Agenda item

Options for Future Governance of Sloley Parish Council

Executive Summary

The options and proposals outlined in the report below allow for a sensible and pragmatic approach which will enable the Parish Council to return to operation.


It is hoped that engagement within the parish will see local electors coming forward to once again serve on the parish council which would bring about an end to the temporary appointments and allow the council to run independently.


Options considered


1.     Run a further Election notice to invite nominations from qualified persons to stand for election to the Parish Council.

2.     To temporarily appoint three parish councillors from District and County Council members. This would be for a period of 6 months to establish an interim Parish Council to seek engagement with the parish, for new membership so the Parish Council can function independently once again.

3.     To dissolve the Parish Council and implement a Parish Meeting arrangement.

4.     To undertake a Community Governance Review in order to implement a Grouping Arrangement with the neighbouring Parish Councils.



We are not seeking to consult with the parish on our initial recommendation however this would be required if options 3 or 4 were to be pursued in the future.




We recommend to Full Council the adoption of option 2 which is the temporary appointment of three Councillors from District/County Council membership. The initial period would be 6 months; however, this could be shorter should qualified engagement to represent the parish be found and co-opted.

We ask that Full Council consider the following recommendation which is felt to provide the best course of action to restore the first tier of governance to the Parish of Sloley.

It is recommended that District and County Councillor Nigel Dixon, District Councillor Gerard Mancini-Boyle, and District Councillor Saul Penfold be appointed to Sloley Parish Council for a period up to six months.

It is recommended that Jane Wisson be appointed Temporary Clerk to support the Parish Council until such time that a permanent appointment can be made.

Separately, it is recommended that an Order be created with respect to delegation of authority which would allow the Chief Executive or the Monitoring Officer have the powers to implement temporary appointment orders in respect of any Parish Council which find itself in a position of being inquorate in the future.

Reasons for recommendations


It is considered this would give a final chance to bring about retained governance for the parish of Sloley if the temporary appointment of councillors can go on to successfully find qualified and willing candidates to join the Parish Council. This will allow us to advise electors of this proposed course of action, as well as the alternatives should this initial plan not see sufficient representation from within the parishes at the end of the six-month appointment term.

Background papers





Wards affected

Hoveton and Tunstead

Cabinet member(s)

Tim Adams

Contact Officer

Rob Henry, Senior Elections Officer,


Links to key documents:


Corporate Plan:         

Not directly linked to corporate plan priorities

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)                                

Not linked to MTFS

Council Policies & Strategies

Not linked to any Core Strategy Policies as listed here


Corporate Governance:


Is this a key decision 


Has the public interest test been applied


Details of any previous decision(s) on this matter






The Leader of the Council, Cllr Adams, introduced this item. He explained that Sloley Parish Council was unable to operate as it was currently inquorate and that the report set out steps to enable them to return to operation.


It was proposed by Cllr T Adams, seconded by Cllr P Fisher and




To approve the temporary appointment of District and County Councillor Nigel Dixon, District Councillor Gerard Mancini-Boyle, and District Councillor Saul Penfold be appointed to Sloley Parish Council for a period up to six months.

That Jane Wisson be appointed Temporary Clerk to support the Parish Council until such time that a permanent appointment can be made.

Separately, that an Order be created with respect to delegation of authority which would allow the Chief Executive or the Monitoring Officer have the powers to implement temporary appointment orders in respect of any Parish Council which find itself in a position of being inquorate in the future.

Supporting documents: