Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Monday, 2nd December, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 330 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 4th November.


Public Questions and Statements

To receive questions and statements from the public, if any.


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requries that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart)


Members' Questions

To receive oral questions from Members, if any


Recommendations from Overview & Scrutiny Committee

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee at the meeting held on Wednesday 13th November 2024 recommended the following:



Visitor Information Centre


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that Cabinet consider:


  • The building being made available for an alternative income generating use. 
  • What provision can be made to continue a tourist information service – be that through an enhanced online presence, electronic information boards or physical leaflet stands at prominent locations within Cromer such as the Pier and other visitor attractions. 
  • Relocation of the current Deep History Coast display housed within the North Norfolk Visitor Centre to a suitable alternative location, possibly Cromer Museum.




The Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed support for the proposed steps to close the gaps within the MTFS.


It also made the following recommendations to Cabinet: 


  1.  To take a twin track approach to savings, looking not only at those that can be achieved within 2025/26 but also those with a longer lead in time to ensure savings are progressed into 2026/27 and beyond.
  2. The awaited Workforce strategy be used to help understand staff costs arising from use of part time and hybrid working and agency staff cover to explore scope for greater efficiency savings.
  3. A Workshop be arranged to understand options around statutory and non-statutory service provisions and to explore and evaluate options for beneficial changes. Action Cllr Shires.



Budget Monitoring


O&S noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position and recommended that:


  1. Officers to work to further reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25
  2. In respect of item 7 below, the Estates Team to explore the most cost-effective materials options (in addition to rethatching) for the re-roof of the Collectors Cabin with competitive quotes and that the budget for the work should be up to £30,000. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports Cabinet seeking approval from Full Council in respect of the following:


3.) to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1

4.) to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income.

5.) to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2

6.) to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3

7) to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4

8) to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 7.



Visitor Information Centre

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommended that Cabinet consider:

·       The building being made available for an alternative income generating use.

·       What provision can be made to continue a tourist information service – be that through an enhanced online presence, electronic information boards or physical leaflet stands at prominent locations within Cromer such as the Pier and other visitor attractions.

·       Relocation of the current Deep History Coast display housed within the North Norfolk Visitor Centre to a suitable alternative location, possibly Cromer Museum.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed support for the proposed steps to close the gaps within the MTFS.

It also made the following recommendations to Cabinet:

1.     To take a twin track approach to savings, looking not only at those that can be achieved within 2025/26 but also those with a longer lead in time to ensure savings are progressed into 2026/27 and beyond.

2.     The awaited Workforce strategy be used to help understand staff costs arising from use of part time and hybrid working and agency staff cover to explore scope for greater efficiency savings.

3.     A Workshop be arranged to understand options around statutory and non-statutory service provisions and to explore and evaluate options for beneficial changes. Action Cllr Shires.


Budget Monitoring

O&S noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position and recommended that:

1.     Officers to work to further reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25

2.     In respect of item 7 below, the Estates Team to explore the most cost-effective materials options (in addition to rethatching) for the re-roof of the Collectors Cabin with competitive quotes and that the budget for the work should be up to £30,000.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee supports Cabinet seeking approval from Full Council in respect of the following:

3.     to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1

4.     to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income.

5.     to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2

6.     to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3

7.     to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4

8.     to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the Development Plan reserve. as detailed in paragraph 5.4  ...  view the full decision text for item 7.


Recommendations from Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party

The Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party at the meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2024 recommended to Cabinet:



Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy


I.      The Action Plan and Governance arrangements are endorsed, subject to caveats, with additional requests made to the Norfolk Strategic Framework that other stakeholders (such as Norfolk County Council) and those that have wider environmental interests across the County are actively engaged with and, where appropriate, invited to attend board meetings. Final Wording to be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder and Chairman of Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party.


II.     Nominate appropriate Member to sit on the GIRAMS board. The Working Party endorsed Cllr Victoria Holliday as its preferred nominee.



Planning In Health Protocol 


I.                 The revised Planning for Health Protocol be used when preparing Local Plans and determining planning applications.




Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational Impact Avoidance and

Mitigation Strategy

      I.         The Action Plan and Governance arrangements are endorsed, subject to caveats, with additional requests made to the Norfolk Strategic Framework that other stakeholders (such as Norfolk County Council) and those that have wider environmental interests across the County are actively engaged with and, where appropriate, invited to attend board meetings. Final Wording to be delegated to the Acting Planning Policy Manager in consultation with the Planning Portfolio Holder and Chairman of Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party.

     II.         Nominate appropriate Member to sit on the GIRAMS board. The Working Party endorsed Cllr Victoria Holliday as its preferred nominee.


Planning In Health Protocol

      I.         The revised Planning for Health Protocol be used when preparing Local Plans and determining planning applications.


Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender pdf icon PDF 427 KB

Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender

Executive Summary

The Council's lease of the Hickling public toilets is currently due to end in 2071, with the Council being liable for operational costs at this property until the end of the lease.


The proposed mutual surrender of the lease relinquishes the Council's rights and liabilities granted by the lease along with its operational costs for the duration of the lease term.


It is understood that the Landlord intends to continue the operation of the facilities for use by the public following the surrender of the lease.


It is recommended that the Cabinet approve the lease surrender for the Hickling public toilets and delegate authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to negotiate the terms of the surrender.


Options considered


The following options have been considered:


  1. Surrendering the Council’s lease of the public toilet facilities – Recommended.


  1. Continuing operation of the public toilet facilities – Not Recommended.


  1. Closing the public toilet facilities but not surrendering the lease – Not Recommended.




Alun Lane - Corporate Health & Safety Officer

Russell Tanner - Assets and Property Programme Manager

Landlord - Norfolk Wildlife Trust




Resolution for Cabinet to approve:


  • To surrender the Council’s lease of the public toilet at Hickling Staithe


  • Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree terms and associated costs relating to the lease surrender.


Reasons for recommendations


  • To reduce the Councils financial and property management liabilities.


Background papers




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services

Contact Officer

Milo Creasey – Trainee Estates Surveyor


Renata Garfoot - Asset Strategy Manager






Cabinet approveed:

·       To surrender the Council’s lease of the public toilet at Hickling Staithe

·       Delegated authority to the Asset Strategy Manager to agree terms and associated costs relating to the lease surrender.



Housing Allocations Scheme Proposals 2024 pdf icon PDF 565 KB


Housing Allocations Scheme proposals 2024


Executive Summary

NNDC is responsible for assessing and addressing housing need in the District. The Council’s Allocation Schemes sets out the rules, criteria and procedures that determine how we allocate affordable homes to households in North Norfolk.

The current Allocations Scheme has broadly been in place for over 14 years and now requires review to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that there is a consistent and fair approach for our Registered Provider (RP) partners to letting homes to meet the greatest housing needs.

Following consultation with partner RPs a draft new Allocations Scheme was produced.

Customers and other stakeholders were consulted on the draft new policy and their views are included in this report.

Implementing any major changes to our allocations policy would require significant IT changes and work for the Housing Options team. An implementation plan will need to be developed to introduce the new policy in the most cost effective and least disruptive way possible.

Options considered


The Allocations Scheme is a statutory policy of the Council which must be relevant and effective, not providing an up-to-date Allocations Scheme in line with current legislation is not an option

Options for implementation of any new Allocations Scheme will need to consider the impact on staff, budgets and customers to ensure effective delivery of change   


RP partners

Customers of “Your Choice Your Home”

Partner organisations / advice agencies

NNDC Councillors

Town & Parish Councils

Staff across housing / housing related teams



It is recommended that Cabinet:

  • Agree the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A
  • Gives delegated authority to officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Peoples’ Services, for the implementation of the revised allocation scheme over the next 18-months within allocated service budgets.

Reasons for recommendations


To ensure the Council has an effective Allocations Scheme in place – a statutory policy of the Council

Background papers


Report to Cabinet 15th April 2024 - Housing Allocations Policy 2024


Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Fredericks, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Peoples’ Services

Contact Officer

Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager,



Housing Allocations Scheme proposals 2024



·       Agreed the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A

·       Gave delegated authority to officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing & Peoples’ Services, for the implementation of the revised allocation scheme over the next 18-months within allocated service budgets.


Delegated Decisions (September to December 2024) pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Delegated Decisions (September to December 2024)

Executive Summary

This report details the decisions taken under delegated powers from September to December 2024.


Options considered


Not applicable – the recording and reporting of delegated decisions is a statutory requirement.



Consultation is not required as this report and accompanying appendix is for information only. No decision is required and the outcome cannot be changed as it is historic, factual information.




To receive and note the report and the register of decisions taken under delegated powers.


Reasons for recommendations


The Constitution: Chapter 6, Part 5, sections 5.1 and 5.2 details the exercise of any power or function of the Council where waiting until a meeting of Council or a committee would disadvantage the Council. The Constitution requires that any exercise of such powers should be reported to the next meeting of Council, Cabinet or working party (as appropriate)


Section 2.1 sets out the requirements regarding the reporting of conditional delegated decisions.


Background papers

Signed delegated decision forms.


Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Leader, Cllr T Adams

Contact Officer

Cara Jordan, Monitoring Officer


Additional documents:


Delegated Decisions (September to December 2024)


Cabinet received and noted the report and the register of decisions taken under delegated powers.


Visitor Information Service pdf icon PDF 533 KB

Visitor Information Service 

Executive Summary

As part of the 2025/26 budget process consideration has been given to possible financial savings from some discretionary service areas including the visitor information service operated by the Council and the options that exist for alternative service provision. The review looked at the opportunities for operating the service from alternative premises and also, providing it in conjunction with other external organisations.


Having considered the available service options, and trends in how visitors access tourist information via smartphones and other devices and the closure of Visitor Information Centres by many local authorities around the country; it is not considered that these offer sufficient benefit or value for money for the Council. Ceasing the operation of the service will yield a significant financial saving and presents options for the future use of the building it currently occupies, thus generating rental income.


Options considered


A review was undertaken that considered a range of alternatives both for the service and for the building from which it operates, these included:

  1. Outsourcing – not considered to yield sufficient immediate savings.
  2. Greater commercialisation - not considered to yield sufficient income to offset the costs.
  3. Delivery in partnership with an externally run facility – not considered to represent value for money.
  4. Replacing the service by digital provision – insufficient certainty about set up and future costs or benefits.



The service review and subsequent draft business case that led to the recommendations in this report involved relevant staff from the following teams: Customer Services, Economic Growth, Estates, Finance and Human Resources. Its contents were also informed by input from the potential delivery partners.


A report on the possible closure of the Visitor Information Service was discussed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 13 November 2024, when the Committee resolved to make the following recommendations to Cabinet: -


That Cabinet consider: -

  • The building being made available for an alternative income generating use. 
  • What provision can be made to continue a tourist information service – be that through an enhanced online presence, electronic information boards or physical leaflet stands at prominent locations within Cromer such as the Pier and other visitor attractions.
  • Relocation of the current Deep History Coast display housed within the North Norfolk Visitor Centre to a suitable alternative location, possibly Cromer Museum.




That Cabinet agree to the Council withdrawing from the provision of a physical Visitor Information Service from the North Norfolk Information Centre building at The Meadow Car Park, Cromer (these proposals do not involve the closure of the public toilets also provided from the building) to deliver a financial saving of approx. £129,000 for the 2025/26 budget.


If Cabinet are minded to agree with the above recommendation, it is also recommended that they agree to: -


  • Advertise the premises occupied by the Visitor Information Centre service as available for let with expressions of interest invited by Friday 28 February 2025.



Visitor Information Centre


This item was deferred to the Cabinet meeting on Monday 20 January 2025


Budget Monitoring P6 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 218 KB


Executive Summary

This report provides an update on the Council’s financial performance and projected full year outturn position for 2024/25 for the revenue account, capital programme and reserves statement as at the end of September 2024.


As at 30 September 2024, the General Fund projected deficit is £0.995m (£0.801m on Net Operating Expenditure) for the full year 2024/25. This is after adjusting for all known variations and full year forecasting by service managers.


Options considered


This is an update report on the Council’s financial position and so no other options were considered.



Cabinet Member

Section 151 officer

Budget Managers




It is recommended that Cabinet:


1)     Note the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position.

2)     Note that officers will work together to take action to reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25.


It is recommended that Cabinet seek approval from full Council:

3)     to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1

4)     to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income.

5)     to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2

6)     to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3

7)     to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4

8)     to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the Development Plan reserve. as detailed in paragraph 5.4.5


Reasons for recommendations


To update members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council.


Background papers


Wards affected



Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires


Contact Officer

Tina Stankley,







1.     Noted the contents of the report and the current forecast year end position.

2.     Noted that officers will work together to take action to reduce the overall projected General Fund deficit for 2024/25.


Cabinet seek approval from full Council:

3.     to include an addition to the revenue budget of £13,000 for an addition to existing Exacom software as laid out in paragraph 4.8.1

4.     to include a permanent increase to the revenue budget of £34,000 for an additional member of staff in the Licensing Team as detailed in paragraphs 4.8.2 to 4.8.5. This will be funded from the ring-fenced licencing income.  

5.     to include an additional capital budget of £22,000 to complete the Cromer Offices LED lighting project. This is to be funded from the Net Zero Initiatives reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.2

6.     to include an additional capital budget of £5,600 to pay the retention sum for the Crinkle Crankle Wall and that this is funded from the Major Projects Reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.3

7.     to include an additional capital budget of £30,000 to rethatch the Collector’s Cabin roof and that this is to be funded from the Asset Management reserve as detailed in paragraph 5.4.4

8.     to include an additional capital budget of £23,400 to develop the customer services C3 software and is to be funded from the Development Plan reserve. as detailed in paragraph 5.4.5


Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2029 pdf icon PDF 738 KB




Cabinet noted the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025-2029


Fees & Charges 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 212 KB

Fees & Charges 2025/26


Executive Summary

This report recommends the fees and charges for the financial year 2025-26 that will come into effect from 1 April 2025.


Options considered.


Alternatives for the individual service fees and charges proposed have been considered by service managers as part of the process of creating this report.



Portfolio Holder

Director of Resources/S151 Officer

Budget Managers




That Cabinet agree and recommend to full Council:

  • The fees and charges from 1 April 2025 as included in Appendix A.


  • That delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Directors/Assistant Director to agree the fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required (outlined within the report).


Reasons for recommendations


To approve the Council’s proposed fees and charges for 2025/26.


Background papers


Fees & Charges 2024/25 report (Full Council – 20 February 2024)



Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Tina Stankley, Section 151 Officer


Additional documents:


Fees & Charges 2025/26


Cabinet agreed and recommended to full Council


·       The fees and charges from 1 April 2025 as included in Appendix A.

·       That delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and relevant Directors/Assistant Director to agree the fees and charges not included within Appendix A as required (outlined within the report).



Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution:

“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I ofSchedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Private Business - Exempt Appendices - Hickling Public Toilet Lease Surrender & Tourist Information Centre

Additional documents: