Horning Knackers Wood Updated Joint Position Statement |
Executive Summary |
The report updates Members on the revised. Joint Position Statement with regard to the Horning Knackers Wood Water Recycling Centre catchment. |
Options considered |
None |
Consultation(s) |
The updated Joint Position statement has been undertaken collaboratively with the Broads Authority, Environment Agency, Anglian Water and NNDC |
Recommendations |
It is recommended that Members of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party note the contents of the updated Joint Position Statement and recommend to Cabinet that it authorises the Assistant Director of Planning in conjunction with the Planning Policy Team Leader as signatory to the updated JPS and incorporation of any minor changes as a result of EA or other LPA sign off process. |
Reasons for recommendations |
To provide updated planning guidance for the District. |
Background papers |
2017 Joint position Statement re Horning Knackers Wood Wastewater recycling centre and the updated Anglian Water position through the Anglian water Statement of Fact |
Wards affected |
Horning |
Cabinet member(s) |
Andrew Brown Portfolio holder for Planning |
Contact Officer |
Iain Withington Planning Policy Team Leader Iain.withington@North-Norfolk.gov.uk |
Links to key documents: |
Corporate Plan: |
Local homes for local need theme of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2019- 2023 and the cross-cutting delivery mechanism through the emerging Local Plan |
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) |
N/A |
Council Policies & Strategies |
The Councils Development Plan: including the Core Strategy and emerging Local Plan |
Corporate Governance: |
Is this a key decision |
No |
Has the public interest test been applied |
No |
Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter |
Previous Joint Position Statement was agreed between the Broads authority, Environment Agency, Anglian Water and NNDC in 2017. |
Horning Knackers Wood Updated Joint Position Statement
In 2022 Anglian Water issued a statement of fact and subsequently withdrew from the existing process. Further, since the original joint position statement was signed, Anglian Water had undertaken a number of investigations regarding excessive flows and had concluded that unstable ground conditions in the area were causing structural failures in the public sewage network and privately owned sewage networks. This, in addition with the combined high water table, frequent over topping and high levels of ground water, resulted in infiltration inundations in private and public water systems at multiple points. Significantly, this was estimated to be 200% above the licenses amount and Anglian Water had concluded that there was no single engineering solution.
NNDC had worked with the Broad’s Authority and EA to update the position to remedy the situation. It was considered that there was a real risk of nutrient loading downstream on nationally and locally significant land.
The position would remain that the EA would continue to maintain their objection to development proposals, Anglian Water would still invest and seek solutions, though would not do so in isolation, and would work with the Norfolk Strategic Alliance. The PPTL noted that £5.2 million had been set aside by Anglian Water to improve capacity at the local recycling centre, details of which were available in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Ultimately, the settlement was not considered sustainable for long-term growth.
Cllr N Dixon stated the need to be realistic, and commented that it was important not to lose sight of the big picture. He contended that whilst the Council could criticise the actions of Anglian Water and other water companies, with respect of this particular problem at Horning, would likely not be any different under a different arrangement with water companies. The issue remained that development had taken place in an area with a high groundwater level, leading to water getting in the system, therefore whatever system was introduced at Knackers Wood or Beeler wouldn’t tackle the issue, particularly under heavy rainfall conditions.
Members of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party note the contents of the updated Joint Position Statement and recommend to Cabinet that it authorises the Assistant Director of Planning in conjunction with the Planning Policy Team Leader as signatory to the updated JPS and incorporation of any minor changes as a result of EA or other LPA sign off process.
Supporting documents: