Agenda item

Consideration of Any Matter Referred to the Committee by a Member

To consider any requests made by non-executive Members of the Council, and notified to the Monitoring Officer with seven clear working days’ notice, to include an item on the agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Cllr N Housden has submitted the following request:


Would the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the impact of Norfolk County Council’s proposed cuts to the Norfolk Music Service on children in the District? It is suggested that the number of tutors it currently provides are reduced by half and the cost of lessons to parents is increased by almost a fifth. This will have a significant impact on children living within the District, limiting their options to learn music and partake in extra-curricular activities that benefit their health and wellbeing. Although, the responsibility for the provision of music tuition sits with the County Council, the impact on our residents is potentially very significant.


The Chairman informed Members that whilst Cllr N Housden had given his apologies, he had submitted the following request for consideration by the Committee:


‘Would the Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the impact of Norfolk County Council’s proposed cuts to the Norfolk Music Service on children in the District? It is suggested that the number of tutors it currently provides are reduced by half and the cost of lessons to parents is increased by almost a fifth. This will have a significant impact on children living within the District, limiting their options to learn music and partake in extra-curricular activities that benefit their health and wellbeing. Although, the responsibility for the provision of music tuition sits with the County Council, the impact on our residents is potentially very significant.’


The Chairman stated that he was mindful of Cllr Housden’s absence, and reminded Members that a statement from NCC on the issue had been shared with Committee Members prior to the meeting. Cllr J Toye commented that the statement from NCC suggested that lessons would be cheaper, but it also appeared that there would be an increase to individuals. He added that anything that reduced extra-curricular activity would have an effect, and having previously worked in high schools, he knew that all Councils would be looking at making cuts to these services.


Cllr L Shires stated that the issue was a big difficulty, and that her son had previously taken drum lessons, but had now stopped due to timetable clashes. She added that the loss of 30 minutes of academic study for music lessons was not fully supported by teachers, and students had begun to avoid these lessons as a result. It was suggested that there had been up to a 30% fall in the number of children taking music lessons as a result of timetable clashes. Cllr T Adams agreed with Cllr L Shires’ concerns, and noted that music was very important to children’s learning and development. In terms of costs, he added that he would be surprised if the rise from £34 to £40 per hour was sustainable. Cllr T Adams then suggested that the reduction from 46 to 21 tutors could undermine the range of instruments available to students, and could also make music tuition more exclusive. He added that whilst music services were not a District Council function, there was potential for £700k of savings, and he expected it would go to Scrutiny at NCC, which could provide NNDC with an opportunity to communicate its concerns.


Cllr H Blathwayt commented that playing music aided the overall education of children, and he felt that it would be appropriate for the Committee to communicate its disquiet to NCC.


Cllr V Gay stated that the decision from NCC was very regrettable, and that if the Committee were minded to express its disquiet, it would be a good idea. She added that NNDC did do some work to develop music with young people, but this was a small part of the picture.


Cllr P Grove-Jones stated that it was a shame that when cuts were made, most authorities went straight for the arts, and this was one of the most essential things to teach children. She added that she would also reiterate that NNDC should communicate its disquiet.


Cllr N Pearce stated that NCC risked fracturing a generation, and that cuts to music would meet an angry response. As a result, he agreed that a letter to NCC must be strongly worded. Cllr T Adams suggested that if the Committee were minded to submit a letter to NCC, then it should also be addressed to the Chairman of their Overview & Scrutiny Committee, so that it could be taken into account during their discussion of the cuts.


Cllr J Rest stated that he had been asked to speak on behalf of Cllr N Housden, who had submitted a declaration of interest. The Democratic Services Manager read out  Cllr Housden’s declaration of interest which stated:


‘I am a musical instrument coordinator for the music service and am employed by NCC, simply put I deliver instruments to schools and also collect. It is a term to term contract, which started in November. I was asked to help as the Service was in total chaos in terms of this role. The cuts really do not effect me and I would not expect to be doing the work after August 2020.


Secondly, my wife is a peripatetic music tutor and has worked as such for 12 years, with the music service. She will be directly affected by the proposals, in terms of contract, income and the music sessions provided for the schools.’


Cllr J Rest commented that the proposals suggested that children would go to the tutors as opposed to tutors visiting the schools. He stated that music was a great outlet for some and was a service that must continue to be provided, otherwise there could be an awful effect on children.


Cllr W Fredericks asked whether it would be possible to suggest to NCC that they worked with schools to improve the services available. Cllr J Rest replied that the music tutors worked by contract for NCC and were not directly employed by schools, furthermore they had to cover large areas which required Cllr Housden to deliver the instruments.


The Chairman stated that he had no preconceptions on the proposals, and suggested that the comments should be taken at face value. He added that the Committee had to bear in mind that NNDC were not the deliverers of the service, though it would affect local residents. He continued that the project was at an early stage, and it was not yet clear how it would work in practice. He then suggested that the Committee should write to express its concerns at this stage.


Cllr N Pearce asked whether schools could contact parents to provide feedback in relation to the proposed cuts.


Cllr J Toye suggested that the Committee should write to NCC and copy in the Chair of the O&S Committee to express severe concerns about the potential denial of music services to a generation. Cllr W Fredericks stated that she supported the idea of sending a strongly worded letter, and added that she would like to include the wording, extremely concerned. Cllr A Varley agreed that the letter had to be strongly worded, and suggested that reference should be made to the detrimental impact it would have on children. Cllr N Pearce stated that having worked within the industry for some time, he suggested that the letter should include comment that we ‘deplore the thought’ to note the Committee’s aversion to the proposals.


Cllr L Shires stated that local authorities should be focused on limiting inequality rather than broadening it. She added that cuts appeared to be made continually without any impact assessments, which often resulted in effects that disproportionately impacted the lives of lower income families.


The Chairman summarised the points made, and suggested that the Scrutiny Officer could draft a letter and share it with Members via email before sending.


It was proposed by Cllr J Toye and seconded by Cllr H Blathwayt that the Scrutiny Officer write to the Head of Music Services at NCC, copying in the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, to express the Committee’s concerns in reference to  the proposed changes.




That the Scrutiny Officer write to the Head of Music Services at NCC, copying in the Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, to express the Committee’s concerns in reference to  the proposed changes.