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Outgoing Chairman's Communications and Announcements To receive announcements from the outgoing Chairman. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Members to the Annual Meeting of Council. He spoke about recent events that he had attended: - The planting of an oak tree in the grounds of the Council Offices to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. - Broadland District Council Chairman’s civic function at Sprowston Manor - Mammoth Half Marathon on 15th May
He then spoke about the two charities that he had supported during his civic year – Norfolk & Waveney MIND and the Firefighters Charity. He had raised £681.45 for each charity and he invited them to come and collect their cheque.
Chris Rees, a trustee from Norfolk & Waveney MIND thanked the Chairman and congratulated him for his successful year in office. He spoke about the impact of mental health and how everybody was affected – either suffering themselves or knowing someone who suffered. Demand for support since the pandemic had increased hugely and it was because of additional fundraising that they could provide additional services. He mentioned the new community hub that had recently opened in Norwich and 500 people had already made contact via this route. The model was being expanded and a new hub would be opening in Aylsham with a further smaller hub then opening in Cromer. He concluded by thanking members again for their support.
Group Captain Stefan Rider, then spoke on behalf of the Firefighter’s Charity. He began by thanking everyone for their support and said that all funds raised went directly to supporting firefighters and their families. He said that the support needed changed radically during the pandemic – and they had extended support to the ambulance service as well as providing assistance in rolling out the vaccination programme. In addition, there was a lot more work needed to support people in crisis, including those with mental health needs. The charity provided both physical and mental support services and they were very appreciative of the funding raised by the Council.
The Chairman thanked both speakers. He then said that he wished to thank Kaye Skinner who had provided PA support to him throughout his year in office. He presented her with a bouquet of flowers to show his appreciation.
In conclusion, the Chairman said that he wanted to finish his year in office by commemorating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. He had therefore arranged for the purchase of a commemorative coin for every elected member and officer.
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Minutes: The Chairman invited nominations for a Councillor to hold office as Chairman of North Norfolk District Council, for the forthcoming Municipal Year.
Cllr R Kershaw nominated Cllr P Grove-Jones, this was seconded by Cllr W Fredericks.
There being no further nominations, it was unanimously
Cllr P Grove-Jones be elected as Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.
The outgoing Chairman presented the Chairman’s chain of office to the newly elected Chairman.
Incoming Chairman's Communications To receive the incoming Chairman’s communications, if any. Minutes: Cllr Grove-Jones thanked members for electing her. She said that Cllr Punchard was a hard act to follow and she thanked him for his support during the past year.
The Chairman said that she would be supporting two charities during her civic year:
· The Mancroft Advice Project (MAP) which had recently opened an office in North Norfolk. They offered information, advice and advocacy services for 11- 25 year olds experiencing mental health, safe-guarding issues and homelessness. It was free service and very much needed.
· Priscilla Bacon Lodge – a hospice offering respite and day care and end of life care for Norfolk residents. Fundraising was underway to build a new facility with 24 beds and family rooms. It was going to be set on an 8 acre, semi-rural site next to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Minutes: The Chairman invited nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Council.
It was proposed by Cllr V Gay, seconded by Cllr T Adams the Cllr S Butikofer be nominated. Cllr T FitzPatrick requested a recorded vote.
Cllr G Hayman sought clarification regarding the rotation of positions. He said that it was his understanding that it was set out in the Constitution that the roles should be shared on a rotational basis between the main political groups. He expressed frustration that the former Leader of the Council had recently held a high profile, political role and said that it was now time for other members to have an opportunity to hold a position of status, such as that of Vice-Chairman of the Council. The Monitoring Officer replied that regarding the query of rotation between the political groups, any member could put forward a nomination but it was her understanding that there were no others forthcoming. She said that Cllr Hayman’s comment regarding the former Leader of the Council was not appropriate for this forum. Cllr Hayman said that he believed the Monitoring Officer’s last comment to be out of order.
A recorded vote was taken and it was
RESOLVED by 21 votes in favour, 10 against and 1 abstention that
Cllr S Butikofer be elected as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman and the Vice-Chairman Minutes: The Leader, Cllr T Adams, proposed a vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council. He thanked Cllr Punchard for his tireless fundraising efforts for his nominated charities and for stepping up to the role as the Council and its civic function began to return to normality after the pandemic. He thanked him for guiding the Council through challenging times and for representing all members at civic events and functions. Cllr L Shires seconded the vote of thanks and it was supported unanimously.
The new Chairman then presented the former Chairman with a gift and his Chairman’s medal.
Cllr J Rest, Leader of the Independent Group, expressed his thanks to Cllr Punchard and said that he had represented the Council with respect and honour as was expected of a high status role such as Chairman of the Council..
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence, if any. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs P Bevan Jones, D Birch, N Dixon, N Housden, N Lloyd and A Varley |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27th April 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27th April 2022, subject to the following amendment on page 3, paragraph 3:
‘Cllr S Penfold commented that Cllr Hayman’s use of the word ‘congratulate’ was a poor choice and not appropriate in the context of hosting refugees. It was not a competition’.
TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS PDF 721 KB Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart) Minutes: None received. |
Items of Urgent Business To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: None received. |
Leader's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council. Minutes: The Leader said that he wanted to reflect on the achievements of staff at the Council over the last year. He referred to the last AGM which had taken place at an external venue to accommodate the social distancing requirements. He said that officers had continued to demonstrate how well they could adapt to challenging and evolving circumstances. He highlighted the work undertaken to provide support to businesses and residents and commented on how well Council staff had continued to undertake ‘business as usual’. He then spoke about how officers had stepped up quickly to provide support to Ukrainian refugees, adding that he was confident that this dedicated approach would help the Council tackle upcoming big issued such as the cost of living crisis and the housing shortage.
The Leader reminded members of some of the key achievements of the last year, including the completion of the Reef Leisure Centre in Sheringham, the provision of more temporary accommodation and the maintenance of the District’s blue flag beaches. He highlighted the recent Mammoth Marathon – the first road marathon in the District since the 1990’s and commended the staff and volunteers for their effort in organising such a successful event.
The Leader concluded by thanking all elected members for their work – at the Council and in their communities and he wished them all the best for the year ahead. |
Report on appointment of members of the Cabinet The Leader will inform Council on any changes to appointments to Cabinet. Minutes: The Leader informed Members that there were no changes to Cabinet appointments. |
Contact Officer(s), telephone number and email: Emma Denny, Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516010,;
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman explained that the report was a statutory requirement following a change to the membership of the political groups at the Council. She advised members that the Group Leaders had agreed the proposed changes.
The Monitoring Officer informed members that recommendation 3 should reference the Licensing sub-committee (Regulatory) rather than the sub-committee for Premises and Gambling as the regulatory committee required political balance rules to be applied. Members supported this amendment to the recommendation.
Cllr T FitzPatrick sought clarification on the number of independent members referenced within the committee seat allocation table. The Democratic Services Manager replied that the two Independent non-aligned members were not included in the political balance calculations for the purpose of committee seat allocations as only grouped members were entitled to seats on committees.
It was proposed by Cllr J Punchard, seconded by Cllr J Toye and
1 member abstained. |
If the Council is to approve alternative arrangements for appointments to a Committee other than those required by law on political balance, it must be without any member voting against them.
Members are reminded of the need for Committee Members or substitutes on the Development and Licensing Committees to have undertaken the necessary training.
The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be drawn from the main opposition group and the Vice – Chairman from the ruling group. Cabinet Members and the Chairman of the Governance, Risk and Audit Committee cannot sit or substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
That Council appoints Members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels for 2022/232, in line with the allocation of seats as agreed at agenda item 12.
Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr P Heinrich, seconded by Cllr E Seward and
1. To appoint Members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels for 2022/23 as detailed below: 2. To note the appointment of Members to Executive sub-committees, working parties and Panels
Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairman to Committees PDF 19 KB Recommendation:
1. To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to Committees for 2022/23 2. To note the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Executive sub-committees and working parties for 2022/23.
(Proposed changes are highlighted in red).
Please note Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Executive sub-committees and working parties are not Council appointments and are therefore provided for noting only. Minutes: Cllr J Rest commented that although a vacancy was listed for Vice-Chairman of the Employment & Appeals Committee, Cllr A Fitch-Tillett currently held this position and it was proposed that she continue to do so.
It was proposed by Cllr Dr P Butikofer, seconded by Cllr E Spagnola and
1. To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to Committees for 2022/23 as outlined below 2.To note the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of executive sub-committees and working parties
Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies PDF 129 KB
(Please note that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting takes place after the Full Council agenda is issued. If there is a change to Appendix C, an oral update will be provided at the AGM on 18th May) Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr C Cushing said that he had discussed the vacancy on HMP Bure Liaison Committee with the Leader and he agreed that Cllr G Mancini-Boyle could be nominated as a representative to this body.
Cllr J Rest said that he would like to nominate Cllr A Fitch-Tillett to fill the vacant position on the Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee, as it was adjacent to her ward. He also nominated Cllr Fitch-Tillett to be appointed as a representative on the Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board.
It was proposed by Cllr R Kershaw, seconded by Cllr H Blathwayt and
1. To agree the Council appointments to Outside Bodies for 2022/23 2. To note the Executive appointments to Outside Bodies for 2022/23 3. To approve the appointment to the Norfolk health Overview & Scrutiny Committee for 2022/23
(As set out in Minutes Appendix A)
Exclusion of Press and Public To pass the following resolution – if necessary:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |
Private Business |