
Council - Wednesday, 23rd September, 2020 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices. View directions

Contact: Emma Denny  Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Communications

To receive the Chairman’s communications, if any.


Leader's Announcements



Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda.  The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence, if any.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24th June 2020


Items of Urgent Business

To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Public Questions/Statements

To consider any questions or statements received from members of the public.











Following a change to the membership of the political groups at North Norfolk District Council, the Council is required to review the allocation of seats on committees, sub committees and working parties to reflect the political balance of the Council, in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and regulations made thereunder.




Following a change in the political balance it is necessary to review the allocation of seats on committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels.











  1. That Council approves the revised political balance calculation as per section 2.4of this report
  2. That Council approves the allocation of seats to political groups as shown at Appendix A
  3. That delegation is given to the Group Leaders to make any appointments to committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels (in line with the political balance).




Contact Officer(s), telephone number and email:

Emma Denny, Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516010,;



Additional documents:


Appointments to Committees, sub-committees, Working Parties & Panels

To consider any appointments to committees, sub committees and working parties of the Council.


Portfolio Reports pdf icon PDF 315 KB

To receive reports from Cabinet Members on their portfolios.


Members are reminded that they may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and portfolio areas but should note that it is not a debate.


1.    Cllr A Brown – Planning & Housing

2.    Cllr S Butikofer – Strategy & Corporate Services

3.    Cllr A Fitch-Tillett – Coastal

4.    Cllr V Gay – Culture & Wellbeing

5.    Cllr G Hayman – Commercialisation & Assets

6.    Cllr R Kershaw – Economic & Career Development

7.    Cllr N Lloyd – Environment

8.    Cllr E Seward - Finance

Additional documents:


Recommendations from Cabinet 03 August 2020 and 07 September 2020 pdf icon PDF 334 KB



Treasury Management Annual Report 2019/20





To recommend to Council that The Treasury Management Annual Report and Prudential Indicators for 2019/20 are approved.



Debt Recovery 2019/2020




RESOLVED to recommend to Council:


1) To approve the annual report giving details of the Council’s write-offs in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection.

2) To agree the Debt Write Off Policy (shown in Appendix 2)

3) To agree the use of High Court Enforcement Agents if considered necessary (shown in Appendix 3)




The Overview & Scrutiny Committee Supported the recommendations.




2019/20 Outturn Report (Period 12 Budget Monitoring Report)





To recommend the following to Full Council:


a)  The provisional outturn position for the General Fund revenue account for 2019/20; b)  The transfers to and from reserves as detailed within the report (and appendix C) along with the corresponding updates to the 2020/21 budget;

c) Allocate the surplus of £97,114 to the General Reserve;

d)  The financing of the 2019/20 capital programme as detailed within the report and at Appendix D;

e) The balance on the General Reserve of £2.404 million (after allocation of the underspend per recommendation c);

f)  The updated capital programme for 2020/21 to 2023/24 and scheme financing as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix E;

g)  The outturn position in respect of the Prudential Indicators for 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix F and;

h) Agree the award of the new cleaning contract to Eco Cleen Services Ltd.





North Walsham Town Centre Public Realm Improvements





To recommend to Full Council that the success of bid by this Council be noted and that the sum of £1,170,000 (from a grant received from the Getting Building Fund) be allocated in the budget towards the town centre place-making elements of North Walsham High Street Heritage Action Zone.


Tourism Sector Support package





Tot recommend to Full Council that the £330,000 received from Norfolk Strategic Fund is allocated to a new ‘Economic Recovery’ reserve and that £150,000 of this is set aside for the tourism Sector Support Package, along £25,000 from the Reopening High Streets Safely’ fund, for the establishment of a £175,000 grant scheme to support the local visitor economy;




The Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting took place after the Council agenda was published. The Chairman will provide an oral update at the meeting.


Additional documents:


Recommendations from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee 12 August and 17 September 2020

To consider any further recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Senior Management Restructure pdf icon PDF 133 KB


Full Council is asked to:-


·           Note the revised senior management structure detailed in the report so as to meet the needs of the organisation moving forward in terms of improved service delivery, delivering the headline objectives of the Corporate Plan, responding to the ongoing COVID situation and engaging with partners in respect to the anticipated White Paper onDevolution;


·           Agree an increase in the budget for the senior management structure of up to £57,000 per annum from 1st November 2020, initially to be paid for from the Invest to Save Reserve and then incorporated into the 2021/22 basebudget


·           Nominate members to serve on the Appointment Panel to support the Director level appointments in to the newstructure



Cabinet Member: Cllr S Butikofer, Leader

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive,


Additional documents:


Review of Polling Stations pdf icon PDF 840 KB








Options considered:

To act on the outcomes of three largescale elections held in 2019 in respect of efficiency of some smaller polling stations within the district where there are viable alternatives in terms of health and safety, cost to run the polling stations and the ability to operate in a post Covid19 world.


Alternative Polling Station options within the affected polling districts themselves but given the size of the ones listed within this report, no viable alternatives have are suitable.


We have also considered options available to electors affected by these changes so they are able to make arrangements to conduct their vote by post.




Implementation of changes will mean that we are not using premises which could have ongoing health and safety concerns or are not suitable for staff to work long hours in whilst realising efficiencies in terms of cost and number of staff required.









Reasons for



To recommend to Council new Polling Station locations (as described in section 2.1) on a permanent arrangement and the closure of five Polling Stations, with new arrangements in neighbouring Polling Districts (as stated in section 3)


To provide electors in affected polling districts and staff with safer, more comfortable polling stations whilst reducing the cost to the public purse of running elections within North Norfolk by removing some smaller stations where there a local alternatives close by.


Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr. Sarah Butikofer

Ward(s) affected:

Coastal; Erpingham; Hickling; Poppyland; Priory

Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Rob Henry; x6327;




Questions Received from Members

None Received.


Opposition Business

None Received.


Notice(s) of Motion

The following Notice(s) of Motion have been received:


Support for Community Volunteer Groups


Proposed by Cllr N Dixon and seconded by Cllr C Cushing


This Council recognises and applauds the outstanding efforts of community volunteers in North Norfolk to support the vulnerable and less well off within their communities and it seeks to retain and build up that new found capacity to help communities become more resilient and self sustaining. This Council calls on its leadership, officers and partners to develop opportunities to engage and support the existing range of community volunteer groups, and to promote such schemes in areas not currently covered, to help meet the wider needs of the mental health, home care, wellbeing, independence and contingencies agendas which are so important to the quality of life in North Norfolk.


To work with Community Action Norfolk (CAN) and other Councils to develop community volunteer groups across the District. This would map areas currently covered and identify areas where there are none and how best they might be covered. CAN developments officers are well placed to promote and facilitate the formation of new groups and enhance the capabilities of those already operating. This would require some modest funding to resource CAN and pump prime new groups which CAN normally administers; it is proposed that a nominal sum of £10k be set aside to fund the work and this can be adjusted up or down depending on arrangements agreed with CAN and the degree of success in setting up new groups.



Planning White Paper Motion


Proposed by Cllr A Brown and seconded by Cllr E Withington


This Council notes:

1.    The publication by Government of the White Paper, ‘Planning for the Future’ on 6 August 2020, which set out proposals on reforms to the planning process for the future.

2.    That currently the vast majority of planning applications are given the go ahead by local authority planning officers and committees, with permission granted to around 9 out of 10 applications across the UK.

3.    While some of the analysis of the problems existing within the planning service are accepted, too many of the solutions put forward will not help the situation but may worsen it.

4.    That research by the Local Government Association has said that there are existing planning permissions for more than one million homes that have not yet been started. (We should be clear that the proportion of unbuilt homes with extant permission in North Norfolk is below the national average).

5.    While the current planning system is not perfect this is at least in part due to reductions in central government funding to local planning authorities which have, in turn, led to local authorities reducing expenditure on planning services. Such reductions have affected both the processing of planning applications and enforcement activities.


This Council also notes:


1.    The Royal Institute for British Architects called the proposals ‘shameful and which will do almost nothing to guarantee delivery of affordable, well-designed and sustainable homes’. RIBA also said  ...  view the full agenda text for item 17.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To pass the following resolution – if necessary:


“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”


Private Business