To consider a report from the Director of Resources on the progress on reducing the number of outstanding Audit recommendations.
Councillor Butikofer welcomed the report as it did show progress and commented that some recommendations had already been implemented but the status had not been updated. It was important to keep the information up to date.
Councillor Cushing queried the progress of the new finance system in NN2302 Key Controls and Assurance. Councillor Butikofer replied that the system is up and running and working.
The Director of Resources (DoR) advised that it was a good system but needed some work to develop it and add additional functionality to make it as effective as possible. The system was chosen following a competitive tendering process and chosen as most able to meet the council’s needs.
Councillor Cushing asked in respect of the car parking contract with Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Council when that contract was up for review. The Chief Executive stated that it ended in March and there had been a strategic review. A report was coming to Cabinet in November on the options available.
Councillor Butikofer asked about the progress on ICT Disaster Recovery. The DoR advised that the Council was one of a few who had done a live test to assess what would happen and it was a successful exercise that addressed the issues that were encountered.
The DfC stated that one of the terms of reference for the new Performance and Productivity Board was the oversight of Audit recommendations to ensure the timely completion of the work that was needed. This would be done on a monthly basis and to meet before the GRAC met to ensure that an update position was presented to the committee.
The Chief Executive (CEX) advised that there were to be two other boards which would cover decarbonisation and major projects.
Councillor Butikofer asked what did that mean for the Corporate Delivery Unit. The CEX stated that it was not clear whether the unit had worked for the council and are taking a different approach to project management and implementation that would include the new major projects board and corporate learning.
Councillor Vickers asked what role there was for Councillors with the boards,. The CEX advised that they were management structures but there would be opportunities to ask questions at Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Committee as well as this committee.
Councillor Butikofer asked who would be responsible for the project plan. The CEX confirmed that it would be the responsibility of the new board and that the plans for major projects needed to be dynamic.
Councillor Cushing asked about the process for delivering major projects. The CEX stated that externally facing projects had gatekeepers, the council bid for external funding, drew up a project plan but couldn’t move to the next stage until the funding is confirmed. Once it was then there would be a competitive tendering process and then implementation and the monitoring of the expenditure.
Councillor Butikofer questioned whether all of the oversight boards were going to report back to committee. The CEX advised that the expectation that they would report back but only by exception. The Performance and Productivity Board might have some detailed information, but it was expected that the other two boards would have very little information for the committee.
Following Councillor Cushing’s question, the CEX confirmed that the terms of Reference for the Oversight Boards would be sent to the members of the committee for their information.
Resolved - that the latest position on the outstanding Audit recommendations as at 10 September 2024 be noted.
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