and contracts robustly.


To comply with the Council obligation under the Section 123 of the Local Government Act to achieve best value.



Fakenham Industrial Unit Lease Renewal pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Executive Summary

The lease for this industrial unit, owned by the District Council, is due for renewal. The tenant is an established business providing skilled jobs in the district.


Options, which look to demonstrate the Council’s best value duties, have been considered including renewing the lease on improved terms, marketing the property for reletting, and selling the property.

Granting a new lease at the property on improved terms will secure the Council’s revenue income from the property at a market rent ensuring best value is achieved.

Granting a new lease at the property will provide security to the tenant’s business and secure local jobs in the district.

It is recommended that Option 1 to agree new lease with the existing tenantat a higher rent is taken forwards.



Options considered.


The following options have been considered to ensure the Council achieves best value from the letting of the property:


·       Option 1 - Agree new lease and rent increase with the existing tenant. – Recommended.

·       Option 2 - End the tenant’s occupation and relet the premises – Not recommended.

·       Option 3 - Sale of the property - Not recommended.




Andrew Woodley - Surveyor

Stuart Quick - Economic Growth Manager

Kate Rawlings - Climate & Environmental Policy Manager



Resolution for Cabinet to approve:


  • A new lease with the existing tenant as per Option 1 detailed in the exempt appendix.
  • Delegate approval to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree the exact terms of the above legal agreement.


Reasons for recommendations



·       Granting a new lease at the property will secure the Council’s revenue income from the property at a market rent ensuring best value is achieved in line with the Council obligation under the Section 26 of the Local Government Act.

·       Granting a new lease at the property will provide security to the tenant’s business and secure skilled jobs in the district.



Background papers





Wards affected

Lancaster North

Lancaster South



Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires  


Contact Officer

Milo Creasey – Trainee Estates Surveyor


Renata Garfoot - Asset Strategy Manager



Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

A strong responsible and accountable Council

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The proposal secures an increased income from this asset for the duration of the lease term.

Council Policies & Strategies

Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2022





RESOLVED to approve


  • A new lease with the existing tenant as per Option 1 detailed in the exempt appendix.
  • Delegate approval to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree the exact terms of the above legal agreement.


Reason for the recommendations:


·       Granting a new lease at the property will secure the Council’s revenue income from the property at a market rent ensuring best value is achieved in line with the Council obligation under the Section 26 of the Local Government Act.

·       Granting a new lease at the property will provide security to the tenant’s business and secure skilled jobs in the district.



Seasonal Overflow Car Park - Gold Park, Mundesley pdf icon PDF 335 KB

Executive Summary

This report proposes regularising the arrangements in place for the use of part of Gold Park, Mundesley as seasonal overflow parking.


Options considered.


The following options have been considered to ensure the District Council achieves best value from parking income at Beach Road Car park.



1)    Agree a short-term Licence as per Option 1 set out in the exempt appendix and monitor car park use to inform future decisions.


2)     Stop operating the overflow car park on Gold Park as part of the wider District Council owned Beach Road Car Park.


3)    Charge a fixed management fee to provide car park services.


4)    Installation of a dedicated parking meter for the overflow carpark.


5)    Seek to acquire the car park or wider Gold Park area.



Cllr. Wendy Fredericks (Local member)

Cllr. Lucy Shires (Portfolio holder)

Landlord/ Owner of the land





Resolution for Cabinet to approve:


·       A short-term licence as detailed in Option 1 of the exempt appendix.


·       Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to commence negotiation of terms for a new lease.


Reasons for recommendations


A short-term licence agreement would allow the District Council to utilise  a grassed area in the centre of the Gold Park public open space in Mundesley as overflow parking from the adjoining surfaced District Council owned Beach Road Pay and Display car park during peak periods when demand for parking is at its highest and provide data on the extent of usage to inform future decisions and equitable sharing of income between the District Council and the Landlord thereby ensuring that best value is achieved from the site.


Background papers




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Milo Creasey, Estates Surveyor Trainee

Renata Garfoot, Asset Strategy Manager



Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Investing in our local economy and infrastructure

A strong responsible and accountable Council

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The proposal will provide continued revenue income from car parking fees.

Council Policies & Strategies

Asset Management Plan 2018 - 22





RESOLVED to agree


·       A short-term licence as detailed in Option 1 of the exempt appendix.


·       Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to commence negotiation of terms for a new lease.


Reason for the recommendations:


A short-term licence agreement would allow the District Council to utilise  a grassed area in the centre of the Gold Park public open space in Mundesley as overflow parking from the adjoining surfaced District Council owned Beach Road Pay and Display car park during peak periods when demand for parking is at its highest and provide data on the extent of usage to inform future decisions and equitable sharing of income between the District Council and the Landlord thereby ensuring that best value is achieved from the site.





Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Private Business

Information in the following appendices involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3, Part 1 of schedule 12A (as amended) to the Local Government Act 1972.


This paragraph relates to:


Para 3.  Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


The public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure for the following reasons:


The information is commercially sensitive, relating to commercial options being considered by the authority. Releasing this information would be likely to have a prejudicial impact upon third parties as well as the Council in obtaining best value.


The following items have exempt appendices:


Agenda Item 15 – Leases for the Fakenham Leisure & Sports Hub Project

Agenda Item 16 – North Walsham Football Club

Agenda Item 17 – Cromer Promenade

Agenda Item 18 – Fakenham Industrial Unit Lease Renewal

Agenda Item 19 - Seasonal Overflow Car Park, Mundesley

Additional documents: