Agenda and draft minutes

Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 22nd January, 2025 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


The Committee noted that Cllr N Housden was absent from today’s meeting.



Public Questions & Statements

To receive questions / statements from the public, if any.


None received.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 11th December 2024.


Minutes of the meeting held on 11th December 2024 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Matters arising




v  Delete: Cllr Cushing agreed with Cllr Penfold on the need for accurate data around the usage of the data; and

v  Delete: Cllr Cushing agreed with Cllr Penfold on the need for accurate data around the usage of the toilets.


233 FEES & CHARGES 2025/2026


v  Noted that in regard to the waste collection fees the data would be considered by the Committee on the 18th of March meeting before going to Full Council on 25th March.




Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


None received.



Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


None declared.



Petitions From Members of the Public

To consider any petitions received from members of the public.


None declared.



Consideration of Any Matter Referred to the Committee by a Member

To consider any requests made by non-executive Members of the Council, submitted to the Democratic Services Manager with seven clear working days’ notice, to include an item on the agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


None declared.



Responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee's Reports or Recommendations

To consider any responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee’s reports or recommendations:


None declared.



Treasury Management Strategy Report 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Treasury Management Strategy Report 2025/26

Executive Summary

This report sets out the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for the year 2025/26. It sets out details of the Council’s Treasury Management activities and presents a strategy for the prudent investment of the Council’s resources. It also sets out the Council’s approach to the deployment of capital resources in meeting the Council’s overall aims and objectives. 


Options considered


No other options considered. It is a requirement that the Treasury Management Strategy report must be approved by full Council each year in advance of the new financial year to ensure the Council is compliant with the CIPFA Treasury Management, CIPFA Prudential Codes and guidance issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG).



Portfolio Holde

Section 151 Officer


This report has been prepared with the assistance of Link Treasury Services, the Council’s Treasury Management advisors.




To recommend to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 is approved.


Reasons for recommendations


Approval by Full Council demonstrates compliance with the Prudential Codes to ensure.


·        A flexible investment strategy enabling the Council to respond to changing market conditions.

·        Ensure compliance with CIPFA and MHCLG guidance.

·        Confirming capital resources available for delivery of the Council’s capital programme.


It is a requirement that any proposed changes to the prudential indicators are approved by Full Council.


Background papers


The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25.


CIPFA Prudential Code (Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).


CIPFA Prudential Code (Capital Finance in Local Authorities: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

James Moore


Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services presented a report that set out (i) the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for the year 2025/26; (ii) details of the Council’s Treasury Management activities and presents a strategy for the prudent investment of the Council’s resources; and (iii) the Council’s approach to the deployment of capital resources in meeting the Council’s overall aims and objectives. 


Questions Responses and Discussion


The mains points of the discussion are outlined as follows:


The Committee noted that:


vthis item is before the committee today because it was not available for the meeting of the Governance, Risk and Audit Committee on the 3rd of December 2024.

vunder the provisions of the Local Government Act 2003, Local Authorities are required to comply with the guidance of the Prudential Code with regard to capital decisions.  It being a requirement that any proposed changes to the 2025/26 prudential indicators are approved by Full Council.  Therefore, it is recommended that Full Council should approve the Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 to ensure that the Council is compliant with the Prudential Codes.

vin regard to any existing council debt following local government reorganisation, it will be the responsibility of the North Norfolk District Council to manage its budgets. The devolution and local government reorganisation would not change this, and any debt would be transferred to the new body following the reorganisation in Norfolk.

vfinancial scrutiny is an important element of the overall scrutiny process. If the Council’s services are to be run economically, efficiently and effectively, then North Norfolk District Council must make best use of the scarce resources allocated to it. This requires sensible financial planning, transparent processes for resource allocation, robust fiscal controls and strong budgetary and performance monitoring. In all of these areas, financial scrutiny adds value in challenging how the Council makes best use of the public money they receive.  Therefore, it is important as to how the data is presented to the Committee to be sure that councillors have the complete picture.

vNorth Norfolk District Council needs to borrow at favourable rates to fund significant capital projects whilst keeping the overall financial burden manageable by accessing low interest rates, which is crucial given the limited revenue sources and increasing demands for services.

vin regard to devolution and local government reorganisation whilst there are still a lot of unknowns about the overall future shape of local government finances it is assumed that the day-to-day impact on local residents would not increase. However, North Norfolk District Council needs to look prudently at both the immediate and longer-term future safety and prosperity of residents in Norfolk.  Therefore, it was agreed that the Leader of North Norfolk District Council should engage with other district council leaders to agree a collective approach to central government seeking its advice and guidance on the impact of devolution and local government reorganisation on the financial stability of the county of Norfolk.


The Chairman Moved and Overview and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 244.


Capital Strategy 2025-2026 pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Capital Strategy 2025-26

Executive Summary

This report sets out the Council’s Capital Strategy for the year 2025-26. It sets out the Council’s approach to the deployment of capital resources in meeting the Council’s overall aims and objectives while providing the strategic framework for the effective management and monitoring of the capital programme.

Options considered


This report must be prepared to ensure the Council complies with the CIPFA Treasury Management and Prudential Codes.


Section 151 Officer



To recommend to Full Council that the Capital Strategy 2025/26 is approved.


Reasons for recommendations


The Council is required to approve a Capital Strategy to demonstrate compliance with the Codes and establishes the strategic framework for the management of the capital programme.


Background papers


CIPFA Prudential Code (Treasury Management in the Public Services: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).

CIPFA Prudential Code (Capital Finance in Local Authorities: Code of Practice 2021 Edition).


Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Daniel King

Assistant Director Finance & Assets




The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services presented a report that set out (i) the Council’s Capital Strategy for the year 2025-26; and (ii) the Council’s approach to the deployment of capital resources in meeting the Council’s overall aims and objectives while providing the strategic framework for the effective management and monitoring of the capital programme.


Questions Responses and Discussion


The mains points of the discussion are summarised as follows:


The Committee:


v Indicated that it would be helpful if Members had the background to those decisions and how best they could engage in that process in a constructive and positive way.  Therefore, it was felt that a joint review should be undertaken with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services and the Director of Resources of the capital bids process to look at how the scrutiny function can meaningfully engage in this process from 2026/27.

v Wanted to look the Council’s approach to Capital Bids process, and to understand how officers prepare bids as part of effective management of the Council’s financial resources and to produce a coherent balanced budget that is realistic and reflects the Council’s priorities and encourages the efficient and effective use of the Council’s resources.

v Noted that the Capital Programme flows from a range of strategic documents e.g. the Capital Strategy; the Asset Management Plan (AMP); and the Medium-Term Financial Plan

v Noted that when preparing a bid for the Capital Programme, officers had to be able to evidence that the relevant strategic documents had been fully considered.

v Noted that it is essential that it can be evidenced that the Council’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders are adhered to at all times, and if in doubt, help and advice can be obtained from staff within the Resources Directorate.

v Noted that as part of the preparation of a Capital Programme bid, officers must prepare a business case, including an options appraisal which is suitable to the size and scale of the proposal.  The Committee asked and received a copy of the Capital Bid Submission & Scoring Form 2025-26 used by officers in preparing their business case.


The Chairman Moved and Overview and Scrutiny committee RESOLVED to


1.    recommend that Full Council approves the 2025/26 Capital Strategy and further requested:

2.    Undertake a joint review, with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services and the Director of Resources, of the capital bids process to understand how it works and look at how it can effectively engage in this process from 2026/27.


Cllr Philip Bailey requested that the minutes show that he had voted "against" regarding recommendation 2.




Cabinet Report Budget 25.26 20 January 2025 pdf icon PDF 437 KB

Revenue Budget for 2025-26

Executive Summary

This report presents the latest iteration of the budget for 2025/26. It is intended to present the position as we currently know it and it will need to be updated as more information becomes available e.g. the impact of the final Local Government Finance Settlement for 2025/26.

Options considered.


No other options have been considered as it is a legal requirement to calculate “the expenditure which the authority estimates it will incur in the forthcoming year in performing its functions” and then subtract “the sums which it estimates will be payable for the year into its general fund”. This is required to set a balanced budget before 11 March 2025.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will have the opportunity to review this report at its meeting on 22 January 2025. It will be able to make recommendations that Cabinet will be able to consider at its meeting on 3 February 2025.


Budget consultation is taking place on the Council’s website currently for anyone to share their views. Consultation with Business Rates payers is also being undertaken. The results of both these consultations will be included in the report being presented to Full Council on 19 February 2025.




  1. That Cabinet consider the list of proposed savings and agree on which ones should be taken so that a balanced budget can be recommended to full Council.
  2. That an alternative option for balancing the budget should be agreed to replace savings not taken if there are any.
  3. That Cabinet agree that any additional funding announced as part of the final Local Government Settlement announcement be transferred to reserves.
  4. That Cabinet decide which proposed new capital bids should be recommended to full Council for inclusion in the Capital Programme.


Reasons for recommendations


To enable the Council to set a balanced budget.

Background papers


2024/25 Budget report presented to full Council on 21 February 2024.




Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Lucy Shires

Contact Officer

Tina Stankley

Director of Resources and s151 Officer


Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services presented a report that presented the latest iteration of the budget for 2025/26, and it will need to be updated as more information becomes available e.g. the impact of the final Local Government Finance Settlement for 2025/26.


Questions Responses and Discussion


The mains points of the discussion are summarised as follows:


The Committee:


v Noted that the provisional Local Government Finance Settlement for 2025/26 announced on 18 December 2024 was a shock for the District Councils and County as they have received an inadequate settlement compared to metropolitan and unitary authorities in northern areas showing that  Norfolk is losing out on funding.

v Noted that both the Rural Services Delivery Grant and the Recovery Grant had been abolished, and this funding was repurposed.  The Council received £680,000 via a combination of both grants. A new Recovery Grant was introduced, however, rural authorities seemed to have lost out as they will receive a lower share of this.  Which seems to indicate no understanding of the needs of rural places like north Norfolk although despite such challenges, the Council has produced a balanced budget this year.

v Noted that the Budget consultation is taking place on the Council’s website currently for anyone to share their views. Consultation with Business Rates payers is also being undertaken. The results of both these consultations will be included in the report being presented to Full Council on 19th February 2025.

v Noted that in terms of staff absences that provision is made within the budget for the management of the cost of staff absenteeism.


The Chairman Moved and Overview and Scrutiny committee RESOLVED that:


1.    Cabinet considers the list of proposed savings and agree on which ones should be taken so that a balanced budget can be recommended to full Council.

2.    an alternative option for balancing the budget should be agreed to replace savings not taken if there are any.

3.    Cabinet agree that any additional funding announced as part of the final Local Government Settlement announcement be transferred to reserves.

4.    Cabinet decides which proposed new capital bids should be recommended to full Council for inclusion in the Capital Programme.



Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme and Update pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To receive an update from the Scrutiny Officer on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme, training updates and to receive any further information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting.


The Committee received and noted the work programme and requested that an updated version should be submitted to the next meeting.



Exclusion of the Press and Public

To pass the following resolution, if necessary:


“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


The agenda circulated contained no exempt/confidential business and there was therefore no requirement to exclude the press and public to allow for its consideration.