Agenda item

Sheringham Leisure Centre Project Update: January 2021

To receive and note the Sheringham Leisure Centre Project Update.


Cllr V Gay – Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Wellbeing introduced the report and thanked officers for including the additional financial details. Apologies were given that Metnor were not able to attend to provide an update themselves, though a visual presentation of progress would be provided by the PPM. It was noted that the timescale and budget of the project remained unchanged from December. Cllr V Gay referred to the issues log, and noted that Metnor had taken great efforts to ensure the site remained free of infection to continue work on site. She added that no new issues had been identified, and as a result of the November lockdown surveys had been carried out on the existing facility, with no concerns raised. It was noted that the advent of a third lockdown meant that a further evaluation of an early demolition would be undertaken, with the results to be presented at the next meeting. Cllr V Gay stated that the additional financial information showed committed spend, and that the current overspend had not changed. She added that the project was approximately halfway though in terms of cost, and in relation to comments on communications, there was more up to date information available on the website.


Questions and Discussion


   i.          The Chairman asked whether the £136k overspend meant that the contingency funds had been spent. Cllr V Gay stated that it was her impression that the contingencies were contained within the overspend and would not amount to an increased overspend. The Chairman sought clarification on whether the overspend was in addition to the existing contingency funds. The ADSG stated that the contingency funds were currently at £33.5k and £50k, and were still being drawn upon. It was noted that if any contingency remained at the end of the project then they could be used to offset the overspend, however it was anticipated that they would be spent.


  ii.          Cllr N Housden asked for clarification on the current stage of construction, to which Cllr V Gay replied that the project remained on track for an August completion. Cllr N Housden asked whether the budgeted cost for demolition of the existing site could be included in the next report.


iii.          It was noted that a draft financial reporting spreadsheet had been prepared by Cllr N Housden, and this would be reviewed by officers in time for the next meeting.


iv.          A visual presentation of progress including a time-lapse video of construction was presented by the PPM. It was reported that significant progress had been made, and it was anticipated that the building would be watertight by the end of January.


 v.          Cllr N Pearce noted that there appeared to be good adherence to health and safety on site and praised Metnor for their efforts.


vi.          Cllr J Rest referred to underwater cameras that had been mentioned during the design phase of the project, and asked whether these would still be included. The ADSG stated that these would be included and would supplement the work of lifeguards to minimise risk and support investigations, if any incidents were to occur.




1.     To note the report.




1.     Officers to review use and inclusion of example Excel spreadsheet provided for improved budget monitoring.


2.     To request that demolition cost estimates of the existing Splash site be included in the next update.



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