To review and note the Corporate Risk Register.
The HFAM introduced the report and informed Members that in addition to a number of updates and improvements, the new performance monitoring software would include a risk module to improve monitoring of the risk register. This would also allow for better presentation of the register, and enable the tracking of risk trajectory.
Questions and Discussion
i. The Chairman stated that he had raised concerns regarding some issues with the delivery of the Electric Vehicle Charging Points Project (EVCP), and had requested that it be considered for inclusion in the in the CRR. The HFAM replied that a number of projects had their own risk registers, such as the Splash project, though these wouldn’t normally be escalated to the CRR unless they posed a significant risk to the Council or had already presented a corporate level risk. He added that whilst there had been a slight delay in the installation of the EVCPs in some parts of the District, he did not feel that it presented a significant reputational risk that warranted adding the project to the CRR. In terms of the project’s budget, the HFAM noted that the EVCP remained a relatively small project that was being monitored at a project level. It was confirmed that the individual project risk registers were available to view upon request. The HFAM noted that if a second lockdown were to occur, then this would have significant cost implications for the existing Splash facility that justified its continued inclusion on the register.
ii. Cllr P Grove Jones referred to the EVCP and asked if there was a specific reason that Stalham had not been included in the project. The Chairman suggested that it might be necessary to direct this question to the relevant Cabinet Portfolio holder, and asked if officers had and further details. The HFAM replied that this could have been as a result of the lower numbers that used the NNDC carpark in Stalham, though further EVCPs could be implemented in the future, depending on the success of the initial project. He added that supermarkets such as Tesco may also look to install their own EVCPs in the future.
iii. Cllr C Cushing referred to the Splash project and noted that if there were no further Covid related impacts, the CRR indicated that the associated risks were reducing whilst the project remained on budget, and asked if the HFAM could confirm this. The HFAM replied that some of the largest unknown financial risks of the project had arisen as a result of the groundworks, which had not been found despite the appropriate surveys being undertaken. As a result, now that the groundworks were complete and the construction was underway, there was less risk that the project would go over budget, unless Covid caused further issues.
iv. The Chairman asked if any further information could be provided on the Cromer Tennis Hub project that had been canceled and no longer appeared on the CRR. The HFAM replied that he had taken the project off the CRR as it had now formally been closed, with all outstanding issues addressed and the payments made outlined in the statement of accounts. It was reported that a position statement audit was being undertaken, in order to draw lessons from the project. It was noted that in the future, project boards would be run similar to a Cabinet Working Party that would allow for more accountable decision making to address previous issues. It was confirmed that the Tennis Hub position statement would be brought to the Committee once complete.
v. Cllr Angie Fitch-Tillett stated that despite issues with other project boards, the recent coastal protection projects had been delivered on time and on budget using the existing project board model.
vi. Cllr H Blathwayt asked whether the procurement of new waste vehicles should be included on the CRR. The HFAM replied that the procurement was complete with a budget in place so this did not present a current risk. It was known that there was a nine month lead-in time for the delivery of the vehicles that had likely been further delayed by Covid. It was reported that payments for the vehicles would be made in mid-October, and as such it did not present any immediate concerns necessitating its inclusion on the CRR.
To note the Corporate Risk Register.
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