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Contact: Emma Denny Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Outgoing Chairman's Communications and Announcements To receive announcements from the outgoing Chairman. Minutes: The Chairman began by welcoming the two newly elected members to the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) for two years. He also welcomed Ginny Seppings (Individual Giving and Community Officer) and Kevin Hart (Interim Joint CEO) representatives from his chosen charity, the Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
The Chairman then spoke about his time as Chairman for the Council. His term had continued for a second year due to the pandemic and this had involved a shift to full council meetings being held remotely and virtual fundraising for his charity. He then gave a presentation to members on the highlights of his time in office.
He said that he was very proud of his work with NWT and the legacy from his fundraising. He had travelled all over Norfolk and worked with 800 children, raising £6000 for charity as well as increasing awareness of the benefits of nature. He invited Kevin Hart, Interim Chief Executive of NWT to speak on behalf of the organisation.
Mr Hart thanked the Chairman for all of his support over the last two years. He spoke to members about the differences that the funding raised would make to NWT’s work. He said that the Cley Calling events had been extremely successful and furtehr supported NWT’s agenda. He concluded by thanking the Chairman for all his hard work and presented the Council with membership of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust in recognition of the support shown. |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the ensuing year. Minutes: The outgoing Chairman invited nominations for a councillor to hold office as Chairman of North Norfolk District Council for the forthcoming Municipal Year.
Cllr J Rest nominated Cllr J Punchard, this was seconded by Cllr P Butikofer.
There being no further nominations, it was unanimously
Cllr J Punchard be elected as Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.
The outgoing Chairman presented the Chairman’s chain of office to the newly elected Chairman.
Incoming Chairman's Communications To receive the incoming Chairman’s communications, if any. Minutes: The Chairman took the declaration of office and thanked Members for their support. He thanked the outgoing Chairman for his hard work and dedication. He said that he was looking forward to serving the Council for the forthcoming year and announced that he would be supporting two charities during his term of office – the Firefighter’s Charity and Norfolk and Waveney MIND. |
Election of Vice-Chairman To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr S Butikofer, seconded by Cllr E Seward and
Cllr P Grove-Jones be elected as Vice-Chairman for the ensuing year.
She thanked Members for their support and Cllr P Butikofer for offering to act as her consort during the year. |
Vote of thanks to the retiring Chairman and consort and the Vice-chairman Minutes: The Leader said that she was delighted to propose the vote of thanks. She thanked the outgoing Chairman for his hard work and dedication and for stepping up for a second year in the role during the pandemic. She congratulated him on the exceptional fundraising he had undertaken for his nominated charities. She also thanked his wife for her support and as his consort throughout his time in office.
Members unanimously supported the vote of thanks to the outgoing chairman.
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence, if any. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs N Dixon, W Fredericks, G Perry-Warnes and A Yiasimi. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 28th April 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 28th April were approved as a correct record subject to the following amendment:
Minute 33 – ‘further informed’ should read ‘further information’. |
TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS FROM MEMBERS PDF 233 KB Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest (see attached guidance and flowchart) Minutes: None. |
Items of Urgent Business To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: None received. |
Leader's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Leader of the Council. Minutes:
The Leader began by saying that when elected, no-one
knew that there would be a global pandemic, and how elected members
would have to stand up for, and fight for their communities in
unprecedented ways. The Leader then outlined further, wider
achievements for the Council, aside from the COVID response, which
ensured that the core aims as outlined in the Corporate Plan
continued to be delivered. She concluded by saying that the Council
would continue to deliver for the people of North Norfolk.
Report on appointment of Members of the Cabinet The Leader will update Council on all appointments to Cabinet. Minutes: The Leader informed Members that Cllr W Fredericks was replacing Cllr G Hayman on Cabinet. |
Contact Officer(s), telephone number and email: Emma Denny, Democratic Services Manager, 01263 516010,;
Additional documents: Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr S Bütikofer, seconded by Cllr J Toye and
1. To approve the revised political balance calculation as per section 2.4of this report 2. To approve the allocation of seats to political groups as shown at Appendix A 3. That delegation is given to the Group Leaders to make any appointments to committees, sub-committees, working parties & panels subsequent to the Annual Meeting of Council.
Appointment of members and substitutes to committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels AGENDA NOTE: If the Council is to approve alternative arrangements for appointments to a Committee other than those required by law on political balance, it must be without any member voting against them.
Council will recall that there is no substitution permitted on Cabinet. Members are also reminded of the need for Committee Members or Substitutes on the Development and Licensing Committees to have undertaken the necessary training.
The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be drawn from the main opposition group and the Vice – Chairman from the ruling group. Cabinet Members and the Chairman of the Governance, Risk and Audit Committee cannot sit or substitute on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
That Council appoints Members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels for 2021/22, in line with the allocation of seats as agreed at agenda item 12
Please note, the proposed appointments, as put forward by the Groups, will be circulated separately in advance of the meeting. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr S Butikofer, seconded by Cllr E Seward and
1. To appoint Members and substitutes to Committees, sub-committees, working parties and panels for 2021/22 as detailed below: 2. To note the appointment of Members to Executive sub-committees, working parties and Panels
Appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to Committees Decision:
1. To appoint Chairmen and Vice-chairmen to Committees for 2021/22 2. To note the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-chairmen of executive sub-committee and working parties
Nominations from the Groups will be circulated ahead of the meeting. Group nominations will be taken en bloc.
Please note Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Executive sub-committees and working parties are not Council appointments and are therefore provided for noting only.
Minutes: Cllr J Rest informed Council that he did not wish to be nominated for Chairman of the Employment & Appeals Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr J Toye and seconded by Cllr S Butikofer and
That Cllr E Seward be elected as Chairman of the Employment & Appeals Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr R Kershaw, seconded by Cllr A Brown and
1. To appoint Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen to Committees for 2021/22 as outlined below 2.To note the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of executive sub-committees and working parties
Appointment of representatives to Outside Bodies PDF 219 KB
Please note some appointments to outside bodies are Executive not Council appointments and are therefore provided for receiving only.
Minutes: The Leader said that following Cllr Frederick’s appointment to Cabinet, she could no longer be a substitute on the Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee. This appointment had been recommended by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee at their meeting on 19th May. In the absence of the Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, she sought support from the Vice-Chairman to appoint Cllr A Varley as a substitute on NHOSC in place of Cllr Fredericks. He indicated his support.
It was proposed by Cllr P Butikofer, seconded by Cllr H Blathwayt and
1. To agree the Council appointments to Outside Bodies for 2021/22 2. To note the Executive appointments to Outside Bodies for 2021/22
(As set out in Minutes Appendix A) |
Exclusion of Press and Public To pass the following resolution – if necessary:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph(s) _ of Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” |
Private Business |