Conditional approval.
The Development Management Team Leader presented the report. He recommended approval of this application as set out in the report.
Public Speaker
Ed Plumb (supporting)
Councillor N Dixon, a local Member, stated that he was satisfied with the operational case outlined by the applicant but was unconvinced as to why the building had to be located in this particularly sensitive site. He considered that further exploration was needed with regard to other options on land owned by the applicant. He stated that any landscaping would take many years to mature and its future maintenance was another issue. He considered that this was a finely balanced matter but fully supported the objections raised by the Broads Authority and the Parish Council.
Councillor G Mancini-Boyle, a local Member, also considered that this matter was finely balanced but the applicant had reduced the size of the building and altered its appearance, and planting was not a problem. The site was in the AONB and in an area that was attractive to walkers. He accepted that there was no highway objection, however the Parish Council had objected and there were a number of public objections. He stated that he would hear the Committee’s view before making up his mind on this matter.
Councillor Mrs A Fitch-Tillett reminded the Committee that it was important to support local farmers, particularly at the present time. She commended the applicant’s attempts to mitigate the impact of the building. She stated that it was also important to take into account the Council’s declaration of climate emergency and this proposal would cut the applicant’s carbon footprint. She proposed the approval of this application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.
Councillor A Varley stated that the narrow country lane was well used by walkers. There was a need to support agricultural business in the wake of Brexit and the proposal would not generate a great amount of agricultural traffic. He acknowledged that there were mitigating factors and the applicant had worked with the Planning Officers, but he remained undecided on this finely balanced application.
Councillor P Heinrich stated that modern farming required modern buildings and the applicant knew best as to what would suit his business model and operation needs. He considered that the building would be shielded from Irstead and from the car park by an existing tree belt, although the proposed landscaping would take time to establish depending on species. Farming was one of the fundamentals of the local economy and should be supported, and he could not see any issues with the proposal and mitigations. He seconded the proposal to approve this application.
Councillor N Lloyd appreciated that the applicant had worked hard to amend the proposal. He took on board the Broads Authority’s objections, but noted that there was a robust planting scheme associated with the proposal and he was pleased that the proposal would result in carbon reduction.
Councillor A Yiasimi supported this application as there was a need to support the farming industry.
The Chairman noted that there was an existing field entrance so agricultural vehicles already used the lane.
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved in accordance with the recommendation of the Assistant Director for Planning.
Supporting documents: