The Committee received and
noted a report that: (i) outlined how Council’s
priorities will be achieved by setting out the framework within
which resources that are available to the Council over the medium
term and the financial challenges facing the Council in terms of
future funding gaps; and (ii) through disciplined execution
of this strategy, the Council will achieve financial sustainability
while continuing to serve the community effectively.
Questions Responses and Discussion
The mains points of the
discussion (Including those issues raised by
Councillor Cushing, Fletcher and
Heinrich) have been summarised as follows:
The Committee:
- Noted that developing a detailed
precise plan to achieve the required savings over the next 3 years
has been challenging, as it depends on both internal and external
factor. Internal factors include the council's operational
efficiency and the ability to innovate, while external factors
range from economic conditions and government policy changes to
unforeseen global or regional events.
- Noted whilst higher interest rates
have improved returns on investments, the cost of borrowing has
increased, therefore meaning that any borrowing either short term
to cover potential shortfalls in cash flows, or longer-term
borrowing which may be used to cover larger projects becomes more
expensive. Therefore, requiring careful consideration in the
current interest rate environment as when interest rates are low,
the Council earns less on their investments, reducing the income
that can support service delivery. When interest rates rise, the
cost of servicing debt increases, which can reduce the funds
available for other services if borrowing is sought.
- Noted that given
the current uncertainties around issues such as changes to the
Local Government funding mechanisms it is essential to identify new
opportunities to either increase income, increase efficiency
through the redesign of services, explore new partnership models
for service delivery etc and this will be one of the main
challenges over the medium term.
- Noted that whilst the Council’s reserves provide some level of comfort
over the short term and can be used to address budget deficits this
is not a sustainable financial strategy for the medium to long
- Noted that the MTFS had been
significantly restructured and redrafted from comments received
from this Committee at its meeting of the 13th November, 2024 and approved by Cabinet on 2nd
December, 2024 with further work to be undertaken following receipt
of the Financial Settlement.
- Noted the Council generates income
through various fees and charges for services provided to residents
and businesses. These charges help fund essential services and
maintain financial sustainability.
- Noted there are currently reserves
that can be used to fund one-off costs for projects that will
deliver a longer-term benefit. e.g. to fund one-off
restructuring costs, where a restructuring will deliver a longer
term saving for a service and for the implementation and project
costs for the Business Transformation programme that will deliver
future savings. The use of reserves in this way will be considered
as part of the full business case for individual project proposals,
taking into account the payback period of the project along with
indirect financial implications, for example, reduced balances
available for investment and the associated loss of investment
In conclusion the
The Chairman Moved and Overview and
Scrutiny committee RESOLVED to
To note the Council’s Medium Term
Financial Strategy.