Agenda item

Notice(s) of Motion

The following Notices of Motion have been received:


Temporary Accommodation costs and budget pressures


This motion is asking for a letter to be sent by NNDC and our two MPs to the Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner.

This letter seeks clarity over the funding support to Councils regarding exponential rising nightly paid temporary accommodation costs.  The building of more homes is of course incredibly welcome.  However, it is the short term funding crisis that needs addressing while these new affordable homes are built out.  It is putting unprecedented pressure on NNDC and councils up and down the country.  This means that costs have to be found by cutting other services leaving residents lacking in support.

This echos the findings from the District Councils Network that this is a National issue and they are calling on the Government for support.

The second part of the letter requests a return visit from the Ministry Housing, Communities and Local Government (previously DHLUC).  The Council were grateful to meet with the department at NNDC Council offices earlier this year.  Action points were taken by the Officials.  We would like to know the progress under the new Government Regime.


Recommendation: The letter will be drafted by the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council and asked to be signed by both of our MPs.

Proposed by Cllr Wendy Fredericks, seconded by Cllr Lucy Shires



Motion on Winter Fuel Allowance Announcement

Fuel poverty is a pressing issue, with 16.1% of households in North Norfolk affected, compared to the national average of 13.1%. (1)The region's housing energy efficiency is subpar, with over 60% of properties off the gas grid, relying on expensive heating alternatives. This disproportionately affects older residents, many of whom live in cold homes and are vulnerable to fuel poverty. (2)

Norfolk has a significant elderly population, particularly in North Norfolk, where 33% of residents are aged 65 or older. (1)This demographic is more susceptible to cold-related health issues, contributing to high excess winter deaths.

NNDC stresses that failure to address this issue will push more elderly people into fuel poverty, exacerbating health risks and impacting the well-being of North Norfolk's aging population.

NNDC are proactively reaching out to residents with our teams using our data to encourage those eligible to apply for Pension Credit and help fill in appropriate forms. Anyone concerned about this please give NNDC a call and our teams will help you.

Recommendation: We ask NNDC to  submit a letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer urging a review of the winter fuel allowance means test, particularly considering pensioners with incomes below the national living wage. This  Council calls upon our two local MPs in particular the North Norfolk MP to continue to lobby the Government for this review, emphasizing the potential negative impact on elderly residents in North Norfolk:


Proposed by Cllr Liz Withington     Seconded by Cllr Wendy Fredericks



(1)   JSNA_Housing_Briefing_Paper_March_2024.pdf (

(2)   (2)Source: Non-gas map (

(3)   Save the Winter Fuel Payment | Age UK