Agenda item

Housing Allocations Scheme 2024

Executive Summary

NNDC is responsible for assessing and addressing housing need in the District. The Council’s Allocation Schemes sets out the rules, criteria and procedures that determine how we allocate affordable homes to households in North Norfolk.

The current Allocations scheme has broadly been in place for over 14 years and now requires review to ensure that it is fit for purpose and that there is a consistent and fair approach for our Registered Provider (RP) partners to letting homes to meet the greatest housing needs.

Following consultation with partner RPs and feedback from customers, a proposed new Allocations Scheme has been produced.

The proposed new Allocations Scheme will require statutory consultation before any changes could be implemented


Options considered


The Allocations Scheme is a statutory policy of the Council which must be relevant and effective, not providing an up to date Allocations Scheme in line with current legislation is not an option  


RP partners

Customers of “Your Choice Your Home”

Staff across housing / housing related teams



It is recommended that Cabinet:

-      Support the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A

-      Agree that NNDC undertake statutory consultation with key stakeholders 

-      Agree that,  following consultation, a further report be bought back to Cabinet for consideration ahead of formal adoption of the Allocation Scheme

Reasons for recommendations


To ensure the Council has an effective Allocations Scheme in place – a statutory policy of the Council

Background papers





Wards affected


Cabinet member(s)

Cllr Fredericks, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Peoples’ Services

Contact Officer

Nicky Debbage, Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager,






-        Support the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A

-        Agree that NNDC undertake statutory consultation with key stakeholders 

-        Agree that, following consultation, a further report be bought back to Cabinet for consideration ahead of formal adoption of the Allocation Scheme


Reason for the decision


To ensure the Council has an effective Allocations Scheme in place – a statutory policy of the Council


The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Cllr Fredericks, introduced this item. She explained that all local authorities were reviewing their housing lists and prioritising those in greatest need. The allocation scheme set out the rules, criteria and procedures that determined how the Council allocated affordable homes to households in North Norfolk. Following consultation with partner Registered Providers and feedback from customers, a proposed new Allocations Scheme had been produced. The new scheme would require statutory consultation before any changes could be implemented.


Cllr L Vickers said that in the proposed scheme, someone needed to have a two-year connection to the local area to qualify for band two housing. She asked if consideration could be given to extending this to a three-year connection.  The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager explained that the main scheme had a three year criteria, however Band 2, was a ‘filter’ that would come into effect if no-one was eligible under the three year connection, then a two year connection to the parish would be considered. This was to be certain that it would still go to someone with a local connection. She confirmed that for Band 1 and to get onto the housing register, a three year local connection was required.


Cllr C Ringer said that he was one of the members representing more rural wards, where some of the issues regarding local connection could be more challenging. He said that he welcomed the simplifying of the process and that was now more robust in ensuring a local connection. He referred to section 4.13 and the reference to the ‘strongest local connection’ and sought clarification on how competing applications would be prioritised and whether it was housing need first and then local connection. Cllr W Fredericks confirmed that this was the case. She added that each application would be considered by the Housing Team and other agencies and carefully assessed on its merits as each case was different.


Cllr L Withington asked about shared ownership and the housing need element to this. The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager explained that all the applicants on the housing register were asked if they had an interest in shared ownership and all the partner registered providers were asked to advertise their shared-ownership properties through ‘Your Choice, Your Home’. This was particularly important for exception site homes as there was an added criteria of local connections for shared ownership. Regarding general need shared ownership, she said that many of them did not go to applicants on the housing register.  Principally because the register as a route to rented social housing.


Cllr A Brown asked how the consultation responses would be collated and reported back to members. The Housing Strategy & Delivery Manager explained that some elements of the Housing Allocations Policy would not be subject to consultation as the amendments had been made in line with legislative requirements. The focus would be on the elements of discretion that the Council had – such as years of residency etc. She clarified that it was not certain how much feedback would be received. The results would be summarised but all of the information would be available if members wished to see it.


Cllr J Toye welcomed the engagement with town and parish councils. Cllr Fredericks replied that every town and parish council had been contacted regarding local housing need in their areas.


The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments. He highlighted the excellent response to the survey on ‘Your Choice, Your Home’.


It was proposed by Cllr W Fredericks, seconded Cllr J Toye and




-        Support the proposed allocations scheme summarised in this report and attached as Appendix A

-        Agree that NNDC undertake statutory consultation with key stakeholders 

-        Agree that, following consultation, a further report be bought back to Cabinet for consideration ahead of formal adoption of the Allocation Scheme


Reason for the decision


To ensure the Council has an effective Allocations Scheme in place – a statutory policy of the Council

Supporting documents: