The Development Management Team Leader presented the report and referred to the slide presentation that had been supplied to the Committee. She reported that a further representation had been received and circulated to the Committee, which raised concerns regarding the failure to build the full width of the site, reduction in car parking, substation construction and failure to use the approved bricks. As a correction to the report, she stated that there would be a shortfall of two car parking spaces, with 10 proposed in the current application whereas there were 12 spaces in the approved scheme. She understood that a letter in support of the application had been sent to the Committee by the applicant’s agent. She recommended refusal as set out in the report.
Public speakers
Stephen Pegg – Sheringham Town Council
Bernard Smith – objecting
Debi Sherman – supporting
Councillor Mrs L Withington reiterated the concerns raised by the Town Council and local residents. The Burlington was the only building of its type left in Sheringham and it was important to retain its ethos. She had received a number of concerns that this building could end up in the same state as the Shannocks, which had been a blot on the landscape for many years. She urged that this matter be resolved in a way that retained the integrity of the building.
Councillor P Heinrich considered that there was no real clarity as to why the new steel sections had not been built according to the approved plans. He asked if it was known if the original builders had followed those plans, and why the current developers could not remediate any faulty work and return to the original designs. The current proposals presented significant changes to the approved design, which the Conservation and Design Team considered were unacceptable and damaging to the Conservation Area. He considered that the public benefit of completing the build and returning the building to use did not outweigh the design issues, and that the report and its conclusions were clear. He proposed refusal in accordance with the recommendation of the Assistant Director for Planning.
Councillor N Lloyd seconded the proposal.
Councillor R Kershaw commended the officers for the work they had put into the report. He considered that the Burlington was a very important building and did not wish to see it go the same way as the Shannocks. He could not understand why the approved plans had not been followed and could not see any demerit in them. He appreciated the need for housing, but supported the Officer’s recommendation.
Councillor A Yiasimi stated that the Committee wanted to see the building used, but works had to be carried out in the appropriate way and within the policy framework.
Councillor T FitzPatrick stated that he had missed part of the presentation and discussion due to a power cut and would therefore abstain from voting on this matter.
RESOLVED by 12 votes to 0 with 1 abstention
That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Assistant Director for Planning.
The Assistant Director of Planning stated that this was a part retrospective matter. He understood Members’ comments with regard to bringing the building back into use. A number of options would be pursued with the applicant, with the intention of bringing about the best possible outcome for the building and the wider community. Members would be kept updated on this matter.
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