Agenda item

North Norfolk District Council's actions in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic













































































Options considered:

This report details the actions taken by North Norfolk District Council in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic at a strategic, local and organisational level over the period September - November 2020.


This includes:-


  • monitoring and responding to local cases of COVID in the District, whilst continuing to support large numbers of visitors to the District during September and October, whilst local rates of infection / transmission remained low through maintaining our “You are Welcome” reassurance programme.
  • maintaining social distancing measures and hand washing facilities so as to create and maintain safe, attractive town centre and seafront environments and working with our cleansing contract partner, SERCO, to maintain high frequency of toilet cleansing, beach and foreshore cleansing
  • regular “fogging” of “high-touch” surfaces within the District Council’s public conveniences, playgrounds, car park machines, foreshore shelters and on Cromer Pier to reduce the potential transmission of Coronavirus
  • high frequency cleaning and regular fogging of the Council’s offices at Cromer and Fakenham to operate a “safe” working environment for District Council and DWP staff
  • Securing £330,000 through the Norfolk Tourism Sector Support Programme to support increased cleansing of key tourist areas in the District; development, promotion and appraisal of applications for a North Norfolk tourism adaptation grant scheme to promote investment which diversifies / extend the visitor season and promotion of the District to key markets throughout 2021.
  • Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 31st October that there would be an all-England lockdown for the period 5th November – 2nd December to suppress rapidly rising rates of infection, the Council has stepped up its community support arrangements for vulnerable people and put in place arrangements to administer a further £5.2 million of Local Restriction Support Grants to local businesses which have had to cease trading during the lockdown
  • continued to work with a range of partners to provide housing advice and support to people facing housing difficulties and is currently accommodating 48 households in temporary accommodation pending securing permanent accommodation
  • administering Test and Trace payments on behalf of the Government for people on low incomes who are required to self-isolate because of a positive COVID test or through close contact with a person with a positive test result
  • continued to support twice weekly mobile testing facilities on Council car parks in Cromer and Fakenham
  • continued to participate in regular meetings of the Norfolk Health Protection Board and Norfolk Health Engagement Board arrangements which are monitoring, reviewing and responding to local outbreaks of Coronavirus in the county and by working with partners in Winter Preparedness arrangements – including discussions around mass testing and vaccination programmes in the months ahead.


The report details the Council’s actions in the current phase of the Coronavirus pandemic during the period September – December 2020.  Actions taken are outlined in the report.





The report details the actions taken by the District Council during the period September - December in the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, including supporting our local communities and businesses during the second all-England lockdown and working with partners to prepare plans for mass testing and vaccination programmes in early 2021.











Reasons for



Cabinet is asked to note and comment upon the Council’s actions during the period September - December in supporting communities and businesses across North Norfolk during the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the second period of national lockdown; and in preparing for mass vaccination programmes in the first quarter of 2021.


To inform corporate learning from experience gained through the earlier phases of the pandemic, and preparedness to respond to local incidences of COVID in the next few months, as well as preparations to support the local delivery of mass vaccination programmes during the first quarter of 2021.


Cabinet Member(s)


Cllr Sarah Butikofer,

Leader of the Council

Ward(s) affected



Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive


Tel:- 01263 516232




The Leader, Cllr S Butikofer, introduced this item. She said that there had been two outbreaks 10 days earlier which had led to a spike in numbers. This was in a contained setting and the numbers were now stable. That said, there had been a small increase in the last 48 hours which the Council was currently investigating. Covid Support Officers had been deployed across the District to assist with adherence to Government guidance. She then updated Members on the latest grant payment figures. For the Local Restrictions Support grant, 2781 applications had been processed, paying out £3.929m (75% of the funding received from Government).


The Leader concluded by saying that the Christmas opening times of the local testing sites in Cromer and Fakenham were now available on the Council’s website.


It was proposed by Cllr S Butikofer, seconded by Cllr R Kershaw and




To note and comment upon the Council’s actions during the period September - December in supporting communities and businesses across North Norfolk during the current phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the second period of national lockdown; and in preparing for mass vaccination programmes in the first quarter of 2021.


Reason for the decision:


To inform corporate learning from experience gained through the earlier phases of the pandemic, and preparedness to respond to local incidences of COVID in the next few months, as well as preparations to support the local delivery of mass vaccination programmes during the first quarter of 2021.

Supporting documents: