Summary: |
This report provides an overview of progress made in implementing agreed audit recommendations due for completion within the period covered by this report.
Progress continues to be made in addressing audit recommendations.
It is recommended that the Committee notes management action taken to date regarding the delivery of audit recommendations.
Contact Officer, telephone number, and e?mail: |
Faye Haywood, Head of Internal Audit for North Norfolk DC 01508 533873,
The HIA introduced the report and informed Members that it provided details of all audit recommendations that had not been implemented and signed-off within the required timeframe. She added that appendix 1 provided the status and overall picture of outstanding recommendations, whilst appendix 2 related to important or urgent outstanding recommendations. It was noted that revised timeframes and a management explanation was provided for outstanding recommendations. The HIA stated that recommendations relating to the Project Management framework and Cromer Tennis Hub project represented a more significant risk to the Council, and it was difficult to close these recommendations down without evidence to show implementation of the recommendations in practice. It was suggested that a more pragmatic approach would be to review available documentation to determine whether the recommendations could be signed-off, rather than waiting for examples to be provided.
Questions and Discussion
i. Cllr C Cushing referred to long outstanding recommendations on p45 and asked whether any update was available. The DFC referred to the outstanding recommendation NN1807 on updating the processes used within Environmental Health, and stated that implementation of a new system called RIAMS would provide access to a range of services and a library of procedures. He added that this would provide automatic updates to procedures to ensure that they remained up to date, as well as creating notifications of these changes. It was noted that team plans would need to be linked to the system to ensure that RIAMS provided a single point of information, which would allow the recommendation to be signed-off. The DFC referred to recommendation NN1914 on the publishing of licensing registers currently completed using Northgate Assure system. He added that this software provided the ability to publish licenses in real-time, though this aspect of the system did not link with the NNDC website or comply with existing connectivity that would impact the Council’s accessibility rating. It was stated that officers sought to publish the license register as a PDF on the NNDC website in the coming weeks, that would effectively resolve the issue until a live register could be published via the Northgate system.
ii. The Chairman asked whether the revised due dates would be achievable, to which the HIA confirmed that they were realistic.
iii. Cllr C Cushing referred to the outstanding recommendation NN1803 relating to procedure notes on the land charges service. The DSGOS replied that the responsible officer had provided an update that the Team were in the process of producing procedure notes for the local land charge service, and whilst there were delays caused by resource limitations, it was hoped this would be complete by the year end.
iv. The Chairman asked whether it would be possible to include names of the responsible officers on the follow-up report. The CBM replied that she would be working with officers to ensure that recommendations were implemented as soon as possible, and that the information provided was improved. The HIA added that she would need to confirm with officers whether they would be comfortable for their names to be included in the report.
v. Cllr C Cushing asked how many projects were in progress at the Council in total, to which the HIA replied that she did not have this information, but would include it in future reports.
vi. Cllr P Heinrich referred delayed due dates and asked officers what confidence they had that these would be achieved, particularly those due in December. The HIA replied that she was comforted by the level of support and focus being applied to each recommendation, and the InPhase system made following these up easier. She added that improved coordination between officers, Internal Audit and the CDU gave her confidence that the number of outstanding recommendations would be reduced by December.
vii. Cllr L Withington referred to comments made on requiring evidence to ensure that recommendations had been implemented, and asked whether evidence of the project framework implementation would be sought when reviewing the Reef project. The HIA confirmed that she would be seek evidence of the project management framework and other controls when reviewing the project.
To note the management actions taken to date regarding the delivery of audit recommendations.
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