Agenda item

HOLT - PF/19/1913 - Formation of concrete surfaced bus turning area, overflow bus parking area with permeable surface and staff car parking area with associated drainage (revised plans and additional information); Kongskilde UK Ltd, Hempstead Road Business Centre, Hempstead Road, Holt, NR25 6EE for Sanders Coaches Ltd


Conditional approval.


The Development Manager presented the application.  She reported that two additional representations had been received, which raised issues that had been addressed in the report and additional issues in respect of the consultation period and the proper implementation of mitigation measures secured through conditions and future compliance with those conditions.  In response, the Development Manager stated that there had been three rounds of consultation on this application and it was considered that the consultation had been adequately addressed.   Any issues that arose in respect of the implementation of mitigation measures and non-compliance with conditions could be dealt with by Planning Enforcement.  The Development Manager recommended approval of this application as set out in the report.


Public Speaker


Charles Sanders (supporting)


Representations from Councillor D Baker, Ward Member, were summarised in the report.


Councillor Mrs G Perry-Warnes, Ward Member, emphasised the importance of compliance with the conditions and requested that the management plan be diligently implemented by the applicant.  In addition, she requested that a clear line of communication be established to enable the local residents to notify the applicant of any disturbances or departure from the management plan and give confidence to the local residents that any issues could be dealt with quickly.  Despite those concerns, she supported this application and requested that the Committee approve this application.  She referred to Section 6 of the NPPF and the importance of the applicant’s business to the local economic infrastructure.  She considered that the services provided by this business would be jeopardised if the application were refused.


Councillor G Mancini-Boyle requested clarification of the use of spill kits and the monitoring and logging of any pollution.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr Sanders explained that spill kits were used to ensure that any fluid leak could be cleared up.  All spillages on all sites were logged.


Councillor J Toye stated that he had worked in the industry in the past.  He had worked for Mr Sanders but had not declared it as it was many years ago.  He agreed with Mr Sanders’ concerns that speed bumps and traffic calming would generate noise rather than reduce it, particularly when driving an empty vehicle over them.


The Chairman requested details of drainage from the hard surfacing, particularly in relation to solvents.


Mr Sanders explained that it was not intended to use solvents on the site as washing and maintenance took place at another site.  A swale would be built to take rainwater from the site.


The Senior Environmental Protection Officer explained that the traffic calming measures had been suggested by the acoustic consultant.  She considered that it was unlikely that neighbouring dwellings would be affected by noise as the speed bumps would be shielded by a building.  Vehicle speeds and noise would be reduced before they entered the open area at the rear of the site.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr Sanders explained that a speed limit of 5mph was imposed at all the company’s sites and monitored to ensure strict adherence.  Coaches had operated on the site for the past two years without any complaints being received.


Councillor C Cushing considered that it would be prudent to remove the requirement for speed bumps on the site.  Councillor A Yiasimi endorsed his comments.


The Development Manager stated that the proposed noise conditions included a vehicle management plan which could be amended to refer to the maximum speed of vehicles on site and adherence to the speed limit, which would enable the removal of the condition for traffic calming measures in the proposed conditions.


It was proposed by Councillor Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Councillor C Cushing and


RESOVLED unanimously


That this application be approved in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning, subject to amendment of the Vehicle Management Plan to include reference to the maximum speed limit, and removal of the requirement for traffic calming measures from the conditions.


(Councillor Dr C Stockton did not vote as he had been unable to join the meeting for the start of this item.)


Supporting documents: