Weight to be given to the Emerging Local Plan
Executive Summary |
The purpose of this report is to consider what weight (if any) in the determination of Planning applications the Council may give to relevant policies of the emerging Local Plan ahead of examination in line with paragraph 48 of the National Planning Policy Framework |
Options considered. |
• Make recommendations to Cabinet to apply weight as detailed in Appendix 1
• Make recommendations to Cabinet to continue to rely on the 2008 Core Strategy and 2011 Site Allocations Development Plan Document and apply limited weight to the emerging Local Plan on a case-by-case basis.
o Where specific policies of the emerging Plan have been relied upon by an applicant, recommend the continuation of the position that weight can only be given on a case-by-case basis having regard to paragraph 48 of the Framework and the level and nature of any objection.
Consultation(s) |
The Local Plan has been subject to a number of external consultations in line with statutory requirements and been developed through collaborative internal engagement and Member steer through the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party. Full Council authorisation for the submission of the Plan for independent examination was received on 1.3.23 |
Recommendations |
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party recommend to Cabinet that
As soon as reasonably practical weight is given the emerging Plan policies in line with para 48 of the NPPF as detailed in appendix 1.
Reasons for recommendations |
The Local Plan is now at an advanced stage of production having been submitted for independent examination and updates many of the policies in the Development Plan to align with the more recent NPPF and corporate /national agenda. The NPPF advises that local planning authorities may give weight to relevant policies in emerging local plans according to
a) the stage of preparation of the emerging plan (the more advanced its preparation, the greater the weight that may be given); b) the extent to which there are unresolved objections to relevant policies (the less significant the unresolved objections, the greater the weight that may be given); and c) the degree of consistency of the relevant policies in the emerging plan to this Framework (the closer the policies in the emerging plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given). (para 48) |
Background Papers |
Submission version of the Local Plan and all background papers and supporting evidence are published and available on the Councils new Local Plan examination Library Home | Local Plan Examination (north-norfolk.gov.uk) |
Wards affected |
All |
Cabinet member(s) |
Cllr Andrew Brown: Portfolio Holder for Planning
Contact Officer |
Iain Withington. Planning Policy Team leader
Links to key documents: |
Corporate Plan: |
Production of the Local Plan is a cross cutting theme in regard delivery of the Corporate Plan’s priorities. |
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) |
N/A |
Council Policies & Strategies |
Core Strategy and Site Allocations Development |
Corporate Governance: |
Is this a key decision |
Has the public interest test been applied |
Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter |
None |
Weight to be given to the Emerging Local Plan
The PPTL confirmed that 30 policies of the emerging Local Plan had been identified which Officers considered could now been given weight in the consideration and determination of Planning Applications alongside the existing development plan. The PPTL stated that it would remain the case that it would be individual Officers to conclude the appropriate planning balance and judgement based on the specific circumstances of each Planning Application. A further 3 policies could only be given partial weight, as they establish a contested strategic position, with substantive objections which challenge the principle of the approach.
The PPTL advised that the Plan was at a significantly enhanced stage, having been in the public domain for over 18 months, undergone significant consultation, and in accordance with the NPPF. Officers therefore sought the views of Member’s as to the level of weight the Council wishes to apply to the emerging plan in decision making. Notably, the Environment Act 2021 makes biodiversity net gain mandatory for all but small sites and some exemptions from an as-yet in November 2023 and for small sites from April 2024. The emerging Local Plan included policies to address this mandatory requirement, and would provide Officers guidance on how this should be implemented.
The PPTL confirmed what would occur should Members choose not to support the Officers recommendation, as set out in paragraph 48 of the Officers report. Should Members be minded to support the Officers recommendation, there will be a transition period to allow for Officers to be briefed, provided appropriate training along with Members, internal systems updated, developers informed on the change of emphasis on policies and a decision made on how to address applications already in the system.
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party recommend to Cabinet that as soon as reasonably practical weight is given the emerging Plan policies in line with para 48 of the NPPF as detailed in appendix 1.
Supporting documents: