Agenda item

Headline Benchmarking Report (selected measures) - CIPFA Comparison

Headline Benchmarking Report (selected measures) – CIPFA Comparison

Executive Summary

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee previously selected datasets from LG Inform’s Headline Benchmarking Report, to compare NNDC’s position with those of similar Local Authorities (CIPFA). Following this quarterly review of the selected measures, the Committee may decide to make recommendations to Cabinet to investigate or improve performance in specific areas.


For this quarter, 7 of the 11 measures have been updated since the last Report. Out of all the 11 measures, 3 scored red in the CIPFA quartile RAG analysis, 4 scored amber, 2 scored light green and 2 scored green.


The measures that scored red were CIPFA Measure 3b: Time taken to process housing benefit change events (average days per quarter (data updated since last report)); CIPFA Measure 8: Total expenditure - Central Services per head of population (£'s per person, per year (data not updated since last report)); and  CIPFA Measure 9a: Rate of births of new enterprises per 10,000 residents of the population aged 16 and above (number of businesses per 10,000 people, per year (data not updated since last report)).


The 4 datasets in the amber category have all shown some improvement since the previous period. 3 out of these 4 datasets have been updated since the last Report.

Options considered


1.         No action

2.         Make recommendations to Cabinet


Consultation is not necessary as the “Headline Benchmarking Report (selected measures) – CIPFA comparison” has been produced solely for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review.



1.         Receive and note the headline benchmarking data for NNDC compared to the CIPFA benchmarking group.

2.         Decide whether to take no action or make recommendations to Cabinet for further investigation, monitoring and/or possible intervention for improvement in specific areas.

Reasons for recommendations


Measuring a broad range of indicators will allow a detailed assessment of the services the Council provides and the general health and climate of North Norfolk. Monitoring these trends over time and in comparison to North Norfolk’s CIPFA Nearest Neighbours will be a useful facilitator for any resulting recommended actions that may be required.

Background papers


All background papers used are published on NNDC’s intranet. The information is also available on LG Inform’s online data portal.


Wards affected

All wards are affected as the data is for the North Norfolk district.

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Tim Adams

Contact Officer

Lucy Wilshaw, Corporate Data Analyst. Tel: 01263 516 379. Email:


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

The “Headline Benchmarking Report (selected measures) – CIPFA comparison” does not link to any Corporate Plan priorities as it has been produced solely for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The Report is not specifically linked to MTFS however early identification and intervention of any concerning areas will, in the long run, save time and money, and improve efficiency, avoiding any services falling below acceptable levels and improving the general health and climate of North Norfolk.

Council Policies & Strategies

The Report is not specifically linked to any existing Council policies and strategies.


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied

The “Headline Benchmarking Report (selected measures) – CIPFA comparison” has been produced solely for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review.

Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

15/06/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting:

·         Quarterly review of the Report

·         CIPFA comparison area only

·         Review datasets in the Report every six months – adding and deleting datasets as necessary.



Cllr T Adams – Council Leader introduced the report and noted that many of the issues had been discussed at the previous meeting, then thanked officers for preparing the report and invited questions from Members.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          Cllr V Holliday asked whether performance benchmarking could be included alongside the performance report, in place of the contextual measures report or receive all three reports at the same meeting. She added that it would also be helpful to know whether any learning could be gained from the CIPFA nearest neighbours where they performed better than NNDC. She added that the report showed that other Councils were routinely reporting better performance than NNDC in certain areas, and there ought to be insights that could be gained from this. The CDA replied that the benchmarking report was very much owned by the Committee with Members determining which measures were reviewed, unlike regular performance monitoring of the CP. She added that the reports had been separated to avoid confusion, though this could be reconsidered again in the future if new datasets were included within the CP. Cllr T Adams stated that it was unfair to suggest that all performance was poor, as many measures showed improvement, whilst others were out of date and some datasets such as recycling were misrepresentative, given that NNDC did not collect food waste. He added that Planning performance was also exemplary, which showed that NNDC was leading the group in some aspects of performance benchmarking. Cllr V Holliday accepted that performance was improving, but suggested that there were still areas where lessons could be learnt from other Councils.


      ii.          Cllr L Shires referred to the CIPFA 8 measure of total expenditure per resident on p123, and asked when the data would be updated, as it was from over three years ago. The CDA replied that deadlines had been missed for submitting this data as it required the completion of audited annual accounts which were still delayed for many authorities. She added that under normal circumstances there was expected to be approximately one year’s delay.


     iii.          Cllr C Cushing referred to CIPFA 9a and 9b on p123, and asked why both were included as they appeared very similar. The CDA replied that it had been unclear which dataset the Committee wanted to review, but this could be reconsidered in October following the agreement of datasets used to inform the CP. Cllr T Adams noted that significantly more residents were included in dataset 9a which impacted performance. He added that the demographics of the District skewed the figure, and it may be prudent to consider a different measure of economic performance in October. Cllr V Holliday suggested that many pensioners were still economically active, and this should not be overlooked. The CE stated that whilst he accepted Cllr Holiday’s comments, the report had to take into account nationally available datasets, alongside local variances and context that would impact performance such as demographics in the case of North Norfolk. He added that as a rural District, it was a fact that rural authorities received less funding per head of rural population for service provision than metropolitan boroughs, which meant that Councils were not working in a level playing field.


    iv.          Cllr J Toye suggested that other Councils may be more focused in particular areas than NNDC, and this may need to be taken into account as part of the context in which performance data was reported.


      v.          Cllr L Shires referred to the CIPFA 9a dataset and suggested that it was unfair to assume those over 65 may want to continue working, and it was therefore a somewhat flawed measure of economic performance.


    vi.          It was suggested following discussion of performance report content that it would be preferred if all three reports were on the same agenda.


   vii.          Cllr V Holliday asked whether further review would take place for areas where the Council was not performing as well as its CIPFA nearest neighbours. Cllr T Adams replied that measures would be reviewed to align with the new CP, and it may be better to wait until these were aligned to consider any further reviews.


  viii.          The recommendation was proposed by Cllr P Fisher and seconded by Cllr S Penfold.




1.     To receive and note the headline benchmarking data for NNDC compared to the CIPFA benchmarking group.




1.     Three performance reports to come to Committee on same agenda going forward.


Supporting documents: