Agenda item

North Norfolk District Council's actions in the Recovery phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic


This report details the actions taken by North Norfolk District Council in the Recovery phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic at a strategic, local and organisational level over the period July – mid August 2020.


This includes:-


·         rolling out the “You are Welcome” reassurance programme to support local retail, hospitality and tourism businesses re- open through the implementation and ongoing review of practical social distancing measures and hand washing facilities so as to create and maintain safe, attractive towncentre and seafront environments, in accordance with Government guidance through the Re-opening the High Street Safely Fundprogramme

·         with our cleansing contract partner, SERCO, responded to large numbers of visitors to the District through increasing the frequency of toilet cleansing, beach and foreshore cleansing and litter bin emptying in response to unprecedented levels of demand /rubbish

·         managing the re-opening of Council playgrounds following Government announcements on the phased easing of lockdown restrictions from 20th July

·         purchasing a fogging machine which has been deployed to reduce the potential transmission of Coronavirus on “high-touch” surfaces within the District Council’s public conveniences, playgrounds, foreshore shelters and on Cromer Pier

·         completing the paying out of Small Business Grants on behalf of the Government and operating a £2.76million Discretionary Grant Scheme over two phases and recently extended to provide support to some town and parish councils which have lost sources of regular income due toCOVID.

·         Providing temporary accommodation for 55 individuals / households at a cost to date in this financial year of £317,000

·         making a successful bid for £330,000 under the Norfolk Tourism Sector Support Programme of the Norfolk StrategicFund

·         making a successful bid to the Government’s Getting Building Fund administered locally by the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership for the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Programme securing an additional £1.17million to support the early delivery of this important project to strengthen the appeal and vitality of North Walsham’s historic town centre













Options considered:





·      supporting the Council’s leisure contractor, Everyone Active, with the re-opening of gym and fitness classes from 15th July and swimming facilities from 20th August

·      participating in regular meetings of the Norfolk Health Protection Board and Norfolk Health Engagement Board arrangements which are monitoring, reviewing and responding to local outbreaks of Coronavirus in the county in preparation for an anticipated increase of COVID infections in the coming months and by working with partners in Winter Preparedness arrangements.


The report details the Council’s actions in the Recovery phase of the Coronavirus pandemic during July and August. Actions taken are outlined in the report.


The report details the actions taken by the District Council during July and August in the Recovery phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic and of the ongoing preparations being made to support local communities and businesses adapt to a “new normal” as well as preparing for an anticipated increase in infections levels in the coming autumn and winter months.









Reasons for Recommendations:

Cabinet is asked to note and comment upon the Council’s actions during July and August in supporting communities and businesses across North Norfolk in managing Recovery from the Coronavirus Pandemic; and in preparing for an anticipated increase in infections during the autumn and winter months ahead.


To inform corporate learning from experience gained through the Recovery phase of the pandemic, and preparedness to respond toan

anticipated increase in levels of infection in the months ahead.



(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)


Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr Sarah Butikofer

Wards affected:



Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Steve Blatch - Chief Executive

Email:- Tel: 01263 516232



The CE introduced the report and informed Members that the District had been very busy with tourists during July and August, which had required working collaboratively with local businesses to maintain a safe environment with very low Coronavirus transmission rates, which was a positive outcome for the Council. He added that this had caused additional pressures on services with regards to cleansing and litter collection. It was reported that the Council had also administered the discretionary business grants scheme, with final payments agreed on Wednesday 9th September. The CE stated that the Council had been successful in securing a tourism support grant that would be administered in the coming months, in addition to the Council’s existing efforts that included the use of a fogging machine to deep cleanse high contact areas such as public conveniences and play areas. He added that the Council had also been successful in securing £1.17m of funding from the Getting Building fund, which would support the delivery of the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone project. With regards to the Council’s leisure contracts, it was reported that there had been funding pressures for the Council as it was obliged to support the facilities during closure, though the leisure centres had been reopened for dry sports from 15th July, and swimming facilities in Sheringham and North Walsham had reopened from 20th August. The CE noted that officers and Members continued to take part in the Norfolk Resilience Forum, and the new Health Engagement Board to ensure that Norfolk’s Coronavirus response remained in-line with national guidelines.


Questions and Discussion


  i.         The Chairman noted that he understood North Norfolk had one of the lowest infection rates in the country, then asked whether the recent outbreak that had occurred south of Norwich had any impact on the District. The CE replied that there was an understanding that meat production plants were particularly vulnerable to wide scale transmission, though Norfolk was a pilot for the local outbreak control plan, and Public Health Norfolk had maintained clear lines of communication whilst handling of the event. He added that there were no factory employees resident in North Norfolk, but County-wide sharing of knowledge and best practice had taken place as a result of the crisis. The CE stated that the low rate of infection in Norfolk following the outbreak, suggested that it had been handled appropriately, and hopefully this approach would continue.


 ii.        Cllr J Toye stated that there were concerns that when children returned to school, hidden cases of domestic abuse may become more visible, and asked if there had been any indication of this, and whether any support was available for victims. The CE replied that the Council was party to multiagency response networks for these circumstances, though he was not aware that there had been any significant increase reported in the District. He added that some referrals for homelessness, loss of tenancies and subsequent family crises had been referred to the Council, and suggested that he could report back if these were above historic levels. The Chairman noted that a number of tenants had lost their accommodation during the crisis, and asked if there was any further information on the reasons for this, as it was his understanding that an eviction ban had been in place. The CE replied that he would look to provide more detail on the issue following the meeting.


iii.        Cllr L Shires referred to point 2.8 on p37 regarding mobile testing facilities, and raised concerns that many residents were not able to access adequate testing. She asked if the issues would be resolved soon, and whether NNDC had been informed of any remedial action. The CE replied that the Council had not received any complaints on testing up to the last few weeks, though as children returned to school across the country, this had increased pressure on the testing system. He added that he and the leader had raised concerns with Members of Parliament, though testing capacity was a national issue that required Central Government action to resolve.


iv.        Cllr H Blathwayt stated that he had been very impressed by the Council’s response to the crisis, but asked if there had been a democratic deficit caused by the remote nature of Councillor’s work. He added that in some cases responses from the planning department appeared to have been delayed by staff absences, then asked if the number of delegated decisions had increased as a result of the crisis. The CE replied that the lockdown had required a number of delegated decisions to be made, mainly with regards to the closing and reopening of public conveniences and play areas, which had been reported to both Cabinet and OSC meetings. With regards to the potential issues of democratic deficit, the CE stated that with the current restrictions in place on public meetings, remote working had provided a transparent way for Council’s to continue to operate. Finally, on the planning issues, it was reported that a single point of contact had been put in place for the department to monitor the response times of different teams, though this would be kept under review and feedback was appreciated. Cllr H Blathwayt replied that the planning contact had been excellent, though it may be necessary to appoint a deputy to cover absences.


 v.         Cllr G Mancini-Boyle asked if there were to be a local Covid outbreak within the District, was there a working plan in place to control this. The CE confirmed that there was a plan in place, which included a locally managed contact tracing system for Norfolk, with an NNDC team available to make house-calls if necessary. 


vi.        Cllr P Heinrich referred to the possibility of a second lockdown and asked if contingency measures were in place to manage this. The CE replied that plans were in place and the local coordination centres could be re-established if required, to deliver food and medicine. He added that social distancing measures remained in place following the end of the peak tourism season, and there was anecdotal support for these to remain in place for the foreseeable future.


vii.        Cllr L Shires noted that the majority of the public appeared to have accepted wearing masks and sanitising when entering shops, and asked whether there were any plans to reissue these guidelines to reassure higher risk residents. The CE replied that as a public authority NNDC would continue to promote the national safety messages which at present was hands, face and space. He added that this message would continue to be promoted through all Council channels, in addition to other messages such as the rule of six. In reference to the still shielding individuals, it was hoped that as tourism numbers began to fall moving into the winter, that high risk residents may begin to feel safe and reassured about going out in public.


viii.        The recommendation was proposed by Cllr H Blathwayt and seconded by Cllr L Shires.




To note and comment upon the Council’s actions during July and August in supporting communities and businesses across North Norfolk in managing Recovery from the Coronavirus Pandemic; and in preparing for an anticipated increase in infections during the autumn and winter months ahead.

Supporting documents: