Agenda item

Consideration of Any Matter Referred to the Committee by a Member

To consider any requests made by non-executive Members of the Council, and notified to the Democratic Services Manager with seven clear working days’ notice, to include an item on the agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The following matter was submitted for consideration by Cllr C Cushing:


‘I am mindful that we have been seeking more detailed information on the NWHAZ project at various times since October 2022, and so far not received any adequate responses. I understand that responses have been chased on the Committee’s behalf through the offices of the Chief Executive. Please can we be advised of the progress on those matters and when we are likely to receive acceptable responses so that we move towards some form of closure without further delay.’


      i.        The Chairman referred to a question received from Cllr C Cushing on the NWHSHAZ project and read-out the question to the Committee.


     ii.        The CE stated that there had been correspondence around some elements of the funding of the project, and that communications between the Chairman of the Committee and officers had resulted in a meeting with the Chair, Vice-Chair, Cllr N Housden, the DFPCC, and the ADSG. He added that the meeting was reported to have been useful, but otherwise he was happy to provide a written response, unless there were any further questions.


    iii.        Cllr C Cushing stated that he had raised the issue as the original questions had been raised in December 2022, on the basis that previous project updates had given no indication of the need for additional funding. He added that there was no indication within the funding request as to how the figure had been calculated, and this was therefore requested by the Committee in a not unreasonable request. It was noted that any change requests made throughout projects should be properly explained, and it was surprising that this had not been included in the original report. Cllr C Cushing asked when the requested information would eventually be provided, given that it had been requested in December 2022.


   iv.        Cllr S Penfold stated that he was not in full agreement with Cllr Cushing, as it was his opinion that the funding request had been fully explained. He added that despite this, the meeting held with officers had been useful for providing greater detail on the questions raised by the Committee. It was noted that the project was yet to be completed, and some figures contained within the £400k remained to be determined. Cllr S Penfold stated that it would have been helpful if there had been some warning of the potential need for additional funding earlier in 2023.


     v.        Cllr N Housden stated that he agreed with Cllr Cushing, and said that he had raised the initial question about project contingency, and whilst the meeting with officers had been particularly helpful, it was unfortunate that the information could not have been provided in a more timely manner. He added that in future the Committee should be more investigative in its questioning, and he would like to see shorter, more definitive reports going forward.


   vi.        The Chairman stated that despite the positive meeting with officers, it had still taken several months to review requested information, and efforts had to be made to improve information sharing. He added that many new Committee Members would be unaware of the full details surrounding the matter, and therefore proposed that it would be helpful to have a concluding report at the next meeting to draw together key points and outline the context of the discussion. Cllr N Housden seconded the proposal.


  vii.        It was noted that a written reply would also be prepared in respect of the question posed by Cllr C Cushing, but in reference to requests made for a written response in advance, it was unlikely that these could be prepared in time, and there was no requirement for this within the Constitution. The Chairman suggested that if possible, it would be helpful to receive written responses in advance of meetings in the future.


 viii.        Cllr S Penfold reiterated his invitation to all Committee Members to attend a visit to North Walsham to review the scheme in person, following consideration of the report.


   ix.        The Chairman noted that it may be helpful to receive a concluding report upon completion of the project that took into account both the positive and negative outcomes of the project.




1.    To request that an update report is prepared for the October meeting to summarise the enquiries made and provide the requested information.