Agenda item

Managing Performance Quarter 1 2021/2022













Options considered:

The Managing Performance Report attached, as Appendix A, will enable the Council to assess delivery against objectives detailed in the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan 2019-2023 and operational service performance. It gives an overview of progress towards achieving the objectives in the Corporate Plan, assesses the impact that Covid-19 has had on both these aspects of Council performance, and the actions being taken to address these issues and proposes any further action needed.


Options considering action regarding performance are presented separately, issue by issue, to the appropriate Council Committee where committee approval is required.





With the first six months of 2021 subject to extended national COVID lockdowns and restrictions, Coronavirus has continued to have a significant impact on the Council’s capacity and ability to achieve all of the objectives in the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan 2019-2023.  However, good progress has been made towards the refined list of objectives as agreed by Cabinet at its meeting of the 5th October 2021 during the period April – June 2021 as the Council and other bodies seek to rebuild and recover from the response phase of the pandemic.








Reasons for



That Cabinet resolves to note this report and endorses the actions being taken by Corporate Leadership Team detailed in Appendix A – Managing Performance.


To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved.


Cabinet Member(s)

Cllr Sarah Bütikofer

Ward(s) affected



Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Steve Blatch, Chief Executive


Tel:- 01263 516232



Cllr S Bütikofer – Leader of the Council introduced the report and informed Members that there had been significant progress made on the Corporate Plan objectives, despite the continued efforts required to respond to Covid-19.


Questions and Discussion


       i.          Cllr C Cushing challenged the validity of aspects of the reporting, and suggested that too many green RAG ratings had been given without justification and little reference to project timeframes. He added that sixteen objectives had also been deferred by periods of up to a year, but there was no reference to this within the report. It was noted that there were also eight actions with past due dates, where red RAG ratings had not been listed and no justification provided. Cllr Cushing noted that he had also found examples of commentary that had not been updated from previous reports, and therefore stated that if only positive news was being reported, then it defeated the object. Cllr Bütikofer replied that whilst she had listened to concerns, she did not agree that only good news was being reported. She added that report represented a point in time three months ago, and since this time significant progress had been made. Cllr S Bütikofer accepted that improvements could be made to the report, and said that it was  under review.


      ii.          The CE stated that whilst he did not feel that Cllr Cushing’s comments were inappropriate, several objective deadlines had been changed to reflect the decision to re-prioritise the Corporate Plan on 5th October 2020. He added that this reflected a degree of honesty in what was achievable, given the impact of responding to Covid-19. It was agreed that acknowledging this more clearly within the report would be helpful. The CE noted that an update was also being prepared on wider progress made outside of the eighteen key objectives agreed by Cabinet, such as work on the Housing Strategy, which would be reported in October.


     iii.          Cllr C Cushing suggested that it would be helpful to include baseline objective completion dates in addition to the updated deadlines, in order to monitor how objectives had been delayed to apply context. The CE confirmed that he was happy to adjust reporting to reflect the changes in objective deadlines. He added that some projects such as the implementation of Policies or Strategies, were an ongoing process that did not warrant a specific completion date.


    iv.          Cllr V Holliday raised the issue of benchmarking, and stated that LG Inform could be used to provide data for comparative analysis on issues such as household recycling rates. The CE replied that whilst this service was available, it would be difficult to find direct comparisons to NNDC, as several similar authorities had become Unitaries. He added that NNDC could make comparisons with neighbouring authorities, though Members would need to take into account the different priorities between Councils. These would include NNDC’s high number of public conveniences, blue flag beaches, retained leisure services and other discretionary services. Cllr Bütikofer stated that whilst comparison would be difficult, she hoped there would be some areas where comparisons and benchmarking data could be provided.


      v.          Cllr J Toye stated that whilst discussion had focused on how performance was being reported, it was important to recognise that improvements were being made, and that objectives were being achieved. Cllr L Withington added that there were many instances in the report where explanations had been given for delays, and that despite the ongoing impact of Covid-19, progress was being made on objectives.


    vi.          It was proposed by Cllr C Cushing and seconded by Cllr A Brown that consideration be given to including baseline completion dates alongside updated objective deadlines, and that benchmarking data is included in the report, where possible.




1.     To note the report and endorse the actions being taken by Corporate Leadership Team detailed in Appendix A – Managing Performance.


2.     To recommend to CLT that consideration is given to including baseline  completion dates alongside updated objective deadlines, and that benchmarking data is included in the report, where possible.




1.     That ongoing consideration is given to improving the format and presentation of the performance report data.


Supporting documents: