Officers Report
TPO introduced the Officers report and recommendation for approval.
She established the sites location, provided aerial and site
photographs, outlined existing elevations and floor plans and
proposed site plan, elevations, roof and floor plans. It was noted
that use of the outbuilding would be conditioned for incidental
purposes only. The main issues for consideration was whether the
proposed development was acceptable in respect of principle, the
effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding area,
effect on residential amenity and whether the proposed development
would have any effect on highway safety.
Public Speakers
Harris – Objecting
Carolyn Wright – Supporting
Members Debate and Question’s
- The
Local Member – Cllr T Adams – drew comparisons to
another application in his Ward, PF/20/2569, which had been refused
on the basis that the application did not pay respect to the
character of the surrounding area and failed to ensure that the
scale and massing of the building related sympathetically to the
surround area. Cllr T Adams, stated that he was not opposed to the
principle of an extension but considered the proposal would not be
subservient to the host dwelling through the doubling of the
footprint and addition of an outbuilding. He contended that the
proposal was out of character for the built form of the area and
noted the numerous public objections to the
- Cllr J Boyle – Local Member – considered the scale
of the proposal was an overdevelopment of the dwelling and would
not be in keeping with its immediate setting.
- The
Chairman sought confirmation whether a significant portion of the
scheme could be achieved under permitted development
- The
TPO advised that the outbuilding could be built out under permitted
- Cllr J Toye asked, had the application been for the extension to
the rear only, whether this could be built under permitted
development rights as a single floor extension.
- The
DM advised the application presented to Members was not for
permitted development, and confirmed that Members needed to
consider and assess the proposal against NNDC Core Strategy
policies, in particular EN4. He affirmed that Officers were
satisfied that the proposal accorded with policies and reflected
that nearby properties had also been extended.
- Cllr V Holiday asked about the distance between the extension
and the neighbouring property, and whether the proposal would
overlook the neighbour.
- The
TPO commented that there would be two windows on the ground floor
of the Northern Elevation which would serve the bathroom. This was
not considered by Officers to have an overlooking effect on
- Cllr A Fitch-Tillett did not consider there to be a problem with
the proposed extension on planning grounds and further she that
there had been other developments to the south of a similar nature
to the ancillary building. Cllr A Fitch Tillett proposed acceptance
of the Officers recommendation for approval.
- Cllr L Withington sought confirmation that the incidental
building could not be used as a holiday let and that this would be
- The
TPO confirmed the condition was for the outbuilding to be
incidental and ancillary to the host dwelling. In determining the
application the TPO advised that weight could not be attributed to
any other potential future use as a holiday let, as this was not
what was proposed.
- The
DM affirmed that the application pertained to the dwelling, the
extension to the dwelling and the building in the garden as a
single planning unit. Should the building in the garden be rented
out as a separate accommodation this would amount to a material
change of use creating a new planning unit which would require
planning permission.
- Cllr P Fisher seconded the proposal.
- Cllr J Toye stated that whilst he understood the planning
reasons behind the Officers recommendation, he struggled with the
size of the proposal which would take the dwelling from three
bedrooms to six, which had been subject to significant local
objection. Cllr J Toye placed weight on
the local objections though stated he would likely vote in favour
of the Officers recommendation.
- The
Chairman reminded Members that decision making must be rooted in
planning grounds, this must take priority over other
- Cllr L Withington asked if consideration had been given to dark
skies, noting that the roof windows would emit light
- The
DM confirmed that there were 4 proposed windows on the roof, but
commented that the applicant did not require planning permission to
make this change.
- Cllr A Brown established that access to the rear of the site,
and any damage arising from increased use of vehicular traffic was
not a planning matter for consideration. Should the application be
approved, any issues arising would be for the owner to work with
neighbours to address. Cllr A Brown commented that the proposal
would not breach planning policy, and whilst he understood concern
around the increased massing of the building, we was minded
to support the Officers
- Cllr V Holliday disagreed with Cllr A Brown and argued that the
proposal was contrary to NNDC Core Strategy Policy EN4, and was not in keeping with the local context
in which the dwelling was set. She commented that the dwellings
along the street scene were historical, dating from 1927, were
attractive and symmetrical. In approving the application this
dwelling would be markedly different from those surrounding
- The
PL confirmed that the access to the rear was a private driveway.
She commented that there may be an amenity issue in planning terms
if there were a lot of vehicles crossing at night, however the
status of the backroad was a matter for residents to
RESOLVED by 10 votes
for 1 against
Planning Application PF/23/0459 be approved in accordance with the
Officers recommendation.