Officer’s report
The DMTL introduced the officer’s report and recommendation for approval subject to conditions. He outlined the site’s location, relationship with neighbouring dwellings, existing and proposed elevations and floor plans, and photos of the site.
The DMTL stated that the main issues for consideration were matters of principle of development, design and heritage impact, amenity, landscape, biodiversity, and highways.
With respect of design and heritage impact the DMTL confirmed that the revised scheme was considered acceptable, which better aligned with the existing dwelling. Whilst officers acknowledge that the proposed development would alter the symmetry of the existing cottages, this had already been altered to an extent by the existing first floor extension and by the sizable rear extension to No.1 Barnfield cottages, which had been approved earlier in the year. The extension was noteworthy in its size; however, it was not considered it would have a significant detrimental impact on the appearance of the dwelling or the surrounding area, nor conflict with the character and appearance of the Weybourne Conservation Area. Additionally, the proposal wasn’t considered to have a significant adverse impact on neighbouring properties. The application was therefore complaint with policies EN4 and EN8 of the NNDC Core Strategy.
The DMTL commented that the fenestration was policy complaint, and the relatively small rooflights proposed would not result in any significant overlooking. Officers concluded that there would not be a significant loss of light or overshadowing by consequence of the proposal.
The Landscape Officer took not issue with the landscape and visual impact of the proposal on the AONB, noting that the property was positioned in the built-up part of the village.
Any concerns relating to light spill from the development had been satisfactorily addressed through a significant reduction in glazing from 7 to 3 rooflights, it was further noted that the proposal would replace the existing first floor extension which was almost fully glazed. Accordingly, the proposal accorded with polices EN1 and EN2.
The DMTL concluded by affirming that the application was considered, on balance, to be acceptable and complaint with the relevant development policies.
Public Speakers
Martin Brown – Weybourne Parish Council
James Stanbrook – Objecting
Jonathan Smith – Supporting
Members’ Debate and Questions
i. The Local Member – Cllr V Holliday – noted the large number of objections to the application and argued their comments were material considerations in determining the application. Such objections related to matters including loss of privacy, loss of light or overshadowing, parking, and effect on the Conservation Area. She relayed a sample of objections submitted and stated there was no space capacity on Station Road to accommodate additional vehicles, it was therefore difficult to understand how the three parking spaces could be accessed. The Local Member considered the application would be contrary to the NNDC design guide, NNDC conservation area guidelines and NNDC Core Strategy policies EN2, EN4, EN8, HO8 and CT6.
ii. Cllr P Fisher asked if the 52% increase in the size of the dwelling reflected the removal of the first-floor structure.
iii. The DMTL advised he didn’t believe it did, therefore the current first floor floorplan figure could be discounted from the 52%.
iv. Cllr R Macdonald noted the proposed first floor windows on the side elevation of the dwelling, he did not consider this would have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties given the angle.
v. The DMTL advised the lights were at head height, the degree of overlooking was not considered by officers to be significantly detrimental.
vi. Cllr L Paterson stated that he was struggling to accept the scale of the proposed extension.
vii. The Chairman noted policies EN2 EN4 and EN8, and asked how officers applied weight to these policies when considering the application.
viii. The DMTL confirmed that in assessing the application, officers took into account that the property was located in a built-up area of Weybourne. Officers were content that there wouldn’t be a significantly detrimental impact upon the wider landscape and the AONB, with the extension sitting relatively comfortably against the existing residential property. In terms of policy EN8, the Conservation and Design Officer were satisfied the revised proposal would not cause additional heritage harm.
ix. Cllr G Mancini-Boyle considered this a challenging application to determine and sought confirmation whether there was a calculation or metric which could be applied to determine the maximum size of an extension.
x. The DM advised each application was considered on its merits, there was no formula or algorithm to determine maximum extension sizes. He affirmed that the application accorded with the development plan.
xi. Cllr M Hankins acknowledged that this was a significant extension but welcomed the proposal in converting an existing holiday home into a principal residence. He considered this change would bring benefits to the community and argued wight should be given to this consideration.
xii. Cllr L Vickers asked about the situation at No.1 Barnfield Cottages, and the relationship of this property with the proposal.
Images were relayed at the meeting of the road scene.
xiii. The Chairman asked how big of an extension would be permitted under permitted development.
xiv. The DMTL advised that it was difficult to determine given the site was located within a Conservation Area.
xv. Cllr M Hankins proposed acceptance of the officer’s recommendation.
xvi. Cllr G Mancini-Boyle seconded the officers recommendation.
RESOLVED by 8 votes for, 1 against, and 3 abstentions.
That Planning Application PF/23/0999 be APPROVED in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.
Cllr J Punchard left the meeting at 11.50am.
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