Agenda item

Project Governance & Management Framework







Options considered:

This report seeks to outline new project governance and management processes.  The proposal seeks to satisfy recommendations made within recent audit reports and reflect responsibilities of various officers within the new management structure.


Various options for improvements to Project Management and governance were considered as part of the proposal to form a Corporate Delivery Unit (CDU). These proposals were discussed by the Senior Leadership Team and Cabinet whose comments and steer have culminated in this paper.





The proposals provide a robust framework for improved project management across the Council and aim to satisfy recent audit recommendations. Supported by clear governance and reporting processes the proposal offers a solid foundation for moving forward, whilst also providing flexibility to refine and improve further as the process evolves. Training will be provided to officers and members on the process once approved.



















Reasons for



1.    To approve the project management and governance processes detailed within this report.

2.    To agree to establish a Cabinet Working Party to oversee key projects that form the delivery of the Corporate Plan, making recommendations to Cabinet as and when required and to agree the Terms of Reference for the Working Party as outlined on page 5 of the report

3.    That the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Working Party be dissolved, with oversight of the project now being undertaken by the Cabinet Working Party for Key projects


The Council recognises the need to improve and formalise Project Management practice across the Council.  The proposal will satisfy Audit recommendations NN2001 Project Management.



Cabinet Member(s)

Sarah Butikofer


Ward(s) affected

Potentially All


Contact Officer, telephone number and email:

Steve Blatch, Chief Executive

Tel:- 01263 516232; Email:-






1.     To approve the project management and governance processes detailed within this report.

2.     To agree to establish a Cabinet Working Party to oversee key projects that form the delivery of the Corporate Plan, making recommendations to Cabinet as and when required and to agree the Terms of Reference for the Working Party as outlined on page 5 of the report

3.     That the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Working Party be dissolved, with oversight of the project now being undertaken by the Cabinet Working Party for Key projects




The Chief Executive introduced this item. He explained that a new project management and governance framework had been developed following receipt of a number of Internal Audit Position Papers and reports prepared during 2019 and 2020. In August 2020, the Chief Executive proposed the creation of a Corporate Delivery Unit (CDU) to improve project governance and management across the Council. He then outlined the process for the management of projects and explained that they would be divided into categories for large, medium and small projects. Large projects are those that aimed to directly deliver the Corporate Plan. They would involve multiple stakeholder and required corporate sign off and an allocated lead member. There would be a themed panel for overview and scrutiny which would monitor and review these projects as they progressed.


He concluded by saying that the proposals aimed to provide a workable framework for improved project management across the organisation. The clear governance and reporting processes would ensure a solid foundation going forwards whilst also offering the flexibility to refine and improve as projects came forward.


Cllr V Gay said that she was supportive of the recommendations. She welcomed the separation of power throughout the project management process. She added that large projects required a great deal of support – from both within and outside the Council and she felt that these proposals facilitated this. She thanked everyone associated with the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Working Party for their hard work and input to date.


Cllr A Fitch-Tillett said that she had been involved as Portfolio Holder for two successful multi-million pound schemes that had been delivered on time and within budget. She felt that some less successful projects may not have faltered if this proposed framework had been in place.


Cllr G Hayman said that there had been previous projects that had not been successful and it was important to learn how and why these had failed. He asked if match-funding was withdrawn from a project, whether there would be an opportunity for the Council to walk away from it without repercussions. He also asked whether projects could be ‘insulated’ from the personal interests of both officers and members. The Chief Executive replied that the Council needed to balance ambition with strong governance and this framework sought to achieve the difficult balance between delivering ambition and managing risk.


Cllr C Cushing said that he felt the framework was positive overall. He wanted reassurance regarding the tracking of projects and ensuring that they were achieving what they set out to do. He said that most project management frameworks were based on a ‘gating’ system. This meant that the funding was released in tranches as each stage of the project progressed and the business case was reviewed. He sought reassurance that gating milestones would be implemented. The Chief Executive agreed that this was the pathway that would be followed. A detailed business case would be drawn up and scoped and the relevant risks would be identified within a ‘gating’ system.


Cllr N Dixon said that he was supportive of the proposals. He sounded caution about seeing them as a ‘silver bullet’ though. It was important not to be under any illusion that medium and large projects could be delivered without problems and challenges and the Council needed to be mindful of this.


Cllr L Shires said that she welcomed the political balance element of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels.

The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments. He said that there could also be a role for local members during the early stages of a project proposal as they would be able to indicate whether it was likely to be supported within the community.


It was proposed by Cllr V Gay, seconded by Cllr A Fitch-Tillett and




1.     To approve the project management and governance processes detailed within this report.

2.     To agree to establish a Cabinet Working Party to oversee key projects that form the delivery of the Corporate Plan, making recommendations to Cabinet as and when required and to agree the Terms of Reference for the Working Party as outlined on page 5 of the report

3.     That the North Walsham Heritage Action Zone Working Party be dissolved, with oversight of the project now being undertaken by the Cabinet Working Party for Key projects



Supporting documents: