Summary: |
This is an annual report detailing the council’s collection performance and debt management arrangements for 2019/20
The report includes:
· A summary of debts written off in each debt area showing the reasons for write-off andvalues. · Collection performance for Council Tax and Non- Domestic Rates. · Level of arrears outstanding · Level of provision for bad and doubtfuldebts |
Recommendations: |
1. To approve the annual report giving details of theCouncil’s write-offs in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenuescollection. 2. To agree the Debt Write Off Policy (shown in Appendix2) 3. To agree the use of High Court Enforcement Agents if considered necessary (shown in Appendix3)
Cabinet member(s): All |
Eric Seaward All |
Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: |
Sean Knight 01263 516347 |
The HFAM introduced the report and informed Members that the Council’s collection rates remained consistently in the upper quartile for both the county and country, which helped income generation and cash flow. The RM added that recovery action had been stopped for council tax and business rates on 18th March, which was prior to Government advice. He added that for the 2019/20 year, council tax collection rates still hit target, though business rates did not. It was noted that the latter was the result of an increase in NDR growth for the Bacton gas site, as the increased collection had not been received until after the 2019/20 accounts deadline. The RM stated that this was still a good news story, as the collectable rates had increased by approximately £1.1m and the rates retention share to NNDC was £577k, whilst Norfolk County was another £247k as it was a pilot year.
Questions and Discussion
i. Cllr Shires referred to the Debt Management and Recovery Policy, and asked how residents were supported and what support was available. The RM replied that officers always reviewed each customer’s situation carefully to determine what support could be offered. He added that all efforts were made to resolve issues prior the any collection action, though it was sometimes difficult to differentiate individuals who were not able to pay, from those who refused to pay. It was noted that council tax support was available to residents if needed and the Team always made people aware of the support available. On business rates collection, the RM stated that there was exemptions, reliefs and discounts available but these are out of date and the Government’s decision to review Non-Domestic (Business) Rates is well overdue. It was stated that the first post-lockdown soft reminders for outstanding payments had been sent last week, and some customers had paid after receiving this. The RM informed Members that mental health had become a much larger issue in recent years that the Team took very seriously. He added that the Help Hub was available for referrals, and check-up visits were undertaken by the police when serious concerns were raised.
ii. Cllr W Fredericks wished to place on record her thanks to the Revenues and Benefits Team for their efforts.
iii. Cllr L Shires stated that Mind were offering a certified suicide awareness course for free, and encouraged all Members and officers to sign-up for the training. The RM replied that HR had shared an invite for the training on 11th August, and he had requested that all Team members (excluding apprentices), be encouraged to sign-up on the same date.
iv. The recommendations were proposed by Cllr L Shires and seconded by Cllr P Heinrich to be taken en bloc.
To note and agree:
1. To approve the annual report giving details of the Council’s write-offs in accordance with the Council’s Debt Write-Off Policy and performance in relation to revenues collection.
2. To agree the Debt Write Off Policy (shown in Appendix 2)
3. To agree the use of High Court Enforcement Agents if considered necessary (shown in Appendix 3)
Supporting documents: