Options considered: |
All public authorities are required to publish one or more equality objectives, at least every four years, which they think should help them to meet the aims of the Public Sector Equality Duty. In addition the Equality Act 2010 requires that people be treated fairly at work or when using services. The Equality strategy sets out the Council’s commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and four key equality objectives which the Council will seek to deliver against over the next four years.
The Council is legally required to publish its Equality objectives and it has been considered that the best way to do this is in the form of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.
To recommend to Full Council the formal adoption of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-2025
Reasons for Recommendations:
To recommend to Full Council the formal adoption of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-2025
The Council is legally required to publish its Equality objectives and it has been considered that the best way to do this is in the form of an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. The Strategy will need to be formally adopted by Full Council
(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere)
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Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected – all |
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Karen Hill, Assistant Director of People Services, 01263 516183,
The ADPS introduced the item and informed Members that the Council was required to update its equality objectives at least every four years, to meet the aims of the public sector equality duty. She added that the draft Strategy included four new objectives, in addition to a number of commitments to ensure that the Council treated people fairly as a community leader, service provider, and employer. It was noted that the Council had also approved a number of motions that demonstrated a wider interest and concern on matters relating to equality, diversity and inclusion, which had been adopted as part of the Strategy. The ADPS stated that the next step in developing the Strategy would be to undertake a public consultation and develop an action plan that would be updated annually. She added that a self-assessment against the LGA’s Equalities Framework would also be completed to help to establish the Council’s current position, alongside data from the 2021 Census. It was noted that the Strategy would also be supported by other initiatives, such as the Engagement Strategy, the Customer Services Strategy and the Quality of Life Strategy.
Questions and Discussion
i. The Chairman sought clarification on whether the draft document was a Strategy or Policy and noted that there had been several references to both throughout the development process. He added that it was his expectation that a Policy document should be clear on the expectations and principles of the Authority, as well clearly expressing the culture of the organisation.
ii. Cllr G Mancini-Boyle referred to page 61, and noted that he was pleased to see that his motion regarding the adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism had been included in the draft document. He noted the time it had taken to receive the draft, and suggested that efforts should be made to avoid similar delays in the future.
iii. Cllr W Fredericks referred to employment application forms, and asked whether there were any plans to exclude gender titles or age from the application process to focus on skills. The HRM stated that this was an important issue, however the Council still used physical application forms, which meant that removing this data would present a challenge for equalities monitoring until an electronic application system was implemented. He added that whilst these changes were under consideration, there were checks and balances in place within the recruitment process to ensure that these concerns did not become an issue.
iv. Cllr C Cushing stated that the draft document appeared to contain several actions that would not usually be contained within a Policy document, and noted that Policy should be used to outline the rules and expectations of an organisation. He then noted that other Councils in Norfolk would have their own policies, and asked whether there was a standard template available in the public sector. The ADPS replied that there was not a standard template, though she had reviewed documents from neighbouring authorities, and noted that a Working Group had reviewed examples from across the country to identify useful examples. In response to comments on the format of the document as either a Policy or Strategy, the ADPS stated that she felt a Policy did not adequately demonstrate the Council’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. She added that subsequent policies would outline expectations for staff and service users, and noted that equality objectives did not fit well within a Policy document. It was noted that the draft document went beyond statutory obligations, which better suited a Strategy with a wider remit, that contained additional commitments identified within the Corporate Plan. Cllr C Cushing noted that there was a statutory requirement to update the Policy every four years, which was separate to developing a Strategy to deliver objectives, and mixing the two had created a confusing document, that had delayed delivering a Policy.
v. Cllr A Brown referred to the gender pay gap review identified on page 62, and asked when the outcome of the review would be known, and whether this would outline the extent of the issue. The ADPS replied that this information was available on the Council’s website, though it did not outline the efforts taken to address the gender pay gap. It was noted that there was further work required to determine whether the actions taken were adequate to address the issues. In the absence of the HRM as a result of a fire drill, Cllr A Brown requested that written reply be given on the efforts made to address the gender pay gap at NNDC.
vi. Cllr P Heinrich stated that whilst he did not have an issue with the contents of the document as a means for implementing Policy, he could not see a clearly outlined set of policy statements, which he felt were crucial to understanding the Policy itself. The ADPS replied that more work was required to determine whether Members sought a Policy or Strategy document. The Chairman stated that a replacement Policy was required, that would be underpinned by strategies and action plans, that included clear SMART objectives as opposed to aspirations.
vii. Cllr L Withington stated that there was confusion as to whether the document contained Strategy or Policy, and noted it should be seen as an encompassing umbrella document, that should be reflected in all activities of the Council. She added that it was therefore important to get the document right, with a separate clear Policy Statement. The ADSP agreed that a clear statement of intent was required, and this could be developed as work continued.
viii. Cllr E Seward stated that in listening to comments, he accepted that there was a clear need to separate a Policy Statement from the Strategy, and added that in his experience, successful implementation of the Policy was crucial. He then referred to comments on blind application forms, and stated that certain data could be removed for applicant shortlisting. Cllr E Seward stated that he did regret the length of time it had taken to develop the draft document, and whilst the Pandemic had diverted resources, it would not have been acceptable under normal circumstances.
ix. The Chairman referred to the Working Group that had helped to develop the document, and sought assurances that their input would be incorporated into the document, as well as giving consideration to a wider staff consultation. He added that the self-assessment would also be a worthwhile exercise, and expected that it would help to further improve the document.
x. The Chairman stated that on the basis of comments made, it would likely not be appropriate to approve the draft document without altering the wording of the recommendation. The DSGOS advised that the recommendation could be altered to approve the document, subject to amendment in relation to the comments made during the meeting. The Chairman requested that the recommendation also included reference to the further stages of development, such as the self-assessment exercise.
xi. The recommendation as amended was proposed by Cllr C Cushing and seconded by Cllr G Mancini-Boyle.
1. To recommend that the Strategy, or Policy, is progressed through the next stages of development, subject to the consideration of amendments suggested by the Committee.
1. That a written response is provided to the Committee on the efforts being taken to address the gender pay gap at NNDC.
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