Agenda item

Portfolio Reports

To receive reports from Cabinet Members on their portfolios:


Cllr T Adams - Executive Support & Legal Services

Cllr H Blathwayt – Coast

Cllr A Brown – Planning & Enforcement

Cllr W Fredericks – Housing and People Services

Cllr P Heinrich – Sustainable Growth

Cllr C Ringer – IT, Environmental & Waste Services

Cllr L Shires – Finance, Estates & Assets

Cllr A Varley – Climate Change & Net Zero

Cllr L Withington – Community, Leisure & Outreach (Including Health & Wellbeing)



Members are reminded that they may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and portfolio areas but should note that it is not a debate.


No member may ask more than one question plus a supplementary question, unless the time taken by members’ questions does not exceed 30 minutes in total, in which case, second questions will be taken in the order that they are received (Constitution, Chapter 2, part 2, section 12.2)


The Chairman advised members that the report for the Sustainable Growth portfolio was missing from the agenda pack due to an administrative error. It would be circulated after the meeting.

The Chairman invited questions from members:

Cllr C Cushing asked the Leader about the number of Cabinet members. Neighbouring councils had seven Cabinet members, compared to the nine appointed at NNDC. He asked why NNDC had so many, saying that a reduction to seven would be a substantial cost saving over the next three years. The Leader replied that he had no intention currently of reducing the number of Cabinet members, adding that NNDC had the addition of a Coastal Portfolio Holder unlike some councils. He said that other demands such as housing pressures and the Council’s Net Zero commitment, were reflected in the portfolio structure. He concluded by saying that all Cabinet members were extremely busy and he felt that it wouldn’t be helpful to spread the workload more thinly, adding that the situation may change in the future.

Cllr K Bayes commented on the Council’s Outlook magazine, which was produced in-house and circulated to all residents of the district. He said that there was no mention at all of his ward, Stalham, and asked if future issues could reflect all of the district’s market towns to ensure even and fair coverage. The Leader replied that Stalham would be covered in the next issue and that the magazine focussed on relevant topics. He welcomed Cllr Bayes comments that it was an important way of communicating with residents, particularly those who struggled to access the internet and digital services.

Cllr P Fisher asked the Leader about proposed changes to holiday let tax relief and whether he believed that they would have the desired impact. He also asked for an update on second homes council tax premiums. The Leader replied that the Council had no involvement with capital gains tax changes to holiday lets and he was concerned that holiday let owners had not been consulted. He said that NNDC continued to push for locally controlled taxation and registration. Ultimately, none of these changes would benefit the residents of North Norfolk. Regarding the second homes premium, discussions were ongoing with other Norfolk councils. There had been a change in Government guidance, regarding the use of second a home for the purposes of work. These would now be excluded, which was probably a positive outcome. A business plan would be produced setting out how the Council intended to use the revenue generated from second homes council tax and this would be shared in due course.

Cllr M Taylor asked Cllr L Shires, Portfolio Holder for Finance & Assets, about the Council’s decision to issue a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the former Shannock’s Hotel site in Sheringham. He asked whether the Council would consider looking at sites in Stalham that were considered to be an eyesore, such as the old Highways depot. He asked whether purchasing such sites was now a policy and if so, whether Stalham could be considered. Cllr Shires suggested that she accompany Cllr Taylor on a tour of Stalham to visit the sites that were causing concern.

Cllr N Dixon asked Cllr Shires about ongoing discussions with the Marrams’ Bowls Club in Cromer. He said that it was some time ago since a report was presented to Cabinet regarding the Council potentially spending a significant amount of money on the site. The project had been put on hold pending further information and he asked for an update on the current situation and if any progress had been made. Cllr Shires replied that the Council had offered another design option to the Marram’s and it was hoped that they would be able to contribute to the cost of this.

Cllr M Batey asked Cllr L Shires for an update on the Albert Street toilets in Holt. She replied that the contract has been awarded for the demolition and rebuild. The structural engineer designs for the footings had been completed and the party wall notices had been issued, signed and returned. The next stage was for the contractors to provide a start date and if UK Power Network needed to be involved an expected 2 - 4 week lead-in time was needed. Anglian Water also needed to be contacted regarding the sewer diversion. The Town Council had also been contacted and updated on the project’s progress.

Cllr L Paterson asked Cllr Shires about the anticipated revenue budget deficit of £250k which had been discussed at the previous meeting on 21st February. He asked whether the savings had been identified and agreed and a balanced budget achieved. Cllr Shires replied that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee had been advised that regular updates on the savings would be provided as part of the Budget Monitoring reports.

Cllr J Boyle asked Cllr W Fredericks, Portfolio Holder for Housing, for information on the findings of the recent project looking at home efficiency efforts in Stalham and how any benefits could be applied elsewhere. Cllr Fredericks said that the trial was very successful. Residents were mail-dropped and then followed up with door knocking. Consequently, she was pleased to confirm that 40% of the Norfolk Warm Homes Energy grant went to North Norfolk residents. In total 41 properties in North Norfolk received grants and 31 one of them were in Stalham. She concluded by saying that the next round of grants was commencing soon and she was hopeful that North Norfolk would receive a substantial amount. She thanked the local ward members for their support.

Cllr L Vickers asked the Leader about nutrient neutrality credits and whether any credits had been purchased by developers across the District. The Leader replied that in the absence of the Portfolio Holder, Cllr Brown, he would seek to provide an update to all members on the current situation.

Cllr K Toye asked Cllr L Withington for an update on the Community Connector team. Cllr Withington replied that she was pleased to inform members that new contracts had been given to all six community connectors.

Cllr A Fletcher asked Cllr A Varley for an update on the Council’s Net Zero projects. Cllr Varley replied that the next project would be a solar panels/sustainable green energy initiative at the Victory Swim and Fitness centre in North Walsham and would help the Council achieve its Net Zero ambitions. He added that the Council awarded £174,725 from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund, which was to be welcomed. He thanked the Climate Change & Environmental Policy Manager foe her hard work in obtaining the funding.

Cllr Dr V Holliday asked about a Portfolio Holder report for the Sustainable Growth. Cllr J Toye replied that this would be issued to all members as soon as possible. He apologised that it had not been included in the agenda.

Cllr M Taylor asked whether Cllr J Toye would like to visit Stalham to meet with local business owners and discuss their concerns regarding the recent road closures in the town and this impact on their businesses. Cllr Toye confirmed that he would be happy to join the local members in attending any meetings.


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