Agenda item


Officers will give a verbal update on the North Walsham delivery process.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a verbal update on progress on the North Walsham  Development Brief.  The purpose of the Brief was to take a comprehensive approach to the development and plan properly, effectively and robustly for the delivery of housing and infrastructure.


It had been agreed that NNDC would take leadership of the Brief, in close collaboration with Norfolk County Council (NCC), landowners, site promoters and developers, which would allow the degree of control required by Members. 


One of the next stages would be to reflect on the Local Plan consultation responses in relation to North Walsham and the issues raised would be taken on board through the Development Brief process.  Consideration would be given to further consultation specifically on the brief and the communication and engagement strategy would be scoped out in the coming months.


A Technical Delivery Group had been set up to take the work forward.  There was a great deal of technical work to complete and it would be necessary to draw heavily on expertise and experience from this Council’s officers and other partners.  A meeting had been held in October which had been well attended, and it was anticipated that the next meeting would take place at the end of January or early February, pending the outcome of a number of outstanding matters.  It was envisaged that the next two meetings would discuss matters relating to the highways and transport evidence base. 


The Senior Planning Officer stated that he was working on scoping the many workstreams, tasks and evidence that would be required in the next six months to inform the brief.  The work would be taken to the Technical Delivery Group for consideration but any important decisions would be made by the Working Party.


NNDC was working with NCC on commissioning a transport study and evidence base.  The outcome of a business rates pool bid to fund 50% of the cost of the transport study was awaited.  The remaining 50% would be match-funded equally by NNDC and NCC.  The study would be carried out by NCC’s transport consultants.  The Senior Planning Officer outlined the early stages of work which would be required to provide initial feasibility for the western link road.  The transport study report was expected in June/July and would feed into the technical group’s work with a detailed report on the transport study and next steps to be brought to the Working Party. 


In the meantime, work was taking place to produce the draft vision for the Development Brief and a report would be brought to the Working Party in due course.


An infrastructure position statement would be produced which would provide a clear steer on all infrastructure issues which would feed into the Development Brief and into discussions with landowners and developers so that all parties would know what was required.  A green infrastructure strategy would be prepared to ensure that green infrastructure, climate change and environmental principles were embodied into the process.


A funding strategy was being developed, initially to fund some of the evidence which was required.  Following completion of the first phase of the transport work it was hoped that developers would start to fund some of the evidence base.  Early discussions had commenced with a number of funding organisations to put them on notice that funding bids could be put forward for infrastructure projects.


Discussions were ongoing with landowners and developers involved in other sites which had been put forward. 


There were many challenges as far as North Walsham  was concerned.  Whilst there was some caution within the development industry, there was also a degree of confidence that if the highway issues could be overcome the western extension could be seen as a long-term delivery vehicle.  The Development Brief would be a long-term document which guided the development and it was essential to ensure that the Council was robust about the principles contained within it.


The Working Party would be kept fully informed of the progress of the work on the Development Brief.


Councillor Mrs P Grove-Jones considered that given the scale of residential development proposed on the western side of the town, there was reliance on the eastern side of the town under the bridges for economic development.  She asked if any thought had been given to promoting economic development on the western side of the town.  She stated that the bridges were the main barrier into North Walsham.


The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the western extension was a mixed use allocation which included 7 hectares of employment land.  He stated that the transport study would provide evidence in relation to HGV movements and the level of intervention which would be required.  The number and frequency of vehicle movements would to an extent guide the amount of infrastructure which would be required.  The existing industrial estate appeared to be vibrant and performing well.  The infrastructure solution would depend on the findings of the transport study.  The Development Brief would include a strategy as to how a link road could be provided from Norwich Road into the industrial estate and serve the rest of the town.  A transport scheme would include sustainable transport, cycling and walking.


Councillor Mrs Grove-Jones considered that North Walsham was viewed as two sections.  The railway line dissected the town and made it difficult for it to be viewed as a whole.


The Planning Policy Team Leader referred to the responses in respect of the western extension.  A number of objections had been received, mainly relating to environmental issues, loss of green space and agriculture etc. but equally, many responses had been in favour of the principle of the scheme.  However, the majority of comments related to sustainability and connectivity with the industrial site.


Councillor Ms V Gay thanked the Senior Planning Officer.  She stated that North Walsham  Members had argued that an independent brief was required, paid for by NNDC and not the developers, and she was pleased that it was moving forward.  She emphasised that the link road as originally discussed ended at the Cromer Road and it was vital to continue into the industrial estate, which was vibrant and hoping to expand.  There was no room in the town for modern, serviced offices and businesses moved out of the town due to lack of availability. 


Councillor P Heinrich supported Councillor Ms Gay’s comments.


The Chairman thanked the Senior Planning Officer for his work to date.