Agenda item

Cedars, North Walsham - Completion of Refurbishment Update

Executive Summary

The refurbishment of The Cedars building formed part of the Historic England North Walsham Heritage Action Zone programme and during the refurbishment phase marketing of the property was undertaken seeking lease proposals as outlined to Cabinet 03 October 2022. 


As refurbishment of The Cedars building is now complete, it is proposed to move forward with a mix of private and public sector lettings as detailed in the exempt Appendix.  Officers will continue with the marketing of the remaining vacant space, through seeking to secure additional tenants.


With The Cedars building refurbishment complete, a further review of the opportunities for other parts of the site continues and an options paper will be prepared once the outcome of Historic England’s Statutory List review, has been completed.


Options considered


1.   Sale of the building – discounted due to grant conditions.

2.   Lease of the whole building to a single occupier – no such interest received

3.   Lease of individual rooms within The Cedars building to multiple occupiers – course of action being taken


A further paper outlining options for the balance of The Cedars site and adjoining land accessed from Hall Lane, to be prepared in due course following Historic England completing a review of the listing of The Cedars property.



Consultation will be undertaken with respect to options for the balance of The Cedars site. 



It is recommended that Cabinet:- 

1.    Notes the completion of the refurbishment works to The Cedars building as part of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone programme. 

  1. Confirms the letting of rooms within The Cedars building as detailed in the exempt appendix, with authority delegated to the Asset Strategy Manager to complete the licence agreements, with details of tenants being made public once licences are complete.
  2. Requests that the Asset Strategy Manager continues to advertise and seek tenants for the remaining space within the building with delegated authority to agree tenants in consultation with the finance and assets portfolio holder.
  3. Receives a further report detailing options for the balance of The Cedars site and adjoining land off Hall Lane to the north once the outcome of the Historic England Statutory List review is known.



Reasons for recommendations


To advise Members of the completion of refurbishment works to The Cedars building as part of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Programme and in the sound management of the Council’s property portfolio.


Background papers


Exempt Appendix



Wards affected

North Walsham Market Cross

Cabinet member(s)

Cllr L Shires, Cllr P Heinrich

Contact Officer

Renata Garfoot, Asset Strategy Manager.


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:          

Our greener future

Investing in our local economy and infrastructure

A strong responsible and accountable Council

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

The letting of the property will generate rental income that will support the Council in delivery of services to the community. Additional income budgets and expenditure budgets to cover the repairs and maintenance of the property will need to be included in the MTFS going forwards.

Council Policies & Strategies

Asset Management Plan 2018 - 2022


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 







  1. Confirms the letting of rooms within The Cedars building as detailed in the exempt appendix, with authority delegated to the Asset Strategy Manager to complete the licence agreements, with details of tenants being made public once licences are complete.
  2. Requests that the Asset Strategy Manager continues to advertise and seek tenants for the remaining space within the building with delegated authority to agree tenants in consultation with the finance and assets portfolio holder.
  3. Receives a further report detailing options for the balance of The Cedars site and adjoining land off Hall Lane to the north once the outcome of the Historic England Statutory List review is known.


Reason for the decision:


To advise Members of the completion of refurbishment works to The Cedars building as part of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Programme and in the sound management of the Council’s property portfolio.


The Chairman introduced this item. He explained that the refurbishment of the Cedars building formed part of the Historic England North Walsham Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) programme. With the refurbishment now complete, it was proposed to move forward with a mix of private and public sector lettings. Officers would continue with the marketing of the remaining vacant space through seeking to secure additional tenants. He added that a further review of the opportunities for other parts of the site continued and an options paper would be prepared once the outcome of Historic England’s Statutory List review had been completed. The Chairman concluded by reminding members that there was an open day for the public to view the refurbished building on 7th September.


Cllr N Dixon referred to page 118 of the agenda and the reference to the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). He asked if any anticipated net surplus from rental income, had factored in the spending on the building. The Chairman replied that it was anticipated that there would be a net gain after a number of years.


The Estates and Asset Strategy Manager explained that depending on the outcome of the remaining areas of the site, then the capital expenditure would be covered and then the rental income, together with the service charge, would produce a net income.


Cllr Dixon said it would be helpful to have an update on this once the position was clearer. The Chairman replied that there would be a further report coming to Cabinet, outlining the tenancy options for the remaining space on the site.


Cllr Cushing said that the report inferred that there was more work to be undertaken on the site. The Chairman replied that the building was separate from the rest of the site. There was an outbuilding, a parking compound and a listed wall that all needed to be assessed and their future considered.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr P Heinrich and




  1. Confirm the letting of rooms within The Cedars building as detailed in the exempt appendix, with authority delegated to the Asset Strategy Manager to complete the licence agreements, with details of tenants being made public once licences are complete.
  2. Request that the Asset Strategy Manager continues to advertise and seek tenants for the remaining space within the building with delegated authority to agree tenants in consultation with the finance and assets portfolio holder.
  3. Receive a further report detailing options for the balance of The Cedars site and adjoining land off Hall Lane to the north once the outcome of the Historic England Statutory List review is known.


Reason for the decision:


To advise Members of the completion of refurbishment works to The Cedars building as part of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Programme and in the sound management of the Council’s property portfolio.

Supporting documents: