Agenda item

Adoption of Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document

Adoption of Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to recommend the adoption of the Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The Coastal Adaptation SPD supports the implementation of existing and emerging planning policies relating to development within the Coastal Change Management Areas (CCMA), as well as, rollback and relocation away from the coast.

The SPD provides overarching planning guidance in relation to the economic, social and environmental impacts of coastal change; the national and local policy frameworks; advice about different types of development within the CCMAs; rollback and relocation; enabling development; and, case study examples of coastal adaptation. In addition, the SPD includes guidance and templates for Coastal Erosion Vulnerability Assessments and example planning conditions.


Appendices are available


Options considered

• Make recommendations to Cabinet to adopt the Coastal Adaptation SPD.

• Make recommendations to Cabinet to not adopt the Coastal Adaptation SPD and continue to implement planning policies with the existing North Norfolk Development Control Guidance, Development and Coastal Erosion, April 2009.



The Coastal Adaptation SPD has been subject to public consultation during its preparation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) and the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (April 2021).

The list of consultees, respondents, summaries of their comments and how these have been responded to, can be found in the Consultation Statement which is appended to this report at Appendix B.



• To recommend to Cabinet that the Coastal Adaptation SPD is adopted.

• That the Planning Policy Manager, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, is authorised to make any presentational or typographical amendments to the Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document prior to it being published.


Reasons for recommendations

To provide guidance on the implementation of planning policies through a whole coast approach, from Holkham in Norfolk to Languard Point, Felixtowe, Suffolk.


Background papers

North Norfolk Core Strategy 2008 Core Strategy   Core Strategy (incorporating Development Control Policies) Adopted 2008 (

North Norfolk Local Plan Proposed Submission Version    Proposed Submission Version (Regulation 19 Publication) Local Plan (


Appendices are available


Wards affected

All Wards

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr. Andrew Brown, Portfolio Holder for Planning

Contact Officer

Caroline Dodden, Senior Planning Officer



Links to key documents:

Corporate Plan:

Supports delivery of the objective to continue to take a lead role nationally in coastal management initiatives recognising our position as a “frontline” authority in meeting the challenge of rising sea levels.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

Not Applicable.

Council Policies & Strategies

Statement of Common Ground on Coastal Zone Planning, September 2018:


North Norfolk Development Control Guidance, Development and Coastal Erosion, April 2009: Development Control Guidance Note: Coastal Erosion Risk (


North Norfolk Core Strategy, September 2008: Core Strategy (incorporating Development Control Policies) Adopted 2008 (


North Norfolk Local Plan Proposed Submission Version, January 2022: 



Corporate Governance:

Is this a key decision


Has the public interest test been applied


Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter

17 August 2020: Members of the PPBHWP noted the Initial Consultation Document with regards to the production of a joint Coastal Adaptation SPD, which was presented for information purposes.


14 November 2022: Members of the PPBHWP recommended to Cabinet that the draft Coastal Adaptation SPD be published for formal consultation.



Adoption of Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document


  1. SPOCD introduced the Officers report and recommendation to accept the coastal adaptation supplementary planning document (SPD). She confirmed that the purpose of the SPD was to build upon the statement of common ground on coastal zone planning, formally signed by Norfolk and Suffolk Coastal Authorities in 2018, by seeking to provide consistent planning guidance through a whole coast approach.


The SPD had been subject to two rounds of public consultation, the first in the form of a questionnaire, the second consultation took place between January-March 2023 with 52 respondents forming 185 comments. The Main themes of the second consultation were set out in paragraph 3.5 of the Officers report, with responses offered in 3.6.


Since the close of the consultation the steering group had spent the intervening period refining the document, taking into account responses supplied. Officers considered the final SPD to be well balanced both in terms of its scope and content, further, it had been written in such a way that it could be applied to all relevant authorities. The SPD would support both the existing and emerging Local Plan policies in relation to development in the coastal change management area and provide comprehensive advise for both rollback and relocation proposals.


If adopted the Coastal Adaptation SPD would supersede the 2009 Development Control guidance. The SPOCD noted that the final SPD was due to be considered at all relevant authorities which may result in some minor changes. Officers were seeking to have the SPD adopted by the end of September 2023.


  1. The Chairman asked about the relationship of the Local Plan and a SPD.


  1. The PPTL advised that a SPD was guidance which added detail to policies and how they work.


  1. Cllr H Blathwayt endorsed the revised Coastal Adaptation SPD and proposed acceptance of the Officers recommendation. As the Portfolio Holder for Coast, he advised that whilst he was in attendance in the capacity of a substitute, he would have otherwise attended the meeting as Portfolio Holder. Cllr H Blathwayt noted that the Council had, in principle, endorsed the SPD at Full Council. He considered that implementing the SPD in practice would call for hard decisions to be made. Cllr H Blathwayt noted that there was a planning application which had been deferred at Development Committee, and asked that those Members properly consider the SPD when reaching their determination.


  1. Cllr V Holliday was pleased that more detail had been offered to the sensitive environment. She noted that her Ward was subject to risk of flooding and not erosion.


  1. The Chairman thanked Officers for their hard work, and stated that it was a major undertaking to work with several authorities.


  1. Cllr G Bull seconded the Officers recommendation.




Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party recommended to recommend to Cabinet that the Coastal Adaptation SPD is adopted.


That the Planning Policy Manager, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, is authorised to make any presentational or typographical amendments to the Coastal Adaptation Supplementary Planning Document prior to it being published.






Supporting documents: