Agenda item

Portfolio Reports

To receive reports from Cabinet Members on their portfolios.


Members are reminded that they may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and portfolio areas but should note that it is not a debate.


1.    Cllr A Brown, Portfolio Holder for Planning, Planning Policy and Housing drew members’ attention to the Local Plan Review consultation, which had received 900 responses from 400 consultees. However, only 15 parish councils had responded which was disappointing. He said that the responses would be collated and a summary document would be prepared for members.


Cllr Brown then spoke about the annual review of brownfield sites, with 10 being identified. These could potentially provide over 200 properties which could be fast-tracked.


Fifteen homes were being built in conjunction with Broadland Housing Association.


Regarding homelessness, Cllr Brown said that the Council was working with charities to try and identify triggers and potential causes to prevent it before it occurred.


He concluded by commending the Council’s Housing team for setting up an Integrated Adaptations team.


2.    The Leader, Cllr S Butikofer, said that she had two updates. Work was progressing well on the North Norfolk Information Centre in Cromer with a new visitor centre for the Deep History Coast Project being developed and new public toilet facilities. A soft launch was planned for early January. She then said that a recent Public Services Network (PSN) health check of the Council’s IT systems, had resulted in positive comments from the inspection team.

3.    Cllr A Fitch-Tillett, Portfolio Holder for Coast, said that the coastal team was working with local representatives and the Environment Agency to improve the ramp at Sea Palling to overcome issues with the launching of fishing vessels and the lifeboat. She then referred to recent seal deaths and thanked the Friends of Horsey Seals for their support in educating people about how to behave around seals and their pups. Cllr Fitch-Tillett concluded by reminding Members that there was no funding for coastal adaptation and she said that she hoped the newly elected MP for North Norfolk would campaign for this.

4.    Cllr V Gay, Portfolio Holder for Arts & Culture, said that a full update on her portfolio had been circulated and that details of arts and community grants had been shared with Members. She added that there had been an attempt to spread grant funding geographically across the District.

5.    Cllr G Hayman, Portfolio Holder for Commercialisation & Assets informed members that the tender documentation for the electric vehicle charging points (EVCP) had been issued on 29 November. The timescale was tight as the deadline for completion was March 2020. He went onto say that a condition survey was being undertaken on the Council’s chalets. Cllr V FitzPatrick commented that there was no single standard for EVCP and asked whether the Council intended to provide a mix of different types. The Head of Paid Service (NB) replied that there was no common standard but that in order to ‘future proof’ the Council would be using the version recommended by the Government and they would all be the same.

6.    Cllr R Kershaw, Portfolio Holder for Economic and Career Development, informed Members that a consultant had been appointed to undertake the work relating to the North Norfolk Growth Sites Delivery Strategy. He referred to the North Walsham High Street Heritage Action Zone Working Party and thanked officers for working to such a tight timescale.

7.    Cllr N Lloyd, Portfolio Holder for Environment, updated members on funding for the installation of EV charging points. He said that the grant had been received and installation would be complete by the end of March 2020. He then informed members of the disbandment of the Norfolk Civil Protection Volunteers. He said that arrangements were being made to move the storage of rest centre equipment. He thanked all of the volunteers who had supported the Council and other organisations for so many years. Cllr J Rest asked when members would be informed about the new contractor for waste collection. He was advised that the successful bidder would be announced once the contract was signed.

8.     Cllr E Seward, Portfolio Holder for Finance, informed Members that the business rates NHS appeal had been rejected by the High Court. This meant that 45 local authorities had been spared associated costs. He added that the Business Rates Pool would be reviewing the situation and the impact on the Pool as soon as possible.


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