This report provides an outline of the upcoming public engagement approach for the Western Extension.
1. To approve the approach to public engagement on the emerging principles in the Western Extension Development Brief, and;
2. That delegated authority is given to the Planning Policy Manager on the final timing and content of the engagement material following consultation with the Chair of the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Group and North Walsham Members. |
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Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Stuart Harrison, Senior Planning Officer – Planning Policy Team. 01263 516308.
The Senior Planning Officer (SH) presented an update on the work on the Development Brief for the North Walsham Western Extension and the proposed consultation website.
The Chairman and Members of the Working Party praised the Officers for the work that had been carried out to date.
Councillor G Mancini-Boyle asked if Officers could foresee any negative issues or had any negative comments.
The Planning Policy Manager stated that the proposals would not be universally supported and there had been some local concerns. However, there was acceptance that the basic premise behind the scheme was sound, given that the options elsewhere were limited. At this stage it was necessary to prove the concept to some local residents and Town Council Members who considered that their issues had not been properly addressed. This was the start of two rounds of public consultation which would show the Council’s initial thoughts on the proposals and seek opinion on them from the wider public. The document would then be reviewed and a further version produced for public consultation along with the next stage of consultation on the Local Plan. He considered that there would be many challenges as it was a major proposal which would take many years to develop. Whilst it was hoped there would be a great deal of support, it was accepted that there were many people who were yet to be convinced by the proposals, and concern was being expressed from further afield with regard to the impact of the proposals, such as increased traffic through Coltishall.
Councillor P Heinrich welcomed the report and wished to place on record his thanks to the Senior Planning Officer and Planning Policy Manager for their work and the progress that had been made. He stated that he had received no adverse feedback from organisations in the town regarding routing etc. and he considered that the consultation was crucial in bringing the majority of people on board. It was essential that the overall design and concept met the needs of North Walsham. He had concerns regarding the impact of traffic routing and Coltishall would bear the brunt of it. He considered that the vision statement was very good and along with the core themes provided a very sound basis to move forward in a positive way. He hoped that the development brief would be a national exemplar of good practice.
Councillor C Stockton stated that many of the issues that people were concerned about were outside the control of the Council, such as infrastructure in terms of doctors’ surgeries, dentists and schools and there was a need to involve providers in order to remove that criticism. Lack of jobs was another issue which frequently caused concern, and whilst it was good that the report mentioned job opportunities and employment, it was another area over which the Council had limited control.
Councillor N Lloyd, as local Member, stated that most of his comments had been covered. He supported Councillor Stockton’s comments and stated that there was a perception that the town was being expanded and there were not enough dentists. The view that there were not enough school places was incorrect and this should be made very clear in the consultation. Concerns had also been expressed with regard to doctors’ surgeries and jobs. He considered that such criticisms were to be expected. He considered that the consultation proposals were very good and thanked the Officers for their work.
Councillor Ms V Gay considered that Officers had been sympathetic to the concerns of local Members and were well aware of some of the underlying concerns of North Walsham residents. She considered that concerns regarding medical provision had been expressed across the District and the situation was worsening.
The Chairman and Portfolio Holder thanked the Senior Planning Officer and his team for their excellent work.
It was proposed by Councillor P Heinrich, seconded by Councillor Ms V Gay and
RECOMMENDED unanimously
1. That the approach to public engagement on the emerging principles in the Western Extension Development Brief be approved, and;
2. That delegated authority is given to the Planning Policy Manager on the final timing and content of the engagement material following consultation with the Chair of the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Group and North Walsham Members.
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