The CE introduced the report and informed Members that it was focused on how to safely reopen the district’s high streets, resorts and market town’s for business, whilst creating safe spaces which residents and tourists would be confident to visit. The CE stated that as a result of a Government announcement, non-essential retail businesses would be permitted to open from 15th June, and planning had already begun in that regard. The CE reported that on the 9th May, the Secretary of State for Transport announced a travel fund of £250m to support social distancing, increased walking and cycling within town and city centres, to account for reduced use of public transport. He added that consideration had already been given to how this could be achieved in North Norfolk, and that Parish and Town Council’s had been contacted for input, as well as local businesses.
The CE informed Members that the report included initial proposals such as the potential widening of narrow pavement areas by removing on street parking and consideration of one-way systems in town centres amongst others. It was reported that once the broad proposals outlined in the report had been refined, it was hoped that implementation could take place from the week commencing 15th June.
Questions and Discussion
Restaurants and take away food premises were discussed, and it was noted that the Council was considering ways it could utilise open spaces for outside eating, such as the promenades or parks. Cllr P Grove-Jones stated that many open spaces were linked to playgrounds and play areas, which would not be open to the public, hence this would require careful consideration and planning. Cllr G Perry-Warnes asked whether there would be any licensing issues for introducing new outside eating areas for restaurants, and if so, could anything be done to mitigate these issues. The CE replied that these issues would be taken into consideration alongside Government guidance. He added that the LGA had encouraged authorities to look as widely and as flexibly as possible in terms of their regulatory functions, in order to adequately respond to the recovery from Covid-19.
Beach use was discussed and it was reported that in some areas such as Mundesley, access would have to be restricted to a one-way system due to narrow access ramps.
Cllr L Shires raised the issue of the Council’s communications, and stated that since the outbreak of the pandemic, she felt that they had vastly improved in a number of ways. She asked whether the communications plan could be shared amongst Members to help communicate the Council’s messages. The CE thanked the Councillor for her comments, and stated that he would pass on the request to the Communicants Manager.
Cllr J Toye referred to the social distancing considerations, and suggested that he would have liked to have seen more reference to the possibility of road closures, to ensure safety and help to facilitate social distancing measures when walking or cycling. Cllr G Hayman reiterated that Covid-19 would be with us for the foreseeable future, and as a result questioned whether pedestrianisation of some areas should be reconsidered more thoroughly. He added that this would allow more space for local businesses, and also make it easier to maintain social distancing, given that many people would now stay within the UK for holidays as opposed to going abroad.
Cllr N Pearce suggested that re-opening car boot sales should be given consideration, as they allowed for open-air socially distanced shopping to take place.
Cllr N Housden stated that in terms of publicity going forward, the Council had to be very pro-active to ensure that visitors were fully aware of the district’s social distancing requirements. He added that additional visitors could likely be expected as a result of a decline in overseas holidays, and therefore a significant education campaign would be needed to ensure safety in the district.
Cllr G Mancini-Boyle referred to licensing proposals he had raised previously, and suggested that he would be happy to email these to the CE for consideration.
To note the report.