Conditional approval.
The Interim Development Manager presented the report and referred to the slides that had previously been circulated to the Committee. He stated that the final paragraph on page 6 should read “In respect of housing mix and housing type HO6 of the core strategy requires that five or more dwellings …”. He confirmed that the applicant had now agreed to the required SAC payment of £50 per dwelling. He recommended the approval of this application as set out in the report.
The Interim Development Manager read a statement in support of this application from Brad Bamfield, a representative of the applicants, who was unable to attend the meeting.
The Democratic Services Manager informed the Committee that Councillor Mrs J Stenton, the local Member, had sent her apologies and had made no statement in respect of this application.
Councillor G Mancini-Boyle requested clarification with regard to the Parish Council’s concerns regarding access onto the lane.
The Interim Development Manager stated that it had been suggested that access should be through Holly House. However, the access had been approved previously in the position indicated, there had been no objection from the Highway Authority and the site allocation DPD also referred to access from Orchard Close as proposed.
Councillor N Pearce stated that he understood the concerns regarding the access and the hedge surrounding the site. However, he considered that overall this was a reasonably good proposal for a service village with a good mix of housing. He proposed approval of the application as recommended.
Councillor C Cushing seconded the proposal.
Councillor Mrs W Fredericks requested an assurance that the dwellings would be affordable for local people to buy.
The Interim Development Manager stated that the dwellings were not affordable housing as defined in the NPPF. There would be a mix of market dwellings. There was no requirement to provide affordable housing on this site as it was below the threshold.
Councillor Mrs Fredericks referred to a similar development in her Ward which had a mix of dwellings but they were not affordable for local people. She requested an explanation of the SAC payment.
The Interim Development Manager explained that it was payment towards Special Areas of Conservation to reduce the impact of visitor pressure on such areas.
Councillor P Heinrich considered that there was no reason to reject the application as permission had previously been granted for development on the site and the current application was almost identical except that it was a less crowded development.
Councillor Mrs A Fitch-Tillett gave the Committee further background on the SAC payment.
Councillor J Toye considered that it was disappointing that the proposal would not result in affordable housing given the reduced number of dwellings. However, he supported this application.
Councillor G Mancini-Boyle considered that although the lack of affordable housing was disappointing, there was a possibility that the dwellings would be available for first time buyers.
The Chairman expressed concern regarding the hedge.
The Development Manager explained that the Landscape Officer was content that the condition to retain the hedge at 3 metres was adequate.
RESOLVED by 12 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That this application be approved in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning.
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